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Next, all of the information in here was either compiled by the author, or it was contributed, by someone noted in the contributor credits, all questions regarding info someone contributed should be directed to them. Sections and pieces of this guide may not be copied and pasted to create smaller guides without the authors permission. Fourth, this guide may never and I mean never, altered in any way, or have advertisements added to it. I will not tolerate that at all. This guide may never be used by any site other than a non-profit one, and may never have any profit made form it in any way, shape or form. Next, this guide may not be given away as an extra or as an incentive to buy something. If you follow the terms here there should be no problem with your using the guide. Now, if you think you don't understand something in here, the author can answer any thing you do not understand. Please abide by this & no trouble should arise. Contact Information: If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which concerns this guide, please email me at Things which are acceptable reasons would be contributions, corrections, praise. Now some things not to send are "Hey, will you sell me your game?" or "This game sucks." Emails like these will never be responded to, so you might as well not even waste yourself on sending them to me, understood. Webmasters Notice: Alright, here's the deal. I am sure you have read through the copyright and are thinking, "Well what are the odds he would find my site." Don't think that, because it would be very sad to have your domain name taken away by the vendor and your account revoked for plagiarism and fraud of copyrights laws. Another mistake would be thinking this copyright isn't legal, it is perfectly legal under the international copyright law. Now if you still don't think so, I am sure your domain provider would think the same as I do, so don't push it. I have no problem with you using my guides under the terms in the disclaimer, but plagiarism is serious and very disliked by myself, and most of my friends who are authors as well so please just ask permission, it's really not that hard to send email. ======================================================================= Table Of Contents. ======================================================================= 1.) Introduction 2.) Revision History 3.) Character Guide 3.1 - Zidane: *Done* 3.2 - Steiner: *Done* 3.3 - Vivi: *Done* 3.4 - Garnet: *Done* 3.5 - Kuja: *Done* 3.6 - Queen Rahme: *Done* 3.7 - Quina: *Done* 3.8 - Freya: *Done* 3.9 - Beatrix: *Done* 3.10 - Amarant: *Done* 3.11 - Eiko: *Done* 4.) Author Information 5.) Contributor Credits 6.) Authors Conclusion 7.) Authors Notes __________________________ / Chapter 1: Introduction. \___________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Final Fantasy IX, a game which has already attained legendary status if any game ever has. It brings together the gaps between old school RPG & and fans of games like Final Fantasy VIII by putting together a awesome story line like VIII had, but then also using the older lookin graphics which add the old school charm. A huge amount of expectation was set on this game, and I would have to say it meets it all pretty well. This is the last installment of the series that we will see on the Playstation1 and the last normal installment, as the next two will be online only. I think any fan of the series, new or old school will enjoy, & should get this game, it is a true classic. There are some innovations in it which Square has worked up to and finally perfected in the last 8 games. So I kind of like to think of this as the Final Fantasy game in its complete and perfect form, because they have had a span of 8 games to decide and create what would make this game so special, and they did It very well. _____________________________ / Chapter 2: Revision History \________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Version 1.0 (12/1/00) The very first version of this guide contains information on all of the basic characters, and later I will try to get more in-depth on some of the characters of less importance. I am debating about adding an magic section to the FAQ, looks promising. Version 1.1 (12/2/00) I totally reformatted the guide, and decided to change of few things in the disclaimer and contact policy. I also changed a couple things on a couple of the biography sections, and that is about it for now. Another update for today is most likely. ____________________________ / Chapter 3: Character Guide \_________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vivi Description: Vivi is a mage, and apparently he is not very sure about his history. I Would have to say that he is my favorite character, a quiet and mystic Of a creature. He has some crazy strong magic when he really needs it. Physically he is a very small and oddly