File index of GN: Miscellaneous games

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 13-11-1998 2850 Kb. 0
Test your speed and reflexes with this
desktop game 
102 14-11-1998 738 Kb. 0
Plays Shogi (Japanese Chess) and 16 Shogi
103 16-02-1998 439 Kb. 0
Freeware multiplayer internet game based on
104 13-11-1998 232 Kb. 0
Wordgame syllables dividing assembling
105 13-11-1998 1127 Kb. 0
Skeleton Crew Plug In opponents for Hearts
106 06-08-1998 326 Kb. 0
*  Skip98 v1.2   (c)Copyright 1998, Pablo Fuent
Skip98 is a Windows95/Windows98 computer game
by the very popular Skip-Bo(R) card game from
It is a 2 player game against the computer or
via the Internet. It requires Microsoft DirectX
Internet Play is ICQ ready. 
107 27-09-1998 754 Kb. 0
SMARTBRIDGE v2.0 - For Win95/3.1 New version!
A tool to learn the game easily and with fun,
playing rubbers and duplicate. Improved bid,
based on natural system. The hand dealer is
very flexible. Play can use GIB (best program
on the Web).Full PBN capabilities.New Editor.
It's possible to Load/Save, Edit, Play, Print
games. Viewer for games played by champions!
And also Hints, a strong Help, Music, Speech.
It's really smart...From F. Barcio - Only $25 
108 13-11-1998 574 Kb. 0
SmartPBNViewer v2.0 -  a PBN (Portable Bridge
Notation) file viewer for Win95/3.1.  You can
observe bridge games,stored in .pbn files,for
both the bidding and the playing phases,going
ahead step-by-step, or automatically. Summary
windows are opened to show the auction or the
played cards.  Most of the game related infos
(player names, teams, result, scores etc) are
shown. Several options are possible.
It's really smart...From F. Barcio - Only $10 
109 13-11-1998 697 Kb. 0
Smith Brothers Plug In Opponents for Hearts
110 13-11-1998 1400 Kb. 0
Reflection game 
111 13-11-1998 508 Kb. 0
A 2 Player 1 on 1 Soccer Game For Windows 
112 13-11-1998 204 Kb. 0
Fast moving and addictive card game 
113 14-11-1997 929 Kb. 0
It's here, the first Sole Survivor Theme for
MS Plus! 
114 06-08-1998 802 Kb. 0
Breakthrough-style game with new and unique
115 13-11-1998 1473 Kb. 0
Tactical Nuke from 8th Wonder Software
116 05-06-1998 777 Kb. 0
Tarot Reader's Assistant 
117 13-07-1998 739 Kb. 0
Aids tarot readers in performing thier
118 14-11-1998 2025 Kb. 0
New strategy/puzzle game (strategy and
119 25-08-1998 508 Kb. 0
Amusing variant of peg solitaire with
animated pegs! 
120 30-01-1999 370 Kb. 0
Virtual Pet Patch for systems
*WITHOUT* IE 4.0. 
121 07-06-1998 131 Kb. 0
Widow Pitch 
122 28-09-1998 239 Kb. 0
Play harmless but seemingly fatal computer
123 13-11-1998 391 Kb. 0
WinPoker U. is a video poker tutor program 
124 27-09-1997 409 Kb. 0
Action Word Game.  Find words faster than
your opponent 
125 20-09-1997 144 Kb. 0
WIN95 - P100 - DirectX 3.0
Classic 80's arcade game Xevious ported
over to the PC. 
126 19-11-1998 180 Kb. 0
Xonix, the original X-Game, remade for
Windows 95/NT 
127 13-11-1998 2298 Kb. 0
Best call-poker software on the net! 
128 13-11-1998 5225 Kb. 0
Unique mahjongg tile design, truely
photo-based, music 
129 13-11-1998 549 Kb. 0
Zak-Rob-Jen: original Plug In Opponents
Hearts Deluxe 
130 27-04-2000 4567 Kb. 0
Arcade Pool' is een leuk pool spel waarin
je wel zeer snel moet spelen. Je kunt in
deze demo twee verschillende speelsoorten
kiezen. Zo is er natuurlijk het bekende
'9 ball' waarin het de bedoeling is om alle
ballen op volgorde van de tafel te spelen.
