File index of GFD: OS/2 java development tools & toolkits

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 29-02-2004 34901 Kb. 0
NetBeansTM IDE 3.6. NetBeans IDE is an
integrated development environment (IDE) for
writing, compiling, testing, and debugging
desktop applications and web applications for
the JavaTM platform. NetBeans IDE includes a
full-featured text editor with syntax
highlighting and error checking, visual design
tools, Ant support, version control system
support, and many other features. 
2 22-08-2010 4 Kb. 0
Step-by-step description how to convert Rexx to
Java with OS/2, using Rexx2Nrx 4.0.1 and NetRexx
2.0.5. Sample files included. 
3 27-11-2009 900 Kb. 0
SWT example with basic controls. This is the SWT
port to OS/2. This is a cut out version of the
control example (SWT controls) used to validate
the behaviour of controls under different
platforms. Additional requirements: Java 1.3 or
superior installed and configured. 
4 21-10-2004 2262 Kb. 0
Gardens Point Component Pascal for JVM version
1.3.0. Repackaging of Windows version of GPCP
for the Java Virtual Machine dated 13th October,
2004. Gardens Point Component Pascal (gpcp) is
an implementation of the Component Pascal
Language, as defined in the Component Pascal
Report from Oberon Microsystems. It is intended
that this be a faithful implementation of the
report, except for those changes that are
explicitly detailed in the release notes. 
5 04-03-2003 15383 Kb. 0
InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for
Java(TM) 2 Standard Edition 1.4.1_01. The
InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for Sun
Java 2 Standard Edition Version 1.4.1_01 ("OS/2
Kit for Java") is a software package designed to
address the needs of enterprises still running
the IBM OS/2 platform while requiring access to
the latest Java technology from Sun
Microsystems. The OS/2 Kit for Java consists of
an integrated toolset to allow deploying the
original Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, Runtime
Environment 1.4.1_01 or the Java 2 SDK, Standard
Edition 1.4.1_01 and future versions (if
supported by InnoTek with the OS/2 Kit) for the
Microsoft Windows platform ("J2SE for Windows")
on the OS/2 platform. 
6 03-11-2003 6 Kb. 0
OS/2 scripts for running JavaCC, JJTree and
JJDoc v. 3.2. JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) is
a parser generator for use with Java
7 23-11-2003 15 Kb. 0
Rexx script to run Borland JBuilder 9 Personal
under OS/2 or eCS. 
8 22-02-2003 2632 Kb. 0
Auch fr OS/2er sollte nun, dank der neuen Java
1.4 Umgebung, die Version 3.1.2. von Jedi
zugnglich sein. Jedi ist eine integrierte
Entwicklungsumgebung fr die Programmiersprache
Java. Sie ist selbst in Java geschrieben und
wurde unter Solaris, x86 
9 25-09-2002 1859 Kb. 0
jEdit 4.0.3 jEdit is a programmer's text editor
written in Java, being developed by Slava Pestov
and others. jEdit is a cross platform
programmer's text editor written in Java. jEdit
requires either Java 2 version 1.3 or 1.4. 
10 05-03-2004 911 Kb. 0
Jikes Compiler - Version 1.19. Copyright (C) IBM
Corporation 1997-2003, 2004. Licensed Materials.
Program Property of IBM. All Rights Reserved.
Originally written by Philippe Charles and David
Shields of IBM Research, Jikes is now maintained
and refined by the Jikes Project. jikes, native
Java compiler 1.18 for OS/2. jikes, native Java
compiler 1.18 for OS/2 with unicode support.
OS/2 executable with PII optimization. Few
aliases for cyrillic codepages and autodetect
current codepage. 
11 18-04-2003 16711 Kb. 0
InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for
Java(TM) 2 Standard Edition 1.4.1_01 Release
Candidate 1. The InnoTek OS/2 Platform
Enablement Kit for Sun Java 2 Standard Edition
Version 1.4.1_01 ("OS/2 Kit for Java") is a
software package designed to address the needs
of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2
platform while requiring access to the latest
Java technology from Sun Microsystems. The OS/2
Kit for Java consists of an integrated toolset
to allow deploying the original Sun Java 2
Standard Edition, Runtime Environment 1.4.1_01
or the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.1_01 and
future versions (if supported by InnoTek with
the OS/2 Kit) for the Microsoft Windows platform
("J2SE for Windows") on the OS/2 platform. 
