File index of PKW: Pkware's archive/unarchive for Linux

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 pklin251.exe 17-05-2001 303 Kb. 0
pklin251.exe PKWare's Zip/Unzip for Linux. 
Lots of new features. 
2 pkz600lnx.exe 01-09-2004 12065 Kb. 0
PKZip for Linux v6.00 
3 pkz6lnx.exe 01-09-2004 12065 Kb. 0
PKZip for Linux v6.00 
4 25-06-2004 12063 Kb. 0
PKZip v6.00 for Linux 
5 11-04-2013 14956 Kb. 0
PKZIP for Linux on System z V141013
Compression Software for Linux on System z
Evalution Copy Self-Extracting ZIP Archives
Enterprise Only Create Self-Extracting ZIP
Archives that others can open on Windows
desktops without installing additional
software.  Integrates with FTP & SMTP
Enterprise Only.  Automated delivery of
files (distributes files automatically from
servers to desktops) Compresses files up to
98%.  Protect from internal theft.  Strong
Passphrase-based File Protection.  Send
files or groups of files across major
enterprise platforms; including Windows
desktops, Windows and UNIX/Linux servers,
IBM i, and IBM zSeries.  Error Reporting for
Attended & Unattended Operations with SNMP
(Simplified Network Message Protocol) with
leading data center management applications. 

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