Game: You Don't Know Jack Volume 4 The Ride For: PC Windows 95/98/2000 Creator: Alex Shapiro a.k.a.: Pop E-mail Address: Type of FAQ: question strategy guide Version: 3.0 First Written: 01/01/01 Last Updated: 01/05/01 Table Of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Buzzers 4. Category Questions 5. Name Questions 6. Multiple Choice Questions 7. Road Kill 8. Bingo 9. Gibberish Question 10. Fill In The Blank 11. Dis Or Dat 12. Three Way? (Notice Question Mark) 13. Buzzing in too soon. 14. Jack Attack 15. Screwing 16. Conclusion 17. Copyright Information ================= =1. Introduction= ================= Hello, my name is Alex this is one of my first FAQS this is a very short FAQ because...well it's a trivia game. I loved all the You Don't Know Jack games but for some reason I liked this one the best. I hope this FAQ comes in handy for you! Well until next time see yeah! ==================== =2. Version History= ==================== Version 1.0 This is my first version covering all the questions of the game. Version 2.0 I added the new screwing section along with that I fixed some grammar and spelling mistakes. ============ =3. Buzzers= ============ Let me start off by explaining the buzzers. 1 Player Game First Player-B (Pretty sad that only one person is playing a trivia game...just kidding I do it all the time!) 2 Player Game First Player- Q Second Player- P 3 Player Game First Player- Q Second Player- B Third Player- P I recommend that you use the stickers that came with the game to mark your buzzers. ====================== =4. Category Question= ====================== This question is at the beginning of the game and decides the category you will be playing on for example if the bellow was your question and you picked answer one you be playing something about adding if you picked answer two you would be doing something about subtracting. There are 2 answers. There is no strategy I can give you here just cross your fingers and hope you get a good category. Sample Question: What is your favorite math skill you learned? 1. Adding 2. Subtracting ================== =5. Name Question= ================== This question will appear every so often and it decides your name if it asks you a question where you should be able to type tour name then it's a name question. For example if it asked you the following when you should've been able to type in your name. How many languages do you speak? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three If you chose one then your name would be American. If you chose two then your name would be Bilingual. If you chose three then your name would be Weirdo. Again there is no strategy for this type of question just answer honestly. (Honesty is the best policy and also the most funny...unless of course you broke a window.) :( ============================== =6. Multiple Choice Questions= ============================== These are the most common questions you will see throughout the game. They ask you a question and give you four answers to choose from one of those questions is right and the rest are wrong. The following is an example question. What is the shape of King Arthur's Table? 1. Square 2. Round (correct answer) 3. Straight 4. Zigzag If you chose the second answer then you would get the amount of money the question was worth however if you get it wrong then you lose the amount that the question is worth. You only have one shot at the question. STRATEGY: You can answer the question if you think you know it, the money value isn't that big. Don't answer the question if you absolutely don't know it. This is the only question type where you can screw people. ============== =7. Road Kill= ============== This is a cool category in this type of question you are apparently driving a car. They will give you two phrases and words will fly in the middle when you see the word that matches the phrases immediately hit your buzzer. For example. Color of grass. The ________ Mile. purple (wrong answer) green (right answer) Every time you get one of these right you get $500, and for every one wrong you lose $500. At the end it will ask you what all the correct answers have in common so if the answers had to do with shapes then as soon as you see Types Of Shapes fly by then you immediately hit your buzzer. You only have one try on the final question but you have as many tries as you want on the basic questions. STRATEGY: Only answer the ones you definitely know. Make sure you hit your buzzer immediately because first off the answer may change very fast or you opponent may buzz in before you. The last questions money value is the amount you chose at the beginning of the question. (I love the green.) :) ========== =8. Bingo= ========== This is question that will appear every so often. There will be a song at the beginning where it will tell you what your five-letter word is. (No it's not Bingo.) As soon as you see the first letter of the correct answer lit up buzz in to score $500 and you lose $500 for each time you get it wrong. It will give you a Phrase like The City Where N.Y.P.D. Blue Is Filmed. If your word is RHINO then as soon as you see the letter N lit up buzz in immediately. (Of course the correct answer is New York City.) Now at the bottom of your money you should see the letter N light up. As soon as you collect all five letters you will get the bonus. The bonus is the