DOS NAVIGATOR Frequently Asked Questions Version 0.04 This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Dos Navigator. This FAQ will be available montly from: comp.archives.msdos.d newsgroup or send E-Mail to with subject 'DN FAQ Request' and I'll send it to you by E-Mail. If you have any suggestions for corrections, changes, expansion or further clarification of this FAQ, please send them to The following topics are covered in this FAQ: Part 0: Standard stuff 0.1 Disclaimer 0.2 Revision history Part 1: Introduction to Dos Navigator. 1.1 Why DN might be interesting for me? 1.2 What is DN? 1.3 What are the system requirements to run Dos Navigator? 1.4 Where can I get shareware version of Dos Navigator? 1.5 What are the future plans in developing DN? 1.6 I just have status line, menus and black screen in the middle. I don't see any file panels. What's wrong? Part 2: Technical questions 2.1 I am having problems with INSTALL program. What can I do? 2.2 I enabled Drive Line but it disappear after some time/ I cannot use Drive Line for selecting disk drives. Is this a bug? 2.3 I am getting 'No help available for this context'. 2.4 I think that I have found a bug. What should I do? 2.5 Can I move clock to other position? 2.6 If I select "Hide menu bar", I cannot move/close window because when I click on window's title, it shows me a menu. 2.7 How can I cut/paste parts of screen (help pages, user screen) within DN? 2.8 DN rescans directories each time I do something. 2.9 How do I call external viewer/editor? 2.10 If Shift+arrow keys are used for moving in command line, why don't authors make Shift+Ins toggle insert/overstrike? 2.11 How do I specify files with no extension in 'Highlight groups'? Part 3: Multi-language oriented questions 3.1 If english version is installed and I want to install custom language version, I have to re-install DN. Is there a way to simplify this? 3.2 Hot keys are not working in custom language (non-english) version. Part 4: Misc. topics 4.1 Who can answer my questions about Dos Navigator? 4.2 Are there Hidden Screens in Dos Navigator? Who is DN Development Team? 4.3 How do I write external screen savers for Dos Navigator? 4.3.1 External screensavers eat processor resources while running under multitasking environments. Is there a way to optimize it? 4.4 What benefits do I get if I register Dos Navigator? 4.5 Why "::" string is selected as comment string for batch (.BAT) files in DN.HGL Part 5: Acknowledgments 5.1 Acknowledgments. 5.2 Copyrights. Part 6: Keyboard Reference Part 7: Mouse Reference Part 0: Standard stuff 0.1 Disclaimer and copyrights This FAQ is copyright by MAXIM GLUKHOV, 1995 (that's me) This text may be redistributed or re-posted in electronic form (only). It may not be changed, abbreviated, or edited without the permission of the author. No fee, except normal transmission and connect charges, may be assessed for access to this text. It may not be included as part of any collective work nor published in paper form or other form without author's permission. 0.2 Revision history. v0.01: Initial release. v0.02: (5/03/95) Index added, screensavers info added, list of DOS commands DN replaces, rescanning directories problem. v0.03: (12/03/95) Test added. Many spelling errors corrected. v0.04: (21/04/95) Keyboard and Mouse references included. Added answer for 2.4 - just forgot to type it in. 2.9, 2.10, 4.3.1 and 4.4 are added. Keyboard and mouse references expanded. Multi-language questions part inserted. 2.11 added. Part 1: Introduction to Dos Navigator. 1.1 Why DN might be interesting for me? Here is a small test - answer for 10 questions, for each question answered positively, add number of points specified after it. 1. Do you use Norton Commander, PC Tools, Dos shell or any other shell program?.................................................10 2. Would you like a good multi-window desktop with drag-and-drop features, ability to associate file by extensions to different tasks and tools for most of tasks you perform in DOS..9 3. Do you mostly work in DOS or in OS/2 DOS BOX....................8 4. Do often work with archives (compressing/extracting/viewing archives contents)..............................................5 5. Do you often copy/move/delete/browse/search for /change attributes of files or groups of files..................5 6. Do you like Borland IDE style editor............................5 7. Do you often need to format disks/unerase files.................3 8. Do you often change directory environment/use terminal programs/play audio CD-ROMS.....................................3 9. Do you like Tetris/Pentix/nice ScreenSavers.....................1 Now the results: 49: If you are serious I would like to hear your comments about DN 30 to 48: Go get Dos Navigator, you'll love it so much that you could not ever stop using it. 20 to 29: I think that you may find DN very useful - you must see it. 10 to 19: You could do many things you used to do much more easily with DN. 6 to 9: In this case it seems that you would not DN for all the task you could use it for, but give it a chance and maybe soon you'll extend your use of Dos Navigator and of your computer. 1 to 5: Well, I guess you would not be interested in DN too much - you probably use computer for some specific task and nothing else. Believe me, there are many other great/useful things on computers you can do/find - maybe one day you'll want to see them, so let's start today and with Dos Navigator. Less than 1: Are you using your computer at all? :) 1.2 What is DN? DN (Dos Navigator) is a shareware file manager for DOS and OS/2 operating systems that provides a vast amount of features (some of them are unique for DN) surpassing by far any other existing software (such as the Norton Commander) It would be more accurate to refer it as "desktop manager" since it offers much more then any other file manager - indeed, more then any desktop manager for DOS. As file manager Dos Navigator does all standard file management operations plus advanced file search, files undelete, supports most of archiving programs (17 for v1.35), advanced disk formatting, low level disk editor, built in text file and spreadsheet editor and viewer, user-defined menus and many other features. As a desktop manager it has {PictoBar}, phonebook, terminal program, calculator, ASCII table, screen grabber, memory and system info, CD player, print manager, pseudo-multitasking and even a Tetris game! DN will replace ATTRIB,DELTREE,DOSSHELL,EDIT,FIND,FORMAT,LABEL, PRINT,REPLACE,SET,SORT,TREE,TYPE,UNDELETE,XCOPY partly DOSKEY (command history) and MEM (low memory only) DOS commands and also COPY,CHDIR(CD),DIR,DELETE(DEL,ERASE),MKDIR(MD),RMDIR(RD),SELECT, MOVE,RENAME(REN),VOL internal COMMAND.COM commands. Yet all those features are offered in a quite easy and familiar interface. 1.3 What are the system requirements to run Dos Navigator? You need IBM PC or compatible system with DOS version 3.0 or above or OS/2 version 2.0 and above. You will also need at least 400K free of conventional memory, although if you have EMS/XMS memory DN will utilize it too. Hard disk is strongly recommended. 1.4 Where can I get shareware version of Dos Navigator? 1. and its mirrors; pub/msdos/fileutil/ (on mirror site it might be in different directory) 2.; /pc/dirutil/ 1.5 What are the future plans in developing DN? Two BIG features will be added soon: 1. Much better communications program. It will be something comparable with or even better then TERMINATE. (If you don't know what TERMINATE is, place name of your favorite communications program for DOS instead of it) 2. Task scheduling. 1.6 I just have status line, menus and black screen in the middle. I don't see any file panels. What's wrong? Probably, somehow you've managed to close file manager. Press Ctrl+F3 and then Enter to open a new one. Part 2: Technical questions 2.1 I am having problems with INSTALL program. What can I do? First of all if you have version 1.35 (dated 01.02.95) try to get newer one - current one is v1.35a (dated 08.02.95). Second thing to try is to delete dn.dsk from DN user directory. In case, INSTALL.EXE does not work or DN hangs when you enter it first time, you can try to install files manually. To do this you must unzip all files in INSTALL\ directory except from RUSSIAN.ZIP to directory where you want to install DN. After that you should add this directory to path and ensure that there FILES= in config.sys is set to 20 or more. 2.2 I enabled Drive Line but it disappear after some time/I cannot use Drive Line for selecting disk drives. Is this a bug? No. This is unregistered version limitation. 2.3 I am getting 'No help available for this context' all the time. Well, help system is not finished yet, but most of interface is quite intuitive. Possible alternative is to call help for menu where function you are interested in is placed and choose help topic for it from there. 2.4 I think that I have found a bug. What should I do? First of all, make sure you can recreate it. If so, try to boot clean configuration (If you use DOS version 6 or above, you can press F5 quickly after message 'Starting DOS...' appear. Another way is to create system diskette and boot from it). If you cannot recreate it on clean configuration then there are chances that DN is conflicting with one of programs you load on startup. In this case backup and edit your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and put REM at the beginning of each line except for 'FILES=', 'SHELL=', 'BUFFERS=' commands in CONFIG.SYS and 'PATH=', 'PROMPT' in AUTOEXEC.BAT (If you use multiple configuration you'll only have to do this in one particular configuration). After that start rebooting and removing REM's line by line until you can recreate the problem. In most cases this would mean that you've found the program which interfere with DN. Restrore last removed REM and remove all other REMs. If this helped send that program name to DN Development Team and they will try to fix the incompability. 2.5 Can I move clock to other position? Yes. Move mouse cursor on it, press right button and drag clock wherever you want. 2.6 If I select "Hide menu bar", I cannot move/close window because when I click on window's title, it shows me a menu. You can use right mouse button instead. 2.7 How can I cut/paste parts of screen (help pages, user screen) within DN Go to screen (help page; do not use Alt F5 if you want to capture parts from user screen, use Ctrl O instead) you want to cut and press Shift Alt Ins. First time you do it after executing DN or executing any other program from DN you'll get help screen explaining how to use screen grabber. Press ENTER to start screen grabbing. (If you are in help page you will not see that screen but still you'll have to press ENTER). Use Cursor keys to move around and Shift + Cursor keys to change selected area size. When finished, press Enter and captured area will be moved to clipboard. Later you can go to internal text editor and paste captured text by pressing Shift Ins. 2.8 DN rescans directories each time I do something. I saw this only twice and I cannot say if this a bug or you did something wrong, but in both cases I saw, closing all the windows including file panels with Ctrl-F4 (until you get only an output screen) and re-opening file manager anew with Ctrl-F3 fixed the problem. 2.9 How do I call external viewer/editor? Alt-F4 and Alt-F3 always load buildin editor/viewer, but if you turn Options->Configuration->System Setup->Internal viewer or Internal editor off, then by pressing F4 and F3 you'll execute external editor/viewer (if those options are on, pressing F4 and F3 call internal editor/viewer). 2.10 If Shift+arrow keys are used for moving in command line, why don't authors make Shift+Ins toggle insert/overstrike? Shift+Ins already used to place data from clipboard to command line, but you can toggle insert/overstrike with Ctrl+V 2.11 How do I specify files with no extension in 'Highlight groups'? You can type a single point to do this; for example: "doc;txt;wri;.;" Part 3: Multi-language oriented questions 3.1 If english version is installed and I want to install custom language version, I have to re-install DN. Is there a way to simplify this? There are two environment variables called DNDLG and DNLNG if you want to install second language too, you can do following: 1. Copy dn.dlg and dn.lng to some new directory (assuming you've installed DN to directory C:\DN, copy them to C:\DN\ORIG). 2. Re-install DN with second language to same directories you've installed DN before (or if you more experienced you can just unzip second language resources from distribution - ENGLISH.ZIP if you've installed russian version or RUSSIAN.ZIP if you've installed english one to directory where you've installed DN) 3. type in following batch (you can call it dnorig.bat or something like this) - note that if you've copied dn.dlg or dn.lng to directory other than C:\DN\ORIG, you'll have to specify that path in second string of batch file: @echo off set DNDLG=C:\DN\ORIG dn set DNDLG= 4. Now if you want to run dn with first language you've installed you execute DNORIG and for second language you run DN NOTE: Currently only russian and english versions of DN resources officially available. 3.2 Hot keys are not working in custom language (non-english) version. Currently different language versions have different hotkey layout. Hopefully this will be changed soon. Part 4: Misc. stuff. 4.1 Who can answer my questions about Dos Navigator? First of all, look trough this FAQ (try to get the newest version of it), Dos Navigator help and its documentation. If you still got no answer, you can post your question to comp.archives.msdos.d newsgroup and maybe other people would be able to help you. In case this did not help either you can try to mail your question to me (see my address below). Send questions to DN development team only as a last choice, because each hour spent on answering mail is an hour wasted for DN itself. 4.2 Are there Hidden Screens in Dos Navigator?/Who is DN Development Team? Yes. The one I know can be accessed by choosing "About.." and then pressing Alt-i. This Screen displays DN Development team members. 4.3 How do I write external screen savers for Dos Navigator? You can write them almost in any computer language for DOS, but many of them produce relatively large code for even small programs (Like some C and BASIC compilers) - and it's a bit strange to have 20-40K large screensavers. So I think that a best choice is assembler or Pascal language. Or you can take any program which does something, change its extension to .SS and put it in directory where DN is and you'll be able to add it as a screensaver - there are only few requirements this program should comply with. Firstly when any key is pressed or mouse is moved it should restore video more and exit. Secondly program + its data + its stack should fit in free memory available to Navigator (You can see the amount in third string of Memory report of Info panel available by pressing Ctrl-L - in my case it is about 240K - and DN use it for editing files and doing some other operations too - so if your screensaver uses almost all this memory, you will be unable to use it when some big file is loaded to editor so try not to exceed 64K of memory for both program and its data). Beware that Dos Navigator neither swaps itself neither saves unsaved changes before loading screensaver, so save your files before you going to test a new screensaver - so if it does something wrong you may lose your data. Some technical hints: Before running screensaver check for mouse and if present save its position - something like that: (Mousepresent,mousebut,mouseX and mouseY are byte variables) asm . . xor ax,ax int 33h mov Mousepresent,ax cmp ax,0FFFFh jne @NoMouse mov ax,3 int 33h mov mousebut,bx mov mouseX,cx mov mouseY,dx @NoMouse: . . In main program loop, you should check if some key is pressed or mouse is moved: asm . . cmp Mousepresent,0FFFFh jne @kbd mov ax,3 int 33h cmp bx,mousebut jne @END cmp cx,mouseX jne @END cmp dx,mouseY jne @END @kbd: mov ah, 01h int $16 jz @CONTINUE_WORKING @END: MOV AX,3 INT 10h . . If interested, I can send you source of the PHIRE.SS (idea and main algorithm by Phred aka Alex Chalfin; Internet: Inspired by Jare's fire code), PLAS.SS (FROM: Kaare Boeegh) and _STARS.SS (by Done by Sven van Heel and Bas van Gaalen, Holland) in Pascal - in all cases the main algorithm was taken from SWAG snippets, optimized a bit by me and above subroutines were added to make them screensavers. Or if you have ftp access you can download the whole great SWAG collection of bits of Pascal code, containing a lot of other interesting pieces. 4.3.1 External screensavers eat processor resources while running under multitasking environments. Is there a way to optimize it? Internal DN screensavers are optimized to run under multitasking environments, but external ones are just external programs renamed to .SS extentions; they are created by different people and just given as example - DN authors neither responsible for problems caused by them, nor give technical support for those screensavers. So if you use multitasking operating systems or programs use DN internal screensavers or disable them at all. 4.4 What benefits do I get if I register Dos Navigator? Well, first of all you are supposed to do so - your registration will help DN Dev. Team to continue developing new versions. Second thing is that then you'll get rid of these reminder screens and will be able to use Advanced Options in Format Disk (you could change cluster size, sector size, number of directory entries etc) and File Find (you could set Date, Size and Attributes criteries for file search) and Drive Line (in older unregistered versions you could not make it stay for a long time, in modern ones you cannot click on it to jump to new drive). Moreover, as I am one of DN distributors I am making a special offer for anyone who register DN from me: (Quote from OFFER.DOC) > Although I like Dos Navigator and respect its development team, > I think that their politics according registration of DN is too soft. > To encourage the registration of Dos Navigator I propose you the > following special offer: > If you register Dos Navigator from me (for pricing see REGISTER.FRM > + shipping/handling* - see comment down on page) you will receive > diskette with: > 1. Last copy of Dos Navigator, registered to you. > 2. PowerPak for DN - Special addition, written by me including: > Last version of DN FAQ/Keyboard/Mouse reference; Extended > Language support macroses; Menu layout optimized by me > and also Norton/Volkov Commander/Dos Shell/PC Tools - like > layouts/desktops; Some new screensavers; Program > to display fortune cookies/your messages on start of DN; > Improved menu system and some almost useless stuff like > last version of DN logo. E-Mail me to get more information 4.5 Why "::" string is selected as comment string for batch (.BAT) files in DN.HGL? Because placing :: in beginning of the string is equal to placing REM to beginning of it. Moreover it will speed up execution of batch file a bit, because REM is treated as a command and passed to command processor for executing, but string starting with colon will be treated as label and thus ignored. The only treat here is that if you have commented string with colon like :End and you have goto End command somethere, your comment might be treated as a label; so you should make sure there are no such a labels - good way of doing it is to use another symbol which you cannot include in label after colon and before beginning of comment. Using second colon is kind of standard, but you can use :! :^ or whatever you want. (translated from russian version of FAQ made by Ilya Bagdasarov) Part 5: Acknowledgments and Copyrights 5.1 Acknowledgments: I would like to thank following people: Dos Navigator development team: Stefan Tanurkov, Slava Filimonov, Dmitry Dotsenko People who help me with this FAQ: Ilan Shimony, Ilya Bagdasarov 5.2 Copyrights and trademarks information: IBM PC and OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corp.; Norton Commander is a trademark of Symantec; Any other trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged. Part 6: Keyboard Reference 8<---------------------------------CUT-HERE---------------------------------- - 1 - ======================================== |DOS NAVIGATOR KEYBOARD REFERENCE v0.03| ======================================== Written by MAXIM GLUKHOV. Last revised 21/04/95. GLOBAL KEYS: File, Windows, Directory, Disk and OS/2 operations ......... Page 1 Modem, Panel, Dialog box, Input line, Misc and Command line (Prompt) operations ....................... Page 2 LOCAL KEYS: Editor/SmartPad : Block operations, Block selecting, Cursor movement, Inserting/deleting and Misc operations .... Page 3 Terminal, Viewer, Disk editor, Reanimator, CD-ROM player, Help, Copy/Move/Compress/Split Game and PhoneBook keys ..... Page 4 Short explanation on keys, Copyrights etc .................. Page 5 GLOBAL KEYS (Sorted by operations): FILE operations: WINDOWs operations: ============================================================================= View a file F3 | List all windows @0 Alternate view @F3 | Next window @ or F9 View as database ^F9 | Previous window ^ or #F9 Edit a file F4 | Close window ^F4 Alternate file editing @F4 | Start new file manager ^F3 Edit NEW file #F4 | (new file panel) Copy selected files/directories F5 | Resize/move window ^F5 Move selected files/directories F6 | Zoom window @Z Make a list file @L | Show user screen @F5 Read a list file @V | Output window toggle ^O Find file @F7 | Print file ^F8 | Split/Combine #F5 | MODEM operations Delete selected files/dirs F8 |=================================== Edit file attributes @E | Phone book #F3 Compress selected files/dirs #F1 | Manual dial @A UnCompress selected files/dirs #F2 | Terminal @J UnDelete (UnErase, ReAnimator) #F6 | Hang up @H DIRECTORY operations DISK operations: ============================================================================= Go to previous directory (..) ^ | Format #F7 Go to root directory (\) ^\ | UnErase #F6 Get directory size @G or | select dir, F3 | Edit directory attributes @E or | OS/2 operations select dir, F4 |=================================== Make a directory (MkDir) F7 | Go to OS/2 command string @/ Save current directory ^@# | Run in background # to shortcut number n (n=1..9) | Run in foreground @# Goto to shortcut directory n @ | in separate session