File index of IREX: Internet Rex for Linux

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 21-03-2000 1957 Kb. 1
Internet Rex 2.03 for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 
2 16-06-2000 1917 Kb. 1
Internet Rex 2.23 for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 
3 24-12-2000 1529 Kb. 1
Internet Rex 2.26 for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 
4 03-03-2001 1525 Kb. 1
Internet Rex 2.27 for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 
5 28-05-2001 1527 Kb. 1
Internet Rex 2.28a for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 
6 28-10-2001 1528 Kb. 2
Internet Rex 2.29 for Linux
A program for sending your BBS mail
over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
with features. 

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