Als je kiest voor dit spel dan krijg je van
de computer negen levens en elke keer als je
een bal mist gaat er een level van je af. Je
zult dus elke bal in een keer in de pocket
moeten schieten. Ook kun je kiezen voor een
tijdsspelletje. Alle ballen liggen dan in
een rondje met jouw witte bal in het midden.
Het is dan de bedoeling dat je zo snel
mogelijk alle ballen van de tafel afschiet.
Dat dit niet erg makkelijk is zul je snel
achter komen als je deze zeer mooie demo
131 08-03-2000 3800 Kb. 0
Win 95/98 - Demo
You begin your Bingo journey in Bingo
Buddies where you try to earn money to
get your bingo career started. 
132 27-04-2000 2081 Kb. 0
Ben jij een liefhebber van bowling? Dit is
een programma om al je bowling records in
op te slaan. Alles kun je hier invullen
zoals: de wedstrijd, de score, de locatie
en ga zo maar even door. Zo sla je al je
records snel en makkelijk op. handig
natuurlijk als je competities speelt en je
prestaties nauwkeurig wilt analyseren! Test
het zelf! Min. Pentium 200-300, 32 MB
intern geheugen. 
133 10-06-2000 2347 Kb. 0
Baby Ace: Create online baby books Baby Ace
allows parents to store their favorite memories
of their children and to create online baby
books.  Baby Ace features an easy-to-use interfa
e with an embedded web browser, so linking to
related pa 
134 27-04-2000 2896 Kb. 0
Capman' is een leuke kloon van het
bekende 'PacMan'. Ook in dit spel is het
de bedoeling dat je alle snoepjes van
het veld opeet. Natuurlijk komen er hier
ook spookjes achter je aan die er alles
aan zullen doen om ervoor te zorgen dat
jij het level niet haalt. Je hoeft ze
nou niet te ontwijken of op eten maar in
deze versie kun je ze neerschieten. Jawel,
je schiet die spookjes gewoon neer of je
plaatst gewoon even een mijn waarmee je ze
eenvoudig naar de andere wereld helpt! 
135 27-04-2000 928 Kb. 0
Corner to corner: Dit is een leuk maar
een vrij moeilijk spel. Het is de
bedoeling dat je jouw balletjes als
eerste naar de andere kant van het
speelveld krijgt. Dit lijkt niet moelijk
maar je zult er snel achter komen dat je
dit niet zomaar even doet. Je speelt het
spel tegen drie spelers van de computer
en je zult dan ook erg goed je best
moeten doen wil jij het kunnen winnen
van de computer. 
136 27-04-2000 1443 Kb. 0
Card fun video poker: In dit spel kun je
maar liefst vijf verschillende poker
spelletjes spelen. Als je het spel begint
krijg je van de computer een geldbedrag
waarmee je mag gaan spelen. Als je op de
ene kast niets kunt winnen, geen nood
want dan kun je gewoon over stappen op
een andere kast met behoud van je winst
of natuurlijk je verlies. Omdat dit een
shareware versie is van dit spel mag je
op elke kast maar tien keer achter elkaar
spelen. Wil je toch verder spelen, dan
start je het spel gewoon opnieuw op en
je begint weer van voor af aan. Een
leuk spel voor de echte pokerliefhebber. 
137 28-06-2000 1462 Kb. 0
Crossword Compiler: puzzle maker. DEMO
With Crossword Compiler v5.02 you can create
puzzles, print out, export and publish to the
web.  Create vocabulary puzzles in seconds -
just type in some words and the program will
build them into a puzzle. Automatically fill
in standard American or British style blank
grids. Includes an applet for making
crosswords for the web. Crossword Compiler is
used by many of the world's best constructors
but is also simple to use. 
