File index of SND: Dance (XM)

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 09-03-1999 1010 Kb. 0
Boom Bass Records  presents:
│ Title   : 1998 Yearmix           |
│ Composer: Mind Bliss             |
│ Style   : Dance / Trance         |
│                                  |
│  One big dancemix with 7 tracks  |
│  1. ROOS - Instant Moments       |
│  2. The Freestylers - Ruffneck   |
│  3. Storm - Storm                |
│  4. Da Hool - Loveparade '98     |
│  5. Sceezer - Tamagochi          |
│  6. Vengaboys - Up & Down        |
│  7. Klubbheads - Discohopping    |
│                                  |
│   XM/2.2mb/6:06m/16chns/67smps   |
Best wishes for 1999 4 everybody 
2 03-01-1999 261 Kb. 0
S ²°²Ss. $$S ²°²Ss. $$S ²°²Ss.
   $$$    $$$ $$$    $$$ $$$    $$$
   $$$ sasSs. $$$ sasSs. $$$ sasSs.
   $$$    $$$ $$$    $$$ $$$    $$$
   $$S sasS²' $$S sasS²' $$S    $$$
    ─────────────────────────── ²²²
     Boom Bass Records  presents:
 │ Title   : Hidden Faith           |
 │ Composer: Cenix                  |
 │ Style   : Demo/Dance             |
 │ Info    : Dance with some demo   |
 │           influences...          |
 │   XM/887kb/3:35m/22chns/14smps   |
3 20-01-1999 615 Kb. 0
Songname: Crossroad
Style : Dance
Realname: Carl Oscar Ejwertz
Alias/Pseudo: Challenger 
4 dancing!.zip 20-12-1998 208 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|   Dancing Together composed by Tragos  / 
|     Xm/369Kb/14Chn/11smp/160Bpm/Spd6     
|     └> Release Date 14 August 1995 <┘    
5 24-12-1998 793 Kb. 0
     __|   \  ___  ___   _________
;   /      : /   \/   \  \     ___
   /  /    |/          \__\    \   |
|  \_______.\____\/____/________\
;                                  ;
  Composer: Traxsta.............   |
  Title: I feel your pain.......
: Style: Dance..................
  Date: 25/11/97................   ;
|     XM []  S3M [ ]  EXE [ ]
      IT [ ]  DMF [ ]  COM [ ]
    Only DMS can samples combine   ;
  in a way that music turns divine
|                                  |
: Email:                 ; 
6 24-12-1998 360 Kb. 0
     __|   \  ___  ___   _________
;   /      : /   \/   \  \     ___
   /  /    |/          \__\    \   |
|  \_______.\____\/____/________\
;                                  ;
  Composer: Probe...............   |
  Title: Open Your Eyes (sunmix)
: Style: Dance..................
  Date: 30/09/97................   ;
|     XM []  S3M [ ]  EXE [ ]
      IT [ ]  DMF [ ]  COM [ ]
    Only DMS can samples combine   ;
  in a way that music turns divine
|                                  |
: Email:                 ; 
7 dtn-dtn!.zip 04-11-1998 374 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|     What Is Our Name? Done By Heretic  / 
|   Xm/747Kb/28Chn/150Bpm/Bizarre Release  
|   └> Release Date 10 September 1995  <┘  
Passed Datura A Long Time Ago 
8 27-12-1998 474 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|                              /_________/ 
|       . S E T . Y O U . F R E E .        
|     a fine dance remix of cmd's compo    
|   track for biz'95. only took da vocals  
|      the track was 100% rewritten by     
|        <^\∙-> D Y N A M I X <-∙/^>        
9 08-11-1998 273 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|         I.W.K.D.T.K.O.T by Dynamix     / 
|          XM/522kb/Dance/Bizarre Release  
|     └> Release Date 10 September 95 <┘   
10 30-06-1998 211 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|      "Justice" composed by  Heretic    / 
|     Xm/526Kb/20Chn/21smp/168Bpm/5m08s    
|     └> Release Date 28 August 1995 <┘    
─═■ Datura +31-77-3872195 ■═─ 
11 30-06-1998 376 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/   sF!  /-.