amount of money you selected at the beginning. STRATEGY: Don't buzz in unless you know it and allow yourself less the five seconds at the beginning to figure out the answer. If you lose $500 because you missed one over a silly mistake buzz in again when the correct letter is lit to get your money back. You must buzz in very quickly because the letters change very fast and your opponent will probably be Speedy Gonzalez and want to buzz in fast too. ======================= =9. Gibberish Question= ======================= Boy do I hate these questions thank goodness they don't appear to often. You will see a phrase at the beginning that won't sound right if you are absolutely sure what the phrase is than buzz in and type it the following is an example gibberish question. Vitsa Itsveryverywere Yous Hant Tsummee. If you know what the phrase is saying than buzz in and answer the question if not then a clue will appear soon and it should help you out. But this is a warning the money goes down very fast so don't wait to long. The correct answer is Visa It's everywhere you want to be. STRATEGY: Obviously the question will sound like the answer. The money at the beginning is very high and can make someone go out or into debt. Don't buzz in quickly because your answer is probably wrong wait until at least one clue. The amount of money is the amount you chose at the beginning. ======================= =10. Fill In The Blank= ======================= These questions are extremely hard and they are fill in the blank questions. (You should know what a fill in the blank question is so I'm not going to show an example.) STRATEGY: Unless you are sure you know it don't buzz in. These questions are very hard and can be worth some big dough. The amount of money is the amount you chose at the beginning. ================ =11. Dis Or Dat= ================ This is a one-player question round where it will give you a word and the player must select one of the choices. Let's say the category question was: Is this a famous President or Cartoon Character? It will show you a word like Bugs Bunny you would either hit: 1. President 2. Cartoon Character 4. Skip Of course the correct answer is number two. You get the amount of money you chose at the beginning if you get it right and you lose the amount of money you chose at the beginning if you get it wrong. If you don't know just hit number four to skip. STRATEGY: The person who chose the amount of money at the beginning will be playing this round. If you don't know it just guess because if you skip and you run out of time you get it wrong anyway. You have about a minute to answer all of the seven questions so think fast! The Money you chose at the beginning is a very small amount but it can add up if you get all the questions or most of the questions right. ================ =12. Three Way?= ================ I friend told me there were Three Way questions on here however I have never run across them. As soon as I run across one I will put strategy up for this type of question. ======================== =13. Buzzing in to soon= ======================== If you buzz in to soon (before you can see the answers) it will ask you to select from a choice of wrong answers this is a good way to LOSE money. So don't buzz in until you can see the answer. ================= =14. Jack Attack= ================= The last question will be a Jack Attack where it will give you a clue and then a word comes up for example if the clue was Cartoons And There Shows and you saw the word Bugs Bunny come up in yellow then in red you saw Tiny Toons you know NOT to buzz in. If you see the word Loony Toons in red then you know to buzz in. STRATEGY: When you see the word buzz in immediately and get the amount you chose at the beginning if you get it wrong you will have more chances to get your money back of course you lose money each time you get it wrong. After a certain amount of answers the yellow word disappears and you will have to wait a little until it comes back after seven of these questions the game will end the player with the highest score wins! If you were playing alone then your goal was to get into the top ten. ============== =15. Screwing= ============== This is a brief strategy on how to screw people if you see the question but not the answers do not buzz in because then you will have to choose from a wrong set of answers. (Look back in the buzzing in too soon part of the FAQ on what that is.) If you see the questions and the money value is high buzz in immediately and keep pounding the S key to cover up the questions and answers this way your opponent can't even see the answers or question. But be prepared if your opponent gets it right then you lose the money instead of your opponent. If you are very far ahead then I don't suggest you screw but if you are far behind I suggest you do. ================ =16. Conclusion= ================ I hope this FAQ came in handy for you if you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at Thank you! =========================== =17. Copyright Information= =========================== This FAQ is Copyright (c)2001 Alex Shapiro. This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It may NOT be used on any website other than the following sites: GameFAQs: My site: Neoseeker: Game Advice: If you would like to post this FAQ on a site, book, magazine, etc. Please contact me at