138 27-04-2000 1293 Kb. 0
Duck Hunt' is een spel waarin jij je
even lekker mag uitleven op de voorbij
vliegende vogels. Het enige wat jij
hoeft te doen is je geweer laden,
wachten en schieten. Dit lijkt natuurlijk
makelijker dan het is, want de vogels
komen zeer snel voorbij vliegen en je
zult dan ook erg snel moeten reageren wil
jij de vogels uit de lucht schieten. 
139 27-04-2000 3578 Kb. 0
Enemy: Dit is weer een lekker ouderwets
spel in een nieuw jasje.Iedereen heeft
zo'n soortgelijk spel wel eens gespeeld,
thuis of in de speelhal. Het is de
bedoeling dat je de boven je vliegende
ruimtewezens neerschiet. Elke keer als
je er een neerschiet gaan de andere
sneller heen en weer bewegen zodat ze
steeds moelijker te raken zijn. Kun jij
ze allemaal om zeep helpen voordat ze
de aarde overnemen? 
140 05-03-2001 1008 Kb. 1
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
Shoot live pool with stunning accuracy
and game action. Make bank shots
combination shots straight shots and
shots with English cue Spin with the
friendliest shooting architecture on the
market. Games: 8ball 9ball rotation
straight pool billiards. Features:
Instant Replay Undo Sound. Sharpen your
skills. Challenge a friend or play
against the computer. For all ages. It s
the complete compact desktop billiards
solution. Fully functional during 30 day
trial period. Some features are disabled
after trial expiration such as spotting
the cue after scratching and sinking the
winning shot. 
141 18-05-2001 307 Kb. 0
Move the Happy Face circle to circle
across connecting lines around the game
board without getting trapped on a circle
that is not connected to any others. Once
you cross over a line it is removed and
reappears in another place randomly. Each
level has a different playing field sizes
and the number of required moves. Play is
also timed. If you do not move within the
allotted time the computer will move for
you possibly not to a circle you would
choose. During some levels special
circles appear. When you pass over these
special circles different things occur. 
142 01-06-2001 460 Kb. 0
Step back in time and experience nature
through a dinosaur s eyes. A fun game for
any age. Select a dinosaur and then try
to cross your habitat by capturing your
prey while avoiding predators and
outsmarting your competitors. 
143 07-03-2001 1389 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Freeware
Click the happy faces before they drop
down and become sad Watch out for the red
tongue faces in this manic windows game. 
144 06-10-2000 2308 Kb. 0
Sympathy Crossword Grid Construction. DEMO
Sympathy allows you to create crossword
grids on the computer. It supports US style
fully checked grids, blocked grids, barred
and Italian style grids.  Completed grids can
be printed directly, or exported in a variety
of formats. 
145 24-10-2000 9652 Kb. 0
PuzzLex 5: Crossword/Anagram Solver
PuzzLex is a program designed to solve a
variety of word problems and was
initially designed to find solutions to
those last few crossword clues that you
cannot solve. It works by taking an
incomplete word and finding all the
possible words that are valid matches to
the supplied pattern. At its simplest
level you enter the word representing any
unknown letters with a . When you press
the SEARCH button PuzzLex will find the
matches. PuzzLex also includes over 90
000 definitions synonyms and antonyms.
PuzzLex has from this simple beginning
developed to solve a wide range of
problems including: Incomplete Words
Anagrams Multiple Word Anagrams Scrabble
tm and Countdown. Each of these types of
problems are described in the help file. 
146 14-05-2001 143 Kb. 0
Remember the Magic 8 Ball where you asked
it a question and then turned it upside
down for the answer Here s Camtech s
version of it called The Magic Tomato.
Ask it any question and the Tomato dances
around and gives you the answer. Fun for
all ages. 
147 07-03-2001 1406 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
Did you ever get frustrated at the
Celebrity Cipher in you local news paper.
Well here is a way of beating that
frustration. Simply type in the text from
your Celebrity Cipher in you news paper
usually found around the crossword
puzzles place the clue in the appropriate
box and start decoding. This doesn t take
away the fun of trying to decode the
cipher it simply puts the correct
character in it proper place for you so
you don t have to get frustrated in
erasing and trying to find all of the
correct character placements. 