|          LIFE ANTHEM by DYNAMIX        / 
|     XM/740Kb/22Chn/18smp/174Bpm/3m20s    
|  ...... RELEASE DATE: 22-AUG-1995 ...... 
| features all dance clichés ya can imagine
12 30-06-1998 711 Kb. 0
No description found in archive 
13 30-06-1998 650 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/     sF!/-.
|                              /_________/ 
|         NO GOOD (START THE DANCE)        
|              '96 xm-remix by             
|       <_%^-> ·H·E·R·E·T·I·C· <-^%_>      
| (original song by the prodigy, of course)
14 30-06-1998 382 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/     sF!/-.
|                              /_________/ 
|      while everyone was on vacation      
|   dynamix litterally worked his ass off  
|     in belgium. this was so inspiring    
|   that he almost ended up remixing some  
|           stupid clouseau song           
|     almost, because this is something    
|        totally different - this is        
15 27-12-1998 618 Kb. 0
         ______::: ..........
________|__   /::: :::::::::::_______________
     ________/_::: :::::::::\     ____
\     \/       `::.::::::::::\     /       
 \          ____/d e s t i n y\___/        /
.-\________/---------------------/     sF!/-.
|                              /_________/ 
|         " won't you come to me? "        
|      a Bizarre '96 music competition     
|              contribution by             
|             . H E R E T I C .            
16 04-11-1998 420 Kb. 0
3AM - Back to Basic edit 
17 03-08-1998 725 Kb. 0
.        " the Walk "
.         by: Floppy
.            xm
.         HardDance
       - [25.03.1998] -
        - - - - - - -
             - - 
18 09-12-1999 813 Kb. 0
Nana '97 ceemix by Rou
Known dance numbers! [04:27] 
19 09-12-1999 316 Kb. 0
Logic presents: Songname: Call from darkness
Composer: Cosmic Trance ....
Style   : Dance / Demo .....
Comments: Takeover 99 house music entry 
20 09-12-1999 994 Kb. 0
Logic presents: Songname: Mental Confusion
Composer: Cyrex ............
Style   : Dance Demo .......
Comments: Ambience 99 House Music compo entry 
21 13-12-1998 327 Kb. 0
madnoise  records
 ▄▄████▀▄▄████▄▄   ▄▄████▄▄
▐██▀  ▀▐██▀  ▀██▌ ▐██▀  ▀██▌
▓██    ███    ▓██ ███  ░ ▓██
▓██ ░░ ███ ░░ ▓██ ▓██  ▒
▓██ ▒▒ ▓██ ▒▒ ▓██ ▓██  ▓▄▄▄
▓██ ▓▓ ▓██ ▓▓ ▓▓█ ▓██ ▄▀██
▄▄▄▄██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▓ █