12 11-06-2003 13126 Kb. 0
OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.1_03 (RC3)
- Java Runtime Environment
The InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for
Sun Java 2 Standard Edition Version 1.4.1_03
("OS/2 Kit for Java") is a software package
designed to address the needs of enterprises
still running the IBM OS/2 platform while
requiring access to the latest Java
technology from Sun Microsystems. 
13 20-09-2005 20498 Kb. 0
jOS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2_09 Java Runtime
Environment. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2 is
an implementation of the latest Sun Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition 1.4.2 for the IBM
OS/2 operating system environment. InnoTek has
licensed the Java 2 SE platform from Sun
Microsystems and has certified the product to be
Java Compatible?. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java is a
native OS/2 product taking advantage of all OS/2
platform features available and providing the
best operating system integration possible. 
14 09-07-2003 18611 Kb. 0
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2 Beta 1, runtime.
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2 is an
implementation of the latest Sun Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition 1.4.2 for the IBM
OS/2 operating system environment. InnoTek has
licensed the Java 2 SE platform from Sun
Microsystems and has certified the product to be
Java Compatible (TM). InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java
is (C) 2000-2003 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH 
15 29-07-2005 1623 Kb. 0
A set of java classes for working with the WPS
and EAs. This is an ALPHA version to generate
feedback. This lets you program many WPS objects
using java. At the least, a simple utility
provided will allow you to manipulate EAs very
easily in Java. Additional requirements:
Goldencode java 1.4.1. Does not work with
16 12-03-2007 1159 Kb. 0
MindTerm version 3.1.2. Mindterm is today
probably the most widely spread client that
implements the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols written
in pure Java. MindTerm is small, portable and
secure. It contains an extremely powerful and
easy to use SSH client that provides advanced
features such as tunneling support, file
transfer GUI as well as support for HTTP and
SOCKS proxies. MindTerm client also includes an
integrated xterm/vt100 terminal emulator. It has
the ability to run both a standalone application
and as an applet. MindTerm source code. 
17 01-02-2002 15724 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.3.1 release NetBeans IDE is a
modular, standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
18 03-06-2003 26845 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.5 final release NetBeans IDE is a
modular, standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
19 15-04-2003 26862 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.5 Beta NetBeans IDE is a modular,
standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
20 10-07-2003 26842 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.5.1 RC1 NetBeans IDE is a
modular, standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
21 29-05-2003 26845 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.5 release 3 NetBeans IDE is a
modular, standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
22 22-04-2004 35021 Kb. 0
NetBeansTM IDE 3.6. NetBeans IDE is an
integrated development environment (IDE) for
writing, compiling, testing, and debugging
desktop applications and web applications for
the JavaTM platform. NetBeans IDE includes a
full-featured text editor with syntax
highlighting and error checking, visual design
tools, Ant support, version control system
support, and many other features. 
23 05-04-2004 35023 Kb. 0
NetBeansTM IDE 3.6 rc 1. NetBeans IDE is an
integrated development environment (IDE) for
writing, compiling, testing, and debugging
desktop applications and web applications for
the JavaTM platform. NetBeans IDE includes a
full-featured text editor with syntax
highlighting and error checking, visual design
tools, Ant support, version control system
support, and many other features. 
24 30-11-2002 7080 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 1/6 with Zipsplit 
25 30-11-2002 7102 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 2/6 with Zipsplit 
26 30-11-2002 19148 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 3/6 with Zipsplit 
27 30-11-2002 7846 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 4/6 with Zipsplit 
28 30-11-2002 17623 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 5/6 with Zipsplit 
29 30-11-2002 9633 Kb. 0
IBM VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition IBM
VisualAge for Java Ver 3 Entry edition is a
large scale visual development environment for
Java. This edition is limited to about 750 java
types. File 6/6 with Zipsplit 
30 19-05-2001 284 Kb. 0
Jad v1.5.8d. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
Jad - the fast Java Decompiler. 
31 22-10-2002 8 Kb. 0
JavaCC 2.1 files for OS/2 Warp and eComStation.
These files allow you to start JavaCC with one
command, without typing "java com.sun...". Also,
it sets your CLASSPATH library before starting
JavaCC, so you need not modify your CONFIG.SYS.
OS/2 scripts for running JavaCC, JJTree and
JJDoc. JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) is a
parser generator for use with Java applications. 
32 14-01-2002 15564 Kb. 0
NetBeans IDE 3.3 release  NetBeans IDE is a
modular, standards-based integrated development
environment (IDE), written in Java. It currently
has support for Java, but its architecture lends
itself to supporting other languages as well. 
33 19-08-2010 1590 Kb. 0
NetRexx Version 2.05, for Java 1.1 and Java 2.
NetRexx 2.05 is the NetRexx reference
implementation for Java 1.1 and Java 1.2.
Copyright(c) IBM Corporation, 1996, 2000. All
rights reserved. NetRexx is a new programming
language derived from both Rexx and Java(tm);
the rules of syntax closely follow those of
Rexx, while the semantics often follow Java. It
is intended as a dialect of Rexx that can be as
efficient and portable as Java, while preserving
the low threshold to learning of the original
Rexx language. By Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow.
NetRexx v2.0.5, IBM EWS. Full package, including
updated documentation. 
34 os2jre.exe 29-12-2001 7207 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.1.8
IBM build o118-20011106. IMPORTANT: If your
current JDK level is not 1.1.8 then DO NOT INSTA
35 19-10-2001 3854 Kb. 0
PoolMan v21. PoolMan is an embeddable object poo
and caching library. It optimizes resource usage
managing reusable instances across multiple requ
It can be used to pool any Java Class type, and 
contains specialized features such as a JDBC 
DataSource implementation and SQL query cache 
for JDBC resource pooling. 
36 rmi-iiop.exe 29-12-2001 895 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.1.8
IBM build o118-20011106. IMPORTANT: If your
current JDK level is not 1.1.8 then DO NOT INSTA
37 07-10-2004 4 Kb. 0
Instruction how install & run linux AnyJ under
38 25-03-2002 74 Kb. 0
Servletrunner for LRWP protocol. Copyright
1999-2002 conacom GmbH 
39 runt131.exe 01-01-2003 17525 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.3.1
IBM build co131-20021022. Runtime. Anmerkung:
Mit diesem Update funktionieren endlich die
deutschen Umlaute in den Java Applets !!! 
40 runtime.exe 29-12-2001 7102 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.1.8
IBM build o118-20011106. IMPORTANT: If your
current JDK level is not 1.1.8 then DO NOT INSTA
41 samples.exe 29-12-2001 1724 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.1.8
IBM build o118-20011106. IMPORTANT: If your
current JDK level is not 1.1.8 then DO NOT INSTA
42 18-04-2003 40325 Kb. 0
InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for
Java(TM) 2 Standard Edition 1.4.1_01 Release
Candidate 1. The InnoTek OS/2 Platform
Enablement Kit for Sun Java 2 Standard Edition
Version 1.4.1_01 ("OS/2 Kit for Java") is a
software package designed to address the needs
of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2
platform while requiring access to the latest
Java technology from Sun Microsystems. The OS/2
Kit for Java consists of an integrated toolset
to allow deploying the original Sun Java 2
Standard Edition, Runtime Environment 1.4.1_01
or the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.1_01 and
future versions (if supported by InnoTek with
the OS/2 Kit) for the Microsoft Windows platform
("J2SE for Windows") on the OS/2 platform. 
43 20-09-2005 41884 Kb. 0
OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2_09 Software Development
Kit. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java 1.4.2 is an
implementation of the latest Sun Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition 1.4.2 for the IBM
OS/2 operating system environment. InnoTek has
licensed the Java 2 SE platform from Sun
Microsystems and has certified the product to be
Java Compatible?. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java is a
native OS/2 product taking advantage of all OS/2
platform features available and providing the
best operating system integration possible. 
44 11-07-2009 406 Kb. 0
Port of SWT to OS/2. This is the port of SWT to
OS/2. It's still not complete, but one could
build basic applications with it. Missing are
Tree, ProgressBar, Sash and ToolBar classes. SWT
is an open source widget toolkit for Java
designed to provide efficient, portable access
to the user-interface facilities of the
operating systems on which it is implemented. 
45 tool131.exe 01-01-2003 13515 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.3.1
IBM build co131-20021022. Toolkit. 
46 toolkit.exe 29-12-2001 4125 Kb. 0
Java for OS/2 service update version JDK 1.1.8
IBM build o118-20011106. IMPORTANT: If your
current JDK level is not 1.1.8 then DO NOT INSTA

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