148 01-06-2001 216 Kb. 0
ClickSmile is a game for both adults and
children. For adults it is the pleasure
of thinking and forgetting the daily
routine. Children will learn to calculate
and to see the result few steps ahead to
simulate different situations and to
predict the outcome to think and to act
consistently. ClickSmile has no
labyrinths or trap shooting. This game is
very friendly. It was created on the
basis of an ancient game jack-stones.
This game appeared as soon as a man
learned how to think inward to calculate
and anticipate his moves. 
149 07-03-2001 155 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
Domino Solitaire version 2.0 is a
full-featured shareware Windows program
in which instead of cards you will use
150 15-11-2000 4799 Kb. 0
Win 95/98 - Freeware
The aim of the game is to save lil Johnny
s life by finding all the medicine boxes.
All 5 must be found in order to finish
the level. Dr Goo his faithful friend has
vowed to find all these medicine boxes
and its up to you to help him Can you
save lil Johnny s life in time 
151 18-05-2001 666 Kb. 0
Cake Worm is a 360 degs turning wormgame
for one or two players. It requires Win32
Win95/98 and DirectX. 
152 18-05-2001 532 Kb. 0
Like the original Pong game you play
against a fairly easy computer player and
try to pass him. This game will run best
on a computer with a decent 3D card which
must support 800x600 resolution. I
included these features: reflections
specular lighting fog effects keyboard
use colored lighting effects mipmapping
basic physics involving friction rotation
and momentum. 
153 18-12-2000 2105 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
Try this wonderful gift - awards-winning
puzzle game Funny Ball Christmas edition.
The advantage of this game is that you
can insert your congratulations directly
into the game and they will be seen in
the main game window with appearance of
the game. So the game will turn into the
greeting card There are a lot of Chrismas
melodies good graphic terms attractive
plot and all these items are in one game 
154 17-07-2000 1090 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
A dominoes game for up to four networked
players although it works equally well
when played alone. The object being to
score points by playing your dominoes so
that the open ends of the line add up to
multiples of five and/or three. 
155 27-08-2000 1095 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
A networked dominoes game for up to four
players although it works equally well
when played alone. The object being to
score points by playing your dominoes so
that the open ends of the line add up to
multiples of five and/or three. 
156 17-11-2000 826 Kb. 0
Win 95/98/NT - Freeware
Alchemy Anaconda is a Windows version of
the classic snake game. The snake moves
around the screen eating blue blobs and
growing in length and speed. It must not
move beyond the playing area must not
cross itself and must avoid the brick
walls that appear around the playing
157 27-08-2000 1195 Kb. 0
Win 95/98 - Freeware
A cool videogame. 
158 04-11-2000 487 Kb. 0
Win 95/98 - Shareware
Russian Loto is a great program for the
whole family. It s exciting game with
easy rules and easy play. It looks like
BINGO-game but Russian Loto has its own
special rules. You can also control the
speed of the calling and decide whether
you want the numbers to be spoken sound
card required . And you can set number of
computers from 1 to 4 . 
159 27-04-2000 3466 Kb. 0
Laserage' is eeen echte klassieker in
een nieuw jasje. Iedereen heeft zo'n
soort gelijk spel weleens gespeeld en
zal daarom ook weinig moeite hebben met
het spelen van dit spel. Het is de
bedoeling dat je alle ruimtewezens boven
neerschiet. In het begin is dit vrij
makkelijk maar als je een paar levels
verder bent wordt het toch lastig om het
volgende level te halen. Ben jij de
nieuwe held die het gaat redden? 