█▓▓▓▀▀▀ ██▄▄▄▄█▓▓ ▀▀▀▓▓██▓░░
─ ░░ ─────── ▓▓ ────────────
░░   "drowning droplets"  ░░
      a new track by
    wout / Madnoise '97
▄ ─────────db─── ░░░░░░░ ─ ▄
▐▀▀▓▓█▄ ▄█▓▓▓█████▀▀▀▀▀████▀ 
22 13-12-1998 337 Kb. 0
madnoise  records
 ▄▄████▀▄▄████▄▄   ▄▄████▄▄
▐██▀  ▀▐██▀  ▀██▌ ▐██▀  ▀██▌
▓██    ███    ▓██ ███  ░ ▓██
▓██ ░░ ███ ░░ ▓██ ▓██  ▒
▓██ ▒▒ ▓██ ▒▒ ▓██ ▓██  ▓▄▄▄
▓██ ▓▓ ▓██ ▓▓ ▓▓█ ▓██ ▄▀██
▄▄▄▄██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▓ █
█▓▓▓▀▀▀ ██▄▄▄▄█▓▓ ▀▀▀▓▓██▓░░
─ ░░ ─────── ▓▓ ────────────
░░     "Mindserver"     ░░
      by Wout
    of Madnoise '97
▄ ─────────db─── ░░░░░░░ ─ ▄
▐▀▀▓▓█▄ ▄█▓▓▓█████▀▀▀▀▀████▀ 
23 30-06-1998 513 Kb. 0
│   ███    ██     ██       │Mushroom       │
│  █ █ █  █  █   █  █      │       Recordz │
│  █ █ █  █▐█    █▐█       │Proudly        │
│  █ █ █  █  █   █  █      │       Presents│
│  █ █ █  █   █  █   █     │Release # 21   │
│ Song Title   │ Summer in Denmark         │
│ Author(s)    │ MethoD                    │
│ Module Name  │ (mth)sid.xm               │
│ Style        │ Chartcore                 │
│ Release Date │ januari-1998              │
24 13-12-1998 456 Kb. 0
      |     |__  |
 -----| ||| |_/ /-------
|     |_| |_|____|      |
|                       |
|   MusicZone Presents  |
|      A New Release    |
|' Up To A Higher Level'|
|          By           |
|         Matal         |
| Style: Dance          |
| Bmp: 150              |
| Title: Up To A Higher |
| Artist: Matal         |
25 05-11-1998 2981 Kb. 0
pandemia music productions
musicdisk Confrontation
pack 3 / 5
floppy: "close to god"
frenzy: "step into my shadow"
lawb: "fuel&fire [freeze-edit]
harddance, 2 break/bigbeat
26 11-08-1998 175 Kb. 0
Project -X-]├─═─■┤─
    │ ▀███▀▀██▌ ▀██▌ ▐██▀ │
    │  ▐█▌  ▐█▌  ▐█▌ ▐█▌  │
    ■  ▐█▌  ▐█▌  ▐█▌ ▐█▌  ■
    │ ┬▐█▌┬▄██▌ ┬▐█▌┬▐█▌┬ │
    ▐═┼┼■┼┤     ├┼■┼┼┼■┼┼═▌
    │ ┴▐█▌┴     ┴▐█▌┴▐█▌┴ │
    ■  ▐█▌       ▐█▌ ▐█▌  ■
    │  ▐█▌       ▐█▌ ▐█▌  │
    │ ▄███▄     ▄██▌ ▐██▄ │
  ─├■─═─┤[Project -X-]├─═─■┤─
▌Creater :Ghost···············▐
▌ Title  :It's gnbee allright·▐
■ Time   :03:42·····Format:XM·■
▌ Bpm    :---·················▐
▌ Style  :Club/Dance··········▐
▌┌──∙─═══──┤[Info]├──═══─∙──┐ ▐
■│ It's again a rmx project.│ ■
▌│Cauze of the drum sequense│ ▐
▌│ bpm is ---.  Dolby [)(]  │ ▐
▌└──∙─══─────────────═══─∙──┘ ▐
27 20-12-1998 207 Kb. 0
    ░     ░  ░░▀███▌   ■   ▄
         ▄■   ▄▄▄▄▄  rave      ▀   ▄
    ▄▄██▀▓▄██▀▀▀▓█▌ beats int.  ▀▀█▓▀░░  ░
      ▀███▀      ▄▄    ▄▄▄     █▓▄▄▄▄
▄███▓▄ ▐█░░      ▐█ ▄▀▀▀▀██▄  ░░███▌  ▀▀███▄
█████▌ ▐█▌     ▄ ▐█▌      ██▌   ███ ▐▄▓█████
▓███▀░ ██▌   ▀   ██▓▄   ▄▄██   ▐███ ▀▀█████▓
▓▀▀▀▀ ▐███▄ at! ▀▀▀█████▓▀▀    ▀▀▀▓█▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▓
▓    ■▀▀                             ▀     ▓
▓       ■ Rave Beatz International ■       ▓
▓           ■ Proudly Presents ■           ▓
▓                                          ▓
▓             KERST MISSSS!!!!             ▓
▓( is thesame but withan error)▓
▓                By Rythem                 ▓
▓ ──────────────────────────────────────── ▓
▓    Style:    Length:   Size:   Rating:   ▓
▓                                          ▓
▓ ■ Dancelike  - 4:00  - 434Kb   -  80%  ■ ▓
▓                                          ▓
28 13-08-1998 279 Kb. 0
      ▐█▌ ▀▀ ▄▄█▓▓▄▄         ▀▀██▄
      ██▄▄▀▀▀▀█████▓█▄   ▄▄███▄ ▐█▌
 ▄██▄▐▀▀       █████▓█▌▄███▓███▀▀██▀ ▀
▀  ▀   ██    ▄███████████▓████   ▐█▌
▄██▄ ▀▀██▀▀████████▀▀ ▀██▓█████▄  ██
▀███▌  ▄▄      ▄     ▄  ▀▀▓█████████▌
 ██▀                    ▀    ▀▀███▀▀
▐█▀       GIVE YOURSELF    ▀▀   ▄▄
▄██▄        TO ME !!           ▐███▄
▐███▌                           ▀██
███▀  Dutch did it again...      ██▌
██▀▄  2min 35sec pure magick !  ▐▄██
▄▄█▀  Note: This is NOT a REMIX  ▀▀█
▀██▌                            ▄█▄
▐██  Looking for a sample-dude ██▀
 ██  by the way.. call us !   ██▌db
  ▀▄            ▀[14/05/97]▀ ▀▀▀ dutch
 -%[ JAM ZONE +31-[0]50-549-0252 ]%- 
29 09-12-1999 623 Kb. 0
Generation love - Dance [04:58] 
30 20-01-1999 299 Kb. 0
Songname: "The Way"
Style: Dance
Realname: Janne Gustafsson
Alias/Pseudo: ORiON 
31 20-12-1998 238 Kb. 0
  ▄  ▌████ ▀▀▀▀██▄▄    ▄███▀▀████▐████▀▀▀████
     ▌████ ███ ████  ▄▐███▌  ▐███▌▀▀▀▀ ■▐█▄██
 ▄    ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀   ▐▄███ ▒ ▐▒██▌ ThS  ▐▌██▌
 ▒   ▀▀▀▀ ▀▄▄▄▀▀▀   ░▐█▄██▄▄▄▓▀▒▀▌ Ht! ▐████
     ▌████ ▀▀▀▀██▄█      ▄   ▐█▄█▌     ▐ ██▌
  ■   ▄▄▄▄ ▀▀▀▄██▀█   ▄▄▄▄▄ ▐█▒██  ▀  ▐█▀██
     ▌████ ▄▄▄       ▐█████▄▄████     ▐█▄██
 ■ ▄ ▌ ▀██ ▄▄▄▄██ █   ▀▀▀▀▀      ■        ▄
   ▒ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄   An Excalibur Bizarre
 E ▓   ▄,:;'";:,     Producti0n  ▀`;.▄     E
 X ▓ .▀░▀     '           ■         ▀▓▀. ░ X
 C █  ";::  ░░▒▓▒ EXCALiBUR ▒▓▒▒░░  ::;" ▓ C
 A ▒                                     █ A
 L █   Name Song: Daily Addition         █ L
 i ▓    Composer: CucKoo                 ▓ i
 B ▒       Style: Dance                  ▒ B
 U ░                                     ░ U
 R ░     XM/429kb/3:49m/32chns/20smps    ░ R
   ▀ ▄                             ▄▄▄   ▀
    ▀▓▀  Release Date: 13/09/97  ▄█▀███▄▀
       ■ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ░ ▒█▄█ █▓ ░░
     [ . Entry for Biz'97 House . ▀█▄▀▀ ] 
32 20-12-1998 207 Kb. 0
 ▄▄▄▄    ▀░▀■  ▐█▀██    ▐█████ ■ ▄▄▄▄    ▀
▐████▀▀███▄   ▄ ██▄█▌   ▐████▌ ▐▒███▀▀██▀▓
▐█▒██  ▐██ ▌▄  ■ ▀███▄  ███▄█  ▐█▄█▌  ▐███ ░
▐█▀▒▀ ░ ███▄      ▄█▀▀██▄▓▀▀  ░░███ ░
▐██▄█▄▄▄██▄█ ░░ ▄█▀░▀██▓███▄■ ▐█▒██    ▄▓▄
▄▐███   ▄▄▄▄▄  ▐█▄█▄██▀███▀▄▄ ░▓███ ■   ▀
░▐███▓▄▄███ █  █ ███▀    ▀███▌ ▐▀▌█   ▄▄▄▄▄▓
   ▄  ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▐████▌  ▄   ▐█▀█▌▐▄██▓▄▄███▀█
 ■ ▒ ht!/ThS ▄█▄████▄▀▒▀  ▐████    ▄  ▀▀▀▀▀
   ▓   ▄.;:"             ▄██▓██▄ ":;.▄   ░
   ▓ .▀░▀                           ▀▓▀. ░
   █  ";::  ░░▒▓▒ EXCALiBUR ▒▓▒▒░░  ::;" ▓
   ▒                                     █
   █   Name Song: A-Ruption              █
   ▓    Composer: Alvak                  ▓
   ▒       Style: Hi-Tech Dance          ▒
   ░                                     ░
   ░     XM/370kb/4:24m/18chns/20smps    ░
   ▀ ▄                             ▄▄▄   ▀
    ▀▓▀  Release Date: 06/06/97  ▄█▀███▄▀
       ■ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ░ ▒█▄█ █▓ ░░
     [ Sounds weird,but very cewl ▀█▄▀▀ ] 
33 20-12-1998 282 Kb. 0
 ▄▄▄▄    ▀░▀■  ▐█▀██    ▐█████ ■ ▄▄▄▄    ▀
▐████▀▀███▄   ▄ ██▄█▌   ▐████▌ ▐▒███▀▀██▀▓
▐█▒██  ▐██ ▌▄  ■ ▀███▄  ███▄█  ▐█▄█▌  ▐███ ░
▐█▀▒▀ ░ ███▄      ▄█▀▀██▄▓▀▀  ░░███ ░
▐██▄█▄▄▄██▄█ ░░ ▄█▀░▀██▓███▄■ ▐█▒██    ▄▓▄
▄▐███   ▄▄▄▄▄  ▐█▄█▄██▀███▀▄▄ ░▓███ ■   ▀
░▐███▓▄▄███ █  █ ███▀    ▀███▌ ▐▀▌█   ▄▄▄▄▄▓
   ▄  ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▐████▌  ▄   ▐█▀█▌▐▄██▓▄▄███▀█
 ■ ▒ ht!/ThS ▄█▄████▄▀▒▀  ▐████    ▄  ▀▀▀▀▀
   ▓   ▄.;:"             ▄██▓██▄ ":;.▄   ░
   ▓ .▀░▀                           ▀▓▀. ░
   █  ";::  ░░▒▓▒ EXCALiBUR ▒▓▒▒░░  ::;" ▓
   ▒                                     █
   █   Name Song: Digital Overdose       █
   ▓    Composer: Alvak                  ▓
   ▒       Style: Dance (?)              ▒
   ░                                     ░
   ░     XM/375kb/3:35m/12chns/14smps    ░
