Minimum OS, NLM, & File Updates as of 11Apr97 PATLST.TXT is a brief listing of OS, NLM, & Utility update files. Novell Technical Support recommends applying these updates as a baseline. For a complete listing of all available updates for these products, or for older products not listed, see the Product Support page of the web site. This file will be updated weekly as needed. IntranetWare Core OS Updates Support Pack NW v4.10 ** NW v3.12 NW v3.11 Tools/Docs & NW v4.11 410PT7.exe 312PTA.exe 311PTG.exe CFGRD3.exe IWSP2.exe CDUP4.exe CDUP4.exe LANDR9.exe DSDOC2.exe DS410A.exe LANDR9.exe LIBUPC.exe HIGHUTIL.exe INS224.exe LIBUPC.exe MON176.exe IMGCPY.exe 3rd Party 4.11 LANDR9.exe MON176.exe PBURST.exe TABND2.exe Driver kits LIBUPC.exe NAM312.exe SMSUP6.exe Sbackup DSKDRV.exe NAM41B.exe SMSUP6.exe STRTL5.exe SBACK6.exe LANDRV.exe SMSUP6.exe STRTL5.exe VRPUP1.exe SRVMN1.exe VRPUP1.exe STRTL5.exe NetWare Utility Updates Server Protocol Updates 4.10 Utils 3.1x Utils NW Mac 3.12 MPR 3.1 NFS 2.1 41FILR.exe 312DU1.exe 3XCLNT.exe MPR31B.exe NFS199.exe 41NDIR.exe FIL376.exe AFP11.exe NLSP-NW 3.12 TCP/IP LOG412.exe LOG376.exe ATK307.exe IPXRT4.exe TCPN03.exe MAP412.exe MAP312.exe ATOK31.exe NLSP-NW 4.10 DHCP Srv 2.0 NETUSR.exe PS3X02.exe MIPXGW.exe 41RTR4.exe DHCP2I.exe* NWAMN2.exe PU3X01.exe NW Mac 4.10 NW/IP 2.2 PS4X03.exe RCONSL.exe MACPT3C.exe NIP199.exe PU4X03.exe SYS376.exe NIPW22.exe Client Kits & Updates Client LAN Drvs DOS/Win VLM Mac IPX Win95 WinNT CLTDR2.exe VLM121_x.exe CLT511.exe 95ENU_N3.exe* NTENU41N.exe DOS/Win-32 TCP16.exe OS/2 W95UNC.exe NTENU41D.exe DWENU_N3.exe* TLIWS3.exe CLOS2N.exe App. Launcher CLOS2D.exe NAL111.exe Other Novell Products & Misc. Updates GroupWise 4.1 GW 4.1 Client ManageWise 2.1 NW Conn 2.0.3 Web Srv 2.51 NGWAUP.exe GWUSC3.exe MW01A.exe NWC206.exe WS251B.exe NGWLIB.exe GWSCC1.exe MWPTN231.exe NWC207.exe Web Srv 2.50 NGWSNC.exe GWUSR3.exe MWNT01A.exe* NWC208.exe WS250B.exe NGWUPD.exe GWBR41.exe NWCMOD.exe UNIX Prn 2.1 OFCK41.exe VEWENV.exe W2N210.exe UXP199.exe * New or Updated Files since 21Mar97. ** Note: These NetWare 4.10 updates do not apply to NetWare SMP v4.10. Contact your OEM vendor for the latest updates. To access PATLST with file download links via the Web: To search for files on the Web: To search for files on CompuServe: GO NOVFF select "Access File Finder" To go to the CompuServe forums: GO NETWIRE select "File Updates" then select appropriate forum areas. Or GO NWOSFILES (NetWare OS Files Forum) Or GO NWGENFILES (NetWare General Files Forum) Or GO NGWFILES (GroupWare Files Forum) To get files from the FTP site: