File index of GFD: OS/2 miscellaneous informations

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 10-03-2008 643 Kb. 0
Non-Destructive install of eCS 2.0RC4 to ASUS
EeePC. Version 2.0. Author Ed Durant. Support
from Rainer Stroebel, Peter Rehfisch and Sigurd
2 16-11-2003 89 Kb. 0
User's Manual Release 3 (2003/11/06) Odin is a
free Open Source project (read about license and
warranty here) with the goal to eventually
provide a fully working Win95/98/NT/2000/XP
runtime environment. This will make it possible
to run your favorite Windows programs under OS/2
(eCS) as if they were native. This document's
intention is to provide an easy installation
guide for Odin itself and some basic concepts
for trying to install and run
Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP programs on OS/2 (eCS). 
3 10-04-2010 2394 Kb. 0
Create OS/2 DVDs with UPDCD. Author: Sigurd
4 24-08-2003 7 Kb. 0
eCS File and Directory Standard (eFDS) Version
1. Edited by Nick Morrow. This standard consists
of a set of requirements and guidelines for file
and directory placement under the eCS operating
system. The guidelines are intended to support
interoperability of applications, system
administration tools, development tools, and
REXX or batch scripts as well as greater
uniformity of documentation. 
5 14-03-2008 1419 Kb. 0
Description how to install eCs 2.0 on ASUS EEE
PC internal disk - German. May also work for eCs
1.2 and OS/2 Warp FP 15. Author Sigurd
6 10-09-2008 19 Kb. 0
"How To" on installing eComStation 2.0 RC5 to
the internal SSD of an EeePC "Netbook" based on
previous work around non-destructive installs.
The EeePC 4G Surf model is used however both the
PC 701 and PC900 models "ought" to work the
same. The PC 901 and PC1000 use different
chipsets and will not work with this process.
Author Nicholas Lysaght. 
7 09-03-2008 1448 Kb. 0
English Revision 1.1 of the Description how to
install eCs 2.0 on ASUS EEE PC 701 G 4 internal
SSD drive. May also work for eCs 1.2 and OS/2
Warp FP 15. Author Sigurd Fastenrath. 
8 09-03-2008 1447 Kb. 0
German Revision 1.1 of the Description how to
install eCs 2.0 on ASUS EEE PC 701 G 4 internal
SSD drive. May also work for eCs 1.2 and OS/2
Warp FP 15. Author Sigurd Fastenrath. 
9 16-03-2003 503 Kb. 0
Mike106.INF, version 1.0 - Mike106.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 106 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike106.INF is Freeware! 
10 16-03-2003 522 Kb. 0
Mike110.INF, version 1.0 - Mike110.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 110 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike110.INF is Freeware! 
11 16-03-2003 558 Kb. 0
Mike116.INF, version 1.1 - Mike116.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 116 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike116.INF is Freeware! 
12 20-05-2004 731 Kb. 0
Mike146.INF, version 1.45 Mike146.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 146 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines. 
13 16-03-2003 429 Kb. 0
Mike90.INF, version 1.0 - Mike90.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 90 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike90.INF is Freeware! 
14 29-06-2003 433 Kb. 0
Mike92E.INF, version 0.20 Mike92E.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 80 complete articles in Czech
language and so far only 12 articles in English.
I have personally published the articles in
several Czech specialized magaz
useful tools) 
15 20-04-2003 452 Kb. 0
Mike97.INF, version 1.0 Mike97.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 97 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike97.INF is Freeware ! 
16 14-08-1998 1430 Kb. 0
The OS/2 Warp 4 CID
Rapid Deployment Tools
Migration and Installation Scenarios
International Technical Support Organisation 
17 07-08-1998 1499 Kb. 0
OS/2 Installation Techniques: The CID Guide
International Technical Support Organisation
Boca Raton Center 
18 16-09-1997 155 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (01/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
19 16-09-1997 149 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (02/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
20 16-09-1997 186 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (03/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
21 16-09-1997 206 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (04/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
22 16-09-1997 150 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (05/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
23 16-09-1997 196 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (06/97)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
24 25-10-2002 145 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (07/95)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
25 31-01-1998 191 Kb. 0
Know-how-Datenbank der Inside OS/2 (07/96)
Tips & Tricks, Hotline, Hilfe-Forum 
26 16-03-2003 446 Kb. 0
Mike95.INF, version 1.0 - Mike95.INF is a
hypertext file in the natural INF format,
comprising 95 complete articles in Czech
language. I have personally published the
articles in several Czech specialized magazines.
Mike95.INF is Freeware! 
27 30-08-2001 6 Kb. 0
How To: Multi User CandyBarZ in html-format 
28 30-08-2001 3 Kb. 0
How To: Multi User Star Office OS/2 and Win32
in html-format 
29 12-03-2002 12 Kb. 0
Diagnosing PPP/DOIP hangs and failure to
connect. A note on debugging PPP failures. 
30 28-02-2011 58 Kb. 0
Taming Windows 7 v0.2.1. Some tips on how to
adjust Windows 7 (and probably VISTA too), to be
somewhat more friendly to eComStation. Added
information about installing windows service
packs. Improved index. Fixed typo. 
31 18-05-2003 192 Kb. 0
Revised and extended readme for IBM's USB
Ethernet DD 
32 03-06-2002 180 Kb. 0
        V.E.R.A. Version 6.0
 (C) Copyright 1993-2002 O.Heidelbach
 Verzeichnis EDV-Relevanter Akronyme
 Von 100VG ueber ROTFL bis ZZF...
 Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms
 From 100VG to ROTFL up to ZZF... 

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