   ▀ ▄                             ▄▄▄   ▀
    ▀▓▀  Release Date: 25/04/97  ▄█▀███▄▀
       ■ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ░ ▒█▄█ █▓ ░░
     [ . Symbiosis Music Entry .  ▀█▄▀▀ ] 
34 20-12-1998 625 Kb. 0
 ▄▄▄▄    ▀░▀■  ▐█▀██    ▐█████ ■ ▄▄▄▄    ▀
▐████▀▀███▄   ▄ ██▄█▌   ▐████▌ ▐▒███▀▀██▀▓
▐█▒██  ▐██ ▌▄  ■ ▀███▄  ███▄█  ▐█▄█▌  ▐███ ░
▐█▀▒▀ ░ ███▄      ▄█▀▀██▄▓▀▀  ░░███ ░
▐██▄█▄▄▄██▄█ ░░ ▄█▀░▀██▓███▄■ ▐█▒██    ▄▓▄
▄▐███   ▄▄▄▄▄  ▐█▄█▄██▀███▀▄▄ ░▓███ ■   ▀
░▐███▓▄▄███ █  █ ███▀    ▀███▌ ▐▀▌█   ▄▄▄▄▄▓
   ▄  ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▐████▌  ▄   ▐█▀█▌▐▄██▓▄▄███▀█
 ■ ▒ ht!/ThS ▄█▄████▄▀▒▀  ▐████    ▄  ▀▀▀▀▀
   ▓   ▄.;:"             ▄██▓██▄ ":;.▄   ░
   ▓ .▀░▀                           ▀▓▀. ░
   █  ";::  ░░▒▓▒ EXCALiBUR ▒▓▒▒░░  ::;" ▓
   ▒                                     █
   █   Name Song: Love Me (Commercial)   █
   ▓    Composer: G-Day                  ▓
   ▒       Style: Commercial Dance       ▒
   ░                                     ░
   ░     XM/989kb/6:09m/20chns/18smps    ░
   ▀ ▄                             ▄▄▄   ▀
    ▀▓▀  Release Date: 27/03/98  ▄█▀███▄▀
       ■ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ░ ▒█▄█ █▓ ░░
     [ A Guest Release By G-Day ! ▀█▄▀▀ ] 
35 20-12-1998 270 Kb. 0
 ▄▄▄▄    ▀░▀■  ▐█▀██    ▐█████ ■ ▄▄▄▄    ▀
▐████▀▀███▄   ▄ ██▄█▌   ▐████▌ ▐▒███▀▀██▀▓
▐█▒██  ▐██ ▌▄  ■ ▀███▄  ███▄█  ▐█▄█▌  ▐███ ░
▐█▀▒▀ ░ ███▄      ▄█▀▀██▄▓▀▀  ░░███ ░
▐██▄█▄▄▄██▄█ ░░ ▄█▀░▀██▓███▄■ ▐█▒██    ▄▓▄
▄▐███   ▄▄▄▄▄  ▐█▄█▄██▀███▀▄▄ ░▓███ ■   ▀
░▐███▓▄▄███ █  █ ███▀    ▀███▌ ▐▀▌█   ▄▄▄▄▄▓
   ▄  ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▐████▌  ▄   ▐█▀█▌▐▄██▓▄▄███▀█
 ■ ▒ ht!/ThS ▄█▄████▄▀▒▀  ▐████    ▄  ▀▀▀▀▀
   ▓   ▄.;:"             ▄██▓██▄ ":;.▄   ░
   ▓ .▀░▀                           ▀▓▀. ░
   █  ";::  ░░▒▓▒ EXCALiBUR ▒▓▒▒░░  ::;" ▓
   ▒                                     █
   █   Name Song: Lunatic's Theme        █
   ▓    Composer: Alvak                  ▓
   ▒       Style: Dance Metal            ▒
   ░                                     ░
   ░     XM/397kb/4:30m/16chns/18smps    ░
   ▀ ▄                             ▄▄▄   ▀
    ▀▓▀  Release Date: 05/07/97  ▄█▀███▄▀
       ■ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ░ ▒█▄█ █▓ ░░
     [ .This Song Really Roxxx !. ▀█▄▀▀ ] 

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