Directories shortcuts #@0 | Run in background ^ Edit DIRINFO. file ^L,,F4 | in separate session - 2 - PANEL (right / left) operations: (If not stated otherwise, command is applied to currently active panel) ============================================================================= Switch active panel | Panels on/off Select group (using wildcards) grey + | Sort by.. @B (does not includes directories) | Change current panel drive ^C Unselect group grey - | Change drive in left panel @F1 (including directories) | Change drive in right panel @F2 Invert selection grey * | Previous disk drive ^ (does not includes directories) | Next disk drive ^ Select all files with same ext. ^#+ | Drive info (in inactive panel) ^L Unselect all files with ext. ^#- | Quick view (in inactive panel) ^Q View Tree as a dialog @T or ^F7 | Hide/show left panel ^F1 Swap panels ^U | Hide/show right panel ^F2 Refresh panel @R | View Tree ^T Copy names of selected files ^ | View File ^G to clipboard | Columns preferences @K Delete selected filenames ^ | Panel design preferences @S (not files) from panel | Increase left panel width @ | Decrease left panel width @ Set unactive panel to path from selected file in 'File find' # (or ^ if archive) DIALOG BOX operations INPUT LINE operations ============================================================================= Go to next field | Go one character left Go to previous field # | Go one character right Fast choose button or field @ | Go to the end of line Go to next item in check | Select string in input # Invert selection of check | Copy selected string ^ box, select radio button | to clipboard Abort dialog | Copy from clipboard to # or ^F4 | input line | Recall input line | history list | Toggle insert/Overwrite GENERAL misc operations: COMMAND LINE (PROMPT) operations: ============================================================================= History command list @F8 | Character left ^S or # User defined menu F2 | Character right ^D or # Calculator ^F6 | Word left ^A ASCII table ^B | Word right ^F Memory info @Y | Insert current filename ^ Screen grabber #@ | Insert full filename ^# SmartPad (tm) @Q | Insert path of left panel ^[ EGA lines (43/50 lines) #F10 | Insert path of right panel ^] User video mode I @F10 | Copy Clipboard contens # User video mode II ^F10 | to command string Game (tetris-like) @F9 | Insert/Overstrike toggle ^V Help F1 | Previous command in ^E or Menu F10 | commands history # Fast menu access @ | Next command in ^X 'ð' Menu @ | commands history # Exit Dos Navigator @X | Record/stop recording macros n #@ | Replay macros number n (n=1..9) ^@ | - 3 - LOCAL KEYS: (Override global keys) Editor/SmartPad: Block Operations: Block selecting ============================================================================= Copy selected block ^KC | Beginning of a block ^KB Move selected block ^KV | End of a block ^KK Copy the block to Clipboard ^ | Current word ^KT Move the block to Clipboard # | Current line ^KL Insert the copied block # | One character to left # Delete the block ^KY or ^| One character to right # Read the block from file ^KR | To end of line # Write the block to a file ^KW | To beginning of line # Move the block left to right ^KI | To same column next line # Move the block to the left ^KU | To same column prev line # Switch block-type (Vert./Hor.) F5 | To same column top screen #^ Align the block on both ends @J | To same column bottom scr #^ Align the block on right end @R | One page down # Align the block on left end @L | One page up # Center the block @C | One word left #^ Sort paragraph by vert. block @T | One word right #^ Print block ^KP | Editor/SmartPad (Continued) Cursor movement Inserting/Deleting ============================================================================= One character to the left ^S or | Toggle Insert/Overwrite ^V or Ins One character to right ^D or | Delete the current line ^Y One word to the left ^A or ^| Delete to end of line ^QY One word to the right ^F or ^| Delete char at left ^H or One line upwards ^E or | Delete char at right ^G or One line downwards ^X or | Delete word after cursor ^T Scroll upwards ^W | Delete word before cursor ^ Scroll downwards ^Z | Insert new line ^N One page upwards ^R or | Insert Current Date ^QD One page downwards ^C or | Insert Current Time ^QT To the beginnig of string | Insert a TAB ^I or To the end of string | Insert any symbol ^P To the end of file ^ | from ASCII Table To the beginning of file ^ | Calc sum in vert block @ To the top of