File index of PDN: Python graphics

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 17-12-2002 210 Kb. 0
Python Computer Graphics Kit v1.0beta3 The
Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection
of Python modules that contain the basic
types and functions to be able to create 3D
computer graphics images. The kit mainly
focuses on Pixar's RenderMan interface, but
some modules can also be used for OpenGL
programs or non-RenderMan compliant
renderers like POV-Ray, for example. 
2 22-04-2013 207 Kb. 0
FF Multi Converter is a simple graphical
application which converts audio, video,
image, and document files between all
popular formats, using and combining other
programs.  It uses ffmpeg for audio/video
files, unoconv for document files, and the
PythonMagick library for image file
3 24-02-2001 307 Kb. 0
The Python Imaging Library 1.1.1 (PIL) adds
image processing capabilities to your Python
environment.  This library provides
extensive file format support, an efficient
internal representation, and fairly powerful
image processing capabilities. This source
kit has been built and tested on Windows 95,
98 and NT, and a number of Unix platforms
(including Alpha, Solaris, and Intel

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