160 03-07-2000 2988 Kb. 0
MAGGI: Hairstyles & Cosmetics Software MAGGI
- Haiestyles & Cosmetics v.5.1 is for everyone
of you who want to experiment with your outlook
and achieve the best effect, modeling your own
appearance.  Using MAGGI everyone can apply
over the i 
161 25-07-2000 2902 Kb. 0
MAGGI: Hairstyles & Cosmetics Software MAGGI-Hai
styles & Cosmetics v.5.2 is for everyone of
you who want to experiment with your outlook
and achieve the best effect, modeling your own
appearance.  Using MAGGI everyone can apply
over the ima 
162 27-04-2000 182 Kb. 0
Mutant X-Spider: Dat de meeste mensen
spinnen niet kunnen waarderen, staat
als een paal boven water. Daarom laten
de meeste mensen ze maar met rust in de
hoop dat ze snel weer weg lopen. Maar
wat als ze beginnen te schieten? Jawel,
in dit spel neem je het op tegen zeer
agressieve spinnen die het niet kunnen
laten om jou aan te vallen. Je vliegt
in een ruimteschip en het is aan jou de
taak om deze spinnen eens een lesje te
163 27-04-2000 17032 Kb. 0
3D Railtransport: Dit is een erg leuk spel
waarin het de bedoeling is dat jij op een
echte transporttrein mag rijden. Met die
trein moet je verschillende goederen ophalen
en afleveren.Dit is echter niet erg makkelijk
omdat je alles stipt op tijd moet doen en dit
kan wel eens wat problemen gaan opleveren.Als
je met de trein aan het rijden bent zul je je
ook aan de regels moeten houden. Dat dit niet
altijd lukt zul je snel zien tijdens het
spelen van dit spel. Een leuk maar erg
ingewikkeld spel! 
164 27-04-2000 1116 Kb. 0
Rock n' Roll: Dit is een erg leuk spel dat
is afgeleid van het bekende 'Bolderdash'.
Ook in dit spel is het de bedoeling dat je
alle diamanten in het veld pakt om zo naar
het volgende level te komen. Natuurlijk
zitten er ook hier rare beesten achter je
aan die er alles aan zullen doen om ervoor
te zorgen dat je het level niet haalt. Ben
jij ze te snel af? 
165 27-04-2000 4914 Kb. 0
Intergalactic Exterminator: Dit is weer
zo'n spel waar je geen genoeg van kunt
krijgen. De aarde wordt aangevallen door
grote rupsen en jij bent uitgokozen om het
op te nemen tegen deze monsters. Het eerste
level is vrij makkelijk en die zul je dan
ook zonder al te veel moeite doorstaan. Pas
als je in level twee terecht komt, zul je
er achter komen dat die rupsen je nog aardig
op je zenuwen kunnen werken. Een leuk en
zeer verslavend spel. 
166 18-07-2000 2467 Kb. 0
Sympathy Crossword Grid Construction. DEMO
Sympathy allows you to create crossword
grids on the computer. It supports the
of US style, blocked and barred grids.
has flexible options for grid drawing and
a variety of export formats for paper or web
Shareware.  Uploaded by the author. 
167 31-05-2000 498 Kb. 0
Humor Mill v1.16: Searchable joke database
The Humor Mill will brighten your computer
day and tickle your funny bone with a fresh
joke, pun, story, or limerick.  You can build
your own collection or draw from the supplied
databases.  Options let you read a joke on
or at preset intervals while you work. Direct
output from the program to paste jokes into
speeches and presentations, or print your
to have handy. 
168 20-11-2000 4643 Kb. 0
Unique 3D pinball 27 configurations. Cool
169 29-08-2001 1056 Kb. 0
this is a cool kaleidoscope program for
the computer It makes really weird shapes
and you can paint them yourself In this
Christmas version you can create designs
on a tree and wreath This program is
really easy to use. 
170 29-08-2001 567 Kb. 0
CANDY TIME 1.0 - FreeWare You ve just
finished Trick-or-Treating and now it s
time to see what kinds of goodies you got
Let s go through the basket and find out
Just reach in and start grabbing You re
going to come across a lot of crazy and
wacky items. I don t want to spoil the
surprise but what s a picture of Richard
Nixon doing in there This game is a fun
and a crazy time Candy Time is easy to
play. Just click to find out what s in
your Trick-or-Treat basket 
171 29-08-2001 459 Kb. 0
Title:  Meteor Rescue
Version:  #1254
Desc:  Meteor Rescue arcade game
Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H
Author:  Kurt W. Dekker
Publisher:  PLBM Games
Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H
See ORDER.TXT file for complete list 
172 29-08-2001 2013 Kb. 0
HOLIDAY FUN FOR KIDS 5.0C - ShareWare This is
a great program from KIDware Software. It s
holiday fun for kids This game comes with tons
of games -- 15 total Some games include Santa
s Sleigh where you control a sleigh that runs
down a snow  
173 29-08-2001 1935 Kb. 0
XMAS FRED 1999 1.0 - FreeWare Xmas Fred
is a funny little animated guy who roams
around on your desktop while you play
games or do other work. He s dressed up
like Santa and has some Christmas fun
This is a cute program definitely worth
checking out. 
174 29-08-2001 3001 Kb. 0
DemoWare This is a must download for the
Christmas season This story is a classic
for the whole family Join Todd and Tisha
two young gingerbread children as they
journey into the Peppermint Forest in
search of the Christmas Snowflake.
Children and adults alike will love this
holiday treat for its wonderful graphics
sound animation and storyline Download
today to experience and enjoy a wonderful
175 29-08-2001 2950 Kb. 0
CHRISTMAS TREE 2.0 - FreeWare Get ready
for the holiday season with this great
holiday program Christmas Tree provides
you with your very own tree to decorate
Choose from different colored bulbs a
star and more. Frosty will check on your
progress - have fun 
176 29-08-2001 4283 Kb. 0
PC-Album v1.02:Digital Photo Album Thumbnail
FreeWare by A Alajmi 
177 23-09-2001 4434 Kb. 0
SHROOMS 5.0 - MISC/WINDOWS Imagine if you
will living as an alchoholic mushroom
named Spike. Also imagine yourself stuck
in a cave full of treats and beer Would
it be worth it to see if all the beers
lead to an exit Should it be a worthy
enough cause You be the judge. 
178 25-09-2001 1123 Kb. 0
Both create and play fun wordsearch
puzzles. ShareWare by RT Software 
179 29-09-2001 517 Kb. 0
Daily updated comics. ShareWare by Cupido
180 02-10-2001 2867 Kb. 0
Hook Line @ Sinker the UK fishing guide. FreeWar
by Kev Martin 
181 07-10-2001 315 Kb. 0
version of the domino game Mexican Train.
Play against 2-5 computer opponents with
planned multiplayer/internet expansion.
Game appearance and game options are
completely configurable. 
182 16-10-2001 1381 Kb. 0
Test your Personality now with this tool
ShareWare by 
183 11-10-2001 765 Kb. 0
All your online finance accounts on one
page FreeWare by Paessler GmbH 
184 01-11-2001 908 Kb. 0
Manage ASCII Art for ICQ. ShareWare by
Liu Pingzhong 
185 01-11-2001 3995 Kb. 0
Complete program that will help you organize
all your home-related data. Contains ready to
use organizers: Address: manage contacts.
Inventory: track your
organize projects. Journal: create diaries,
notebooks. Photo: organize digital pictures.
List: manage shopping, travel lists.. WEB:
organize web resources. There are more than
50 ready-to-use templates that will help you
to be more productive and efficient. 
186 02-12-2001 976 Kb. 0
HOLIDAY LIGHTS 5.2 - ShareWare This
strings rows of Christmas tree bulbs
around the edges of your screen while
festive music plays in the background. It
even includes a screen saver with gently
falling snow and other seasonal choices
to put you in the holiday spirit. 
187 02-12-2001 4833 Kb. 0
All Home Inventory ShareWare by CyberNiche Softw
188 14-12-2001 349 Kb. 0
Create and print your own Japanese Puzzles.
FreeWare by Moor Computer Productions 
189 27-12-2001 2604 Kb. 0
Create crossword puzzles for publication
DemoWare by Bryson Limited 
190 27-12-2001 937 Kb. 0
QUICKSNOOKER 6.1.22 - ShareWare Like
snooker If so you ll like this version of
the game. Frankly I don t know how it s
played but I found the interface to be
fast attractive and somewhat
customizable. You can make the window
full-screen or smaller. 
191 03-01-2002 1126 Kb. 0
Video database for DVD VHS and
LaserDiscs. ShareWare by Ken Phipps 

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