screen ^ | and put it in clipboard To the bottom of screen ^ | Duplicate current line F4 To beginning of block ^QB | To end of block ^QK | Editor/SmartPad (Continued) Misc Operations ============================================================================= Undo @ | Capitalize curr. string ^#\ Print selected block #F8 | Capitalize word ^\ Print file F8 | Lowercase current string ^#] Read a file from disk F3 | Lowercase word ^] Save under other name #F2 | Uppercase current string ^#[ Save text ^KS or F2 | Uppercase word ^[ Place a postion marker n in text ^K | Search for a string ^QF or F7 Jump to marker (n=0..9) ^Q | Repeat last search ^L or #F7 Call macro extension n (n=1..9) ^J | Search and replace ^QA or ^F7 Block hide/display toggle ^KH | Goto local menu ^KQ or F10 Cancel operation | Goto main DN menu F10,F10 - 4 - Terminal View ============================================================================= Send text F2 | Toggle Wrap F2 Set log file F3 | Ascii/Hex/Dump toggle F4 Send break F4 | Search F7 Send file | Search again #F7 Receive file | Goto address in Hex mode F5 Init modem @I | 0..255/32..127/32..255 F6 Local echo on/off @V | (All/Asci/Noctrl) filter Entered commands history @F8 | Increase base in hex ^ Terminal setup ^F9 | Decrease base in hex ^ Disk editor Reanimator ============================================================================ Choose file @F | Change drive Alt C Choose directory @R | Reanimate F5 Choose drive @D | View F3 Choose cluster @C | Choose sector @S | Exit from disk editor @F3 | CD-ROM Player View as hex F2 |=================================== View as directory F3 | Start playing P View as text F4 | Stop playing S View as FAT F5 | Pause/Unpause U Search F7 | Next track N Search again #F7 | Previous track V Copy to clipboard ^ | Forward 15 sec ] Paste from clipboard # | Backward 15 sec [ Undo @ | Zoom toggle Z Help Copy/Move/Compress/Split ============================================================================= Help on help F1 | Show tree F10 Index #F1 | Go back @F1 | Next topic | Previous topic # | | Game |=================================== Phone book | New Game F2 or @N =========================================| Pause F3 or @P Add book/phone | Top Ten F4 or @T Delete book/phone | Setup F5 or @S Edit book/phone F4 | Next level + Dial current phone Space or F5 | Toggle preview * - 5 - Short explanation:"F3" means key with 'F3' string written on it (usually found on left side of keyboard if have an old XT or on top of keyboard otherwise). "Left" means left arrow (key with an arrow pointing to the left on it - usually found on keypad, on right side of keyboard; make sure that NumLock is off when trying to use it). "@" means Alt key, "^" means Ctrl key and "#" mians Shift key, thus "@F3" means that you have to press Alt key and holding it press F3. "#@0" means that you have to press Shift, holding it press Alt and holding them both press 0 (like taking an accord on piano). On the other hand three key combinations that contains two letters or digits and not two control keys (like "^KB") are entered in different way: press Ctrl, holding it press K then release K and press B. ,, , means Up, Down, left and right arrors keys accordingly. ,,,, and means keys with "Page Up", "Page Down","Home", "End", "Isert" (or "Ins") and "Delete" (or "Del") written on them accordingly. All those keys ken be found on keypad, on right side of keyboard. , and means Backspace, Tab and Enter (Return) keys accordingly. Copyrights: OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corp. Dos Navigator II Copyright (c) 1991,1995 by RIT Research Labs. DN Keyboard and Mouse references, DN Faq are Copyright (c) 1995 by Maxim Glukhov. Part 7: Mouse Reference 8<---------------------------------CUT-HERE---------------------------------- - 1 - ===================================== |DOS NAVIGATOR MOUSE REFERENCE v0.03| ===================================== Written by MAXIM GLUKHOV. Last revised 13/04/95. GLOBAL OPERATIONS Windows and Scrollbars operations, tree panel/dialog ....... Page 1 File panels, dialog boxes, editor operations ............... Page 2 Viewer operations, ASCII Table box, Short explanation on keys, Copyrights etc .................. Page 3 Anywhere in program: ============================================================================= Goto menu on menu bar - in case you want to perform some other operation (move window, clock etc) which should be performed where menu bar placed, use right menu button Select operation from status line on wanted operation on status line Call screensaver (if to upper right corner Options|Configuration|Screen savers ->Use mouse to call server is on) Disable screensaver temporarily to upper left corner Exit from screen savers or anywhere Move clock icon clock icon Window operations: ============================================================================= Move window
Window title Resize window
Lower right window corner which is drawn as single-line frame Close window On close window icon ([*]) in upper left corner Zoom/Unzoom window On zoom window icon ([|]) in upper right corner Scrollbars: (unless stated otherwise this works only on vertical scrollbars) ============================================================================= Move string up/down (left/ On arrors on scrollbar end. right for horizontal scrollbars) Go to exact position (works on
scrolbar frame (#) to position you horizontal scrollbar too) need Go to list top/bottom On scrollbar very next to up/down arrow on its end. Go page up/down scrollbar very next to up/down arrow on its end second time. Tree panel/dialog ============================================================================= Go to some directory in on directory name in tree panel or on directory name in tree dialog Expand condense direcories on [-] next to directory name in tree nesting level when viewing disk panel tree in one of panels - 2 - File panels: ============================================================================= Change left/right panel width vertical frame section between panels Close current panel on external bracket ([ for left file panel; ] for right file panel) of drive line Close non-active panel on internal bracket (] for left panel [ for right panel) of drive line Command line history window on command line Hide left/right file panel on brackets surrounding drive line Change disk drive for panel on file panel title on drive letter or on drive letter in drive line Change directory for panel on file panel title on directory Go to directory, execute file on directory or file Invert file selection. on file Invert multiple files selection from first to last file Copy/move/delete selected file(s) selected file(s) or directories from or directories from one panel to one panel to another one or drive another one or to one of the line; to directory in second other panel's directories. panel to copy to that directory; (Deletion only if trashcan is select "remoVe source file" in copy enabled) dialog to move; file file(s) or directories to trashcan to delete them. Copy/move/delete all files in totals status in mini-panel (lower directory including all part of file panel very next to subdirectories from one bottom border) from needed panel panel to another to another panel/trashcan or drive line. Exit from user screen anywhere In ANY dialog box: (in most cases by dialog boxes I call window which cannot be resized) ============================================================================= Send anywhere Abort dialog (same as close On close window icon ([*]) in upper window) left corner of dialog Choose button or field, pick some on button, field, item, checkbox item,invert selection in some check box. Recall history list for input line On arrow next to the input line Move dialog
Dialog title Editor ============================================================================= Show ruler anywhere in editor window Block selection anywhere in editor window Go to some position in editor on this position window - 3 - Viewer ============================================================================= Scroll up/down on top/bottom part of screen somewhere near center Scroll left/right on left/right part of screen ASCII Table ============================================================================= Send some character to current
on character active input line Short explanation: means click with left mouse button, means click with right mouse button. click by left or right mouse button. , and
means drag by right mouse button, left mouse button or by left or right mouse button accordingly., and means double click by left mouse button, right mouse button or any mouse button (but you have to click same button twice in this case) accordingly. - move mouse cursor. Copyrights: Dos Navigator II Copyright (c) 1991,1995 by RIT Research Labs. DN Keyboard and Mouse references, DN Faq are Copyright (c) 1995 by Maxim Glukhov. 8<---------------------------------CUT-HERE---------------------------------- THE END