File index of LIN: Perl files

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 bh.el 09-12-2003 138 Kb. 0
From (B)rute text to (H)tml and (L)aTeX 
2 boxqt114.rar 15-06-2002 4 Kb. 0
boxquote provides a set of functions for
using a text quoting style that partially
boxes in the left hand side of an area of
text, such a marking style might be used to
show externally included text or example
3 boxquote.el 05-10-2002 17 Kb. 0
boxquote provides a set of functions for using a
text quoting style that partially boxes in the
left hand side of an area of text, such a
marking style might be used to show externally
included text or example code. 
4 crontab.el 11-03-2004 6 Kb. 0
Mode for editing crontab files 
5 ecasound.el 08-09-2003 82 Kb. 0
ecasound.el --- Interactive and programmatic
interface to Ecasound 
6 em284.tgz 12-11-2003 219 Kb. 0
EMacro is a .emacs that easily configures 
7 09-12-2003 154 Kb. 0
Epop3 an extended POP3 mailer 
8 fetch02.rar 25-10-2002 5 Kb. 0
Fetch tries to allow you to save having to
type the remote file name when using tramp
or ange-ftp to fetch or put or when seeing
diffs, or whether you do all this in eshell.
There's also commands to fetch/put the
filename of the buffer being edited..  It
determines the location of the one host and
seeks to mirror it on the remote host.. 
9 ff.rar 25-10-2002 1 Kb. 0
Automatically "intelligently" set mode for
new files 
10 ges-post.el 20-03-2004 6 Kb. 0
post elisp files to gnu.emacs.sources using Gnus
11 gnusxpgp.el 09-03-2004 7 Kb. 0
create X-PGP-Sig with Gnus and PGG 
12 htft018.rar 07-11-2002 30 Kb. 0
Here's some elisp code to html-pretty-print
an emacs buffer, preserving the emacs
syntax/whatever highlighting. It also knows
how to drive etags (exuberant-ctags or emacs
etags) and hyperlink the code according to
its (etags') output.
        ---|Compressed USing RAR V3|--- 
13 htmlize.el 15-10-2003 42 Kb. 0
Here is a new version of htmlize.  The 1.x
release introduces many changes, 
14 jccoding.rar 15-06-2002 1 Kb. 0
This pair of functions encodes/decodes Java
Unicode notation 
15 kcsmin.el 01-12-2003 6 Kb. 0
smart input functions for yes/no as well as
multiple-choice queries. 
16 lpcmde18.rar 07-11-2002 5 Kb. 0
LPC is a C-derived language with some OO
features ( as well, iirc, as some dynamic
ones ): It is often used for programming
MUDs. lpc-mode is basically an extension of
cc-mode that knows how to cope with a couple
of differences, like ({...}) constructs and
the fact that ' is sometimes a referencing
operator rather then a character quote.
        ---|Compressed USing RAR V3|--- 
17 mozmail.el 20-03-2004 12 Kb. 0
Open mailto links from Mozilla in an (X)Emacs
18 newstick.el 20-03-2004 85 Kb. 0
A Newsticker for Emacs 
19 nh091.rar 14-09-2003 120 Kb. 0
nethack-el is an Emacs major mode for
playing nethack. Separate buffers are
sed for the map, status, messages, and
menus. It features customization of
keys and colors and user programmable
hooks on game events. It supports GNU
Emacs 20/21 and XEmacs 21, with
graphical tiles on *Emacs 21.
   ---| RAR V3 Compression |--- 
20 ntel.rar 15-09-2003 12 Kb. 0
newsticker.el provides a newsticker for
Emacs. A newsticker is a thing that
asynchronously retrieves a list of
headlines (which are contained in RDF
Site Summary (RSS) files) from a list
of news sites, displays these
headlines, and allows for loading the
corresponding articles in a web browser.
   ---| RAR V3 Compression |--- 
21 om-el16.rar 06-11-2002 14 Kb. 0
major mode for editing organizer list files
        ---|Compressed USing RAR V3|--- 
22 pbook.el 17-05-2004 15 Kb. 0
Format a program listing for LaTeX 
23 qs.el 11-03-2004 5 Kb. 0
search engine integration in your emacs 
24 savemode.el 05-10-2002 1 Kb. 0
quick and dirty hack to save the last major mode 
25 ses.el 09-12-2003 107 Kb. 0
Simple Emacs Spreadsheet 
26 spamass.el 17-03-2004 7 Kb. 0
spamassassin rules editing commands for Emacs 
27 sped04.tgz 27-05-2004 128 Kb. 0
speechd-el is an Emacs client to Speech 
28 thumbs.el 09-09-2003 26 Kb. 0
Thumbnails previewer for images files 
29 tpum.el 09-12-2003 42 Kb. 0
Popup menus in text mode 
30 wl-list.el 09-12-2003 4 Kb. 0
List all W3M buffers 

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