dressed fellow, wearing blue & And a large tan hat. Look for him to be very important to your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITY: BLACK MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The very nature of Black Magic is to destroy or attack. Vivi learns most of his spells from wooden staves that you can find or purchase as the game progresses. Vivi should start each battle by using his first couple of turns to "Focus" his magical powers. This is a command on his battle menu, and it can increase the power of his spells. Vivi learns some incredibly powerful magical attacks, but because his physical strikes are so weak, he depends on spell-casting to an extreme. Thus, Vivišs abilities are practically negated if the enemy casts a Reflect spell. To counter this, a White Mage (like Dagger or Eiko) must cast Reflect on herself, and then Vivi can bounce spells off of her at the enemy. Arguably, Vivišs most powerful spell is the Doomsday spell, which inflicts Shadow damage upon everything on-screen. Prepare your party accordingly when Doomsday is cast, and learn how to use it effectively against enemies. Your party must be equipped with armor and accessories that nullify or absorb Shadow damage; otherwise, the spell will inflict massive damage on everyone. To use Doomsday most effectively, have Vivi and Steiner collaborate to cast Doomsday Sword, which enables Steiner to focus Vivi's magic onto a single enemy instead of everyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLACK MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spell: Fire MP Cost: 6 Effect: Causes Fire damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Fira MP Cost: 12 Effect: Causes a lot of Fire damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Firaga MP Cost: 24 Effect: Causes big time Fire damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Sleep MP Cost: 10 Effect: Puts single/multiple targets to sleep Spell: Blizzard MP Cost: 6 Effect: Causes Ice damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Blizzara MP Cost: 12 Effect: Causes a lot of Ice damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Blizzaga MP Cost: 24 Effect: Causes big time Ice damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Slow MP Cost: 6 Effect: Slows down ATB Gauge Spell: Thunder MP Cost: 6 Effect: Causes thunder damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Thundara MP Cost: 12 Effect: Causes a lot of Thunder damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Thundaga MP Cost: 24 Effect: Causes big time Thunder damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Stop MP Cost: 8 Effect: Stops targets from taking any actions Spell: Poison MP Cost: 8 Effect: Causes poison to single/multiple targets Spell: Bio MP Cost: 18 Effect: Causes non-elemental damage and Poison to single/multiple enemies Spell: Osmose MP Cost: 2 Effect: Absorbs MP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster Spell: Drain MP Cost: 14 Effect: Drains HP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster Spell: Demi MP Cost: 18 Effect: Amount of damage depends on the targetšs HP Spell: Comet MP Cost: 16 Effect: Causes non-elemental damage Spell: Death MP Cost: 20 Effect: KOšs the target Spell: Break MP Cost: 18 Effect: Causes petrify Spell: Water MP Cost: 22 Effect: Causes water damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Meteor MP Cost: 42 Effect: Causes non-elemental damage to single/multiple targets Spell: Flare MP Cost: 40 Effect: Causes on-elemental damage Spell: Doomsday MP Cost: 72 Effect: Causes Shadow damage to all targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fire AP: 25 Learned from: Mage Staff, Leather Hat Name: Fira AP: 50 Learned from: Flame Staff, Magešs Hat, Power Belt Name: Firaga AP: 75 Learned from: Octagon Rod Name: Sleep AP: 20 Learned from: Flame Staff Name: Blizzard AP: 25 Learned from: Leather Wrist Name: Blizzara AP: 50 Learned from: Ice Staff, Opal Name: Blizzaga AP: 85 Learned from: Octagon Rod Name: Slow AP: 20 Learned from: Ice Staff, Magus Hat Name: Thunder AP: 25 Learned from: Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle Name: Thundara AP: 50 Learned from: Lightning Staff, Peridot Name: Thundaga AP: 80 Learned from: Octagon Rod Name: Stop AP: 25 Learned from: Oak Staff Name: Poison AP: 35 Learned from: Lightning Staff Name: Bio AP: 40 Learned from: Oak Staff Name: Osmose AP: 70 Learned from: High Mage Staff, Gaia Gear Name: Drain AP: 60 Learned from: Oak Staff Name: Demi AP: 30 Learned from: Cypress Pile, Black Belt, Amethyst Name: Comet AP: 55 Learned from: Cypress Pile Name: Death AP: 45 Learned from: Black Hood Name: Break AP: 30 Learned from: Cypress Pile Name: Water AP: 55 Learned from: N-Kai Armlet Name: Meteor AP: 95 Learned from: High Mage Staff Name: Flare AP: 95 Learned from: Black Robe Name: Doomsday AP: 150 Learned from: Mace of Zeus Name: Auto-Reflect AP: 70 Learned from: Reflect Ring Name: Auto-Float AP: 20 Learned from: Feather Boots Name: Auto-Regen AP: 30 Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Light Robe Name: Auto-Life AP: 70 Learned from: Rebirth Ring Name: MP + 20% AP: 30 Learned from: Black Robe Name: Healer AP: 20 Learned from: Garnet Name: Add Status AP: 25 Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feather Hat, Twist Armband, Glass Buckle Name: Reflect-Null AP: 30 Learned from: Robe of Lords Name: Reflect x2 AP: 110 Learned from: Black Robe, Rosetta Ring Name: Mag Elem Null AP: 85 Learned from: Protect Ring, Promist Ring Name: Half MP AP: 140 Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring Name: High Tide AP: 25 Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear Name: Body Temp AP: 15 Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madainšs Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond Name: Level Up AP: 30 Learned from: Egoistšs Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings Name: Ability Up AP: 55 Learned from: Green Beret, Silk Robe, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli Name: Insomniac AP: 25 Learned from: Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Clothes, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear Name: Antibody AP: 30 Learned from: Glass Armlet Name: Loudmouth AP: 40 Learned from: Magešs Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe Name: Jelly AP: 25 Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Name: Return Magic AP: 90 Learned from: Coronet Name: Auto-Potion AP: 10 Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demonšs Vest, Magician Robe, Running Shoes, Gold Choker Name: Locomotion AP: 35 Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demonšs Vest Name: Clear Headed AP: 15 Learned from: Magic Armlet, Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steiner Description: Not a whole lot to say about him, he is one tough man though. He is the Head soldier of the entire palace and is very dedicated to the princess And is a fierce warrior. All those who wish to oppose the princess must First get though him, which is no easy task. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Arts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Break: The takes away some of your enemies defense. Charge!: This causes the nearer depth party to attack. Mental Break: This will take away from your enemies magic defense. Darkside: This reduces enemies HP. Powerstrike: This will take away some of your enemies attack power. Magic Break: This will reduce your enemies magic. Shock: This will cause a whole lot of hurt to your enemy. Stock Break: This will cause non-elemental damage to your enemies. Lei Strike: This will KO your enemy target. Thunder Slash: This will cause thunder type damage to your enemy. Minus Strike: Causes damage with the HP and stats. CilmHazard: This is another non-elemental type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Magic ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Just take the name and then add - Sword Attack to the end and that's what it is. Water: - Sword Attack Fire: - Sword Attack Fira: - Sword Attack Firaga: - Sword Attack Flare: - Sword Attack Bio: - Sword Attack Doomsday: - Sword Attack Blizzard: - Sword Attack Blizzara: - Sword Attack Blizzaraga: - Sword Attack Thunder: - Sword Attack Thundera: - Sword Attack Thunderaga: - Sword Attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Zidane Description: He was once nothing more than a petty thief, and now he is the star of The best Final Fantasy ever?! Well, he was actually sent to kidnap the Princess, but he ends up aiding her instead, this guy has all the luck With the ladies eh? He is a very strong character, and has some cool & Other things you should check out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITY: STEALING ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zidane can steal items from enemies, and you can improve and refine this skill by learning certain abilities. He can eventually steal better items (Master Thief) and inflict damage while stealing (Mug). Until you learn such abilities, use the 'Detect' skill to spot any items the enemies may possess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIEF'S SKILLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Flee MP Cost: 0 Effect: Escape from battle with high probability Name: Detect MP Cost: 0 Effect: See the enemy's items Name: What's That!? MP Cost: 2 Effect: Allows back attack Name: Soul Blade MP Cost: 6 Effect: Draws out the hidden power of thief swords (inflicts status) Name: Annoy MP Cost: 4 Effect: Inflicts Trouble on the Target Name: Sacrifice MP Cost: 32 Effect: Sacrifice yourself to restore HP and MP to other members Name: Lucky Seven MP Cost: 6 Effect: Deals physical damage by luck Name: Thievery MP Cost: 8 Effect: Deals physical damage to the target ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DYNE SKILLS (TRANCE ONLY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Free Energy MP Cost: 10 Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy Name: Tidal Flame MP Cost: 12 Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies Name: Scoop Art MP Cost: 14 Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy Name: Shift Break MP Cost: 16 Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies Name: Stellar Circle 5 MP Cost: 24 Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies Name: Meo Twister MP Cost: 32 Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies Name: Solution 9 MP Cost: 48 Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy Name: Grand Lethal MP Cost: 60 Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Flee AP: 40 Learned from: Dagger, Mage Masher, Zorlin Shape, Ultima Weapon, Germinas Boots Name: Detect AP: 40 Learned from: Mage Masher, Orichalcon Name: What's That?! AP: 40 Learned from: Butterfly Sword Name: Soul Blade AP: 35 Learned from: The Ogre Name: Annoy AP: 50 Learned from: Gladius, Sargatanas Name: Sacrifice AP: 55 Learned from: Exploda, Masamune Name: Lucky Seven AP: 55 Learned from: Gladius, Exploda, Rune Tooth, The Tower, Thief Hat Name: Thievery AP: 100 Learned from: Angel Bless, The Tower Name: Auto-Reflect AP: 95 Learned from: Reflect Ring Name: Auto-Float AP: 20 Learned from: Feather Boots Name: Auto-Haste AP: 55 Learned from: Running Shoes Name: Auto-Regen AP: 25 Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit Name: Auto-Life AP: 130 Learned from: Rebirth Ring Name: HP + 20% AP: 40 Learned from: Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Black Belt, Battle Boots Name: Accuracy + AP: 30 Learned from: Power Wrist, Black Hoons, Lapiz Lazuli Name: Distract AP: 30 Learned from: Judo Uniform, Reflect Ring, Diamond Name: Long Reach AP: 170 Learned from: Thief Hat, Protect Ring Name: MP Attack AP: 45 Learned from: Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt Name: Bird Killer AP: 20 Learned from: Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf Name: Bug Killer AP: 35 Learned from: Mythril Armlet Name: Stone Killer AP: 30 Learned from: Adaman Vest, Power Vest Name: Undead Killer AP: 20 Learned from: N-Kai Armlet, Headgear, Ritual Hat Name: Devil Killer AP: 25 Learned from: Chain Plate, Demon's Vest Name: Beast Killer AP: 30 Learned from: Leather Wrist, Egoist's Armlet, Flash Hat, Black Belt, Moonstone Name: Man Eater AP: 25 Learned from: Bandana, Coronet, Coral Ring Name: Master Thief AP: 50 Learned from: Thief Gloves Name: Steal Gil AP: 40 Learned from: Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf Name: Add Status AP: 35 Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feathered Hat, Twist Headband, Glass Buckle Name: Gamble Defense AP: 20 Learned from: Twist Headband, Adamant Hat, Power Vest Name: High Tide AP: 35 Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Sapphire Name: Counter AP: 70 Learned from: Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt Name: Protect Girls AP: 35 Learned from: Butterfly Sword, Leather Shirt Name: Eye 4 Eye AP: 60 Learned from: Flash Hat, Ninja Gear Name: Body Temp AP: 25 Learned from: Jade Armlet, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond Name: Alert AP: 40 Learned from: Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots Name: Level Up AP: 50 Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings Name: Ability Up AP: 80 Learned from: Green Beret, Brigandine, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli Name: Flee-Gil AP: 45 Learned from: Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker Name: Insomniac AP: 30 Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Name: Antibody AP: 20 Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle Name: Bright Eyes AP: 35 Learned from: Feather Hat, Ritual Hat Name: Restore HP AP: 85 Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring Name: Jelly AP: 35 Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear Name: Auto-Potion AP: 30 Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker Name: Locomotion AP: 30 Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja Gear Name: Clear Headed AP: 25 Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes Name: Mug AP: 65 Learned from: Chimera Armlet, Thief Hat, Survival Vest Name: Bandit AP: 40 Learned from: Mythril Dagger, N-Kai Armlet ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Beatrix Description: The very loyal body guard, and one of the fiercest warriors around, and she does all this before dinner! She is very strong, and I have read she isnt exactly on great terms with Steiner, battle of the body guards! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Garnet Description: This is not you everyday person walking down the street, but then none Of them really are. She is of royal blood, and eventually makes a quest Or search or whatever to find others of the race she seeks. The alias Daggar is taken at the beginning of it. ------- [ Garnet ] ------- -- [ Summons ] -- Ability | Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ark | Causes Shadow damage to all enemies. Atomos | Reduces all enemies' HP by a percentage. Bahamut | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies. Ifrit | Causes Fire damage to all enemies. Leviathan | Causes Water damage to all enemies. Odin | Causes KO to all enemies. Ramuh | Causes Thunder damage to all enemies. Shiva | Causes Ice damage to all enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- [ White Magic ] -- Ability | Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berserk | Raises attack strength and defense, but character is | uncontrollable. Blind | Causes Darkness, lowering target's attack percentage. Confuse | Makes single/multiple targets erratic. Cura | Restores 1500+ HP, single/multiple target. Curaga | Restores 4000+ HP, single/multiple target. Cure | Restores 300+ HP, single/multiple target. Float | Allows target to escape Earth attacks. Life | Recovers character from KO, restores partial HP. Mini | Shrinks, lowers defense and attack power. Panacea | Cures Venom and Posion status. Protect | Reduces damage from physical attacks. Reflect | Reflects magic attacks back onto caster. Scan | Determines HP, MP, and weaknesses of enemy. Shell | Reduces damage from magic attacks. Silence | Prevents single/multiple target(s) from casting magic. Stona | Cures Petrify and Gradual Petrify ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- [ Abilities from Items - Garnet ] -- Ability | Learned from ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability Up | Lapis Lazulli, Silk Robe, Cachusha, Ribbon, Green Beret, | Stardust Rod Antibody | Glass Buckle, Mantra Band, Glass Armlet, Survival Vest Ark | Pumice Atomos | Amethyst Auto-Float | Feather Boots Auto-Haste | Running Shoes Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring Auto-Potion | Extension, Running Shoes, White Robe, Demon's Vest, Gold | Choker, Mythril Vest Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Maiden Prayer, Angel Earrings, Light Robe Bahamut | Garnet Berserk | Magic Racket Blind | Magician Shoes, Multina Racket Boost | Pumice Piece Body Temp | Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Holy Miter, Madain's | Ring Chemist | Cotton Robe, Barette, Madain's Ring Clear Headed | Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes, Circlet, Lamia's Tiara, Dark | Gear, Green Beret Concentrate | Rosetta Ring, Robe of Lords Confuse | Lamia's Tiara, Asura's Rod Cura | Barette, Healing Rod Curaga | Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker Cure | Silk Shirt, Rod, Magic Racket Float | Feather Boots, Stardust Rod Half MP | Light Robe, Protect Ring Healer | Garnet, Anklet, Healing Rod High Tide | Sapphire, Minerva's Plate, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Jade | Armlet Ifrit | Topaz Insomniac | Bandana, Holy Miter, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Magician's | Cloak Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet Level Up | Extension, Pearl Rouge, Rosetta, Egoist's Armlet, Fairy | Earrings Leviathan | Aquamarine Life | Cachusha, Whale Whisker, Healing Rod, Mythril Rod, Rebirth | Ring Locomotion | Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, | Anklet Loudmouth | Mage's Hat, Pearl Rouge, Golden Hairpin, Mage's Hat, White | Robe Mini | Feather Boots, Magic Racket, Asura's Rod MP+20% | Angel Earrings Odin | Dark Matter Odin's Sword | Ancient Aroma Protect | Mythril Racket, Desert Boots, Steepled Hat, Wizard Rod, | Rod Ramuh | Peridot Reflect | Mythril Racket, Ruby, Reflect Ring, Stardust Rod Reflect-Null | Pearl Rogue, Robe of Lords Scan | Desert Boots, Air Racket Shell | Multina Racket, Moonstone, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker, | Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Mythril Racket Shiva | Opal Silence | Priest' Racket, Mythril Rod, Magic Armlet, Asura's Rod Stona | Multina Racket ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Quina Description: A rather odd but then also useful character. She is kind of the comical relief for the story line, eating Well, she is a nice an a decent cook, so its not terrible to have her around, although she can become a bother if you are frustrated. ------- [ Quina - Blue Magic ] ------- Ability | Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 Needles | Reduces the enemy's HP by 1000. Angel's Snack | Uses Rememdy on all party members. Aqua Breath | Causes water damage to all enemies. Auto-Life | Casts Life when KO'ed. Bad Breath | Causes Confuse, Darkness, Poison, Slow, and Mini to the | enemy. Doom | Target's life ends after a 10 count. Earth Shake | Causes Earth damage to all enemies. Frog Drop | Amount of damage depends on the number of frogs you have | caught. Frost | Causes Freeze to the enemy. Goblin Punch | Causes non-elemental damage to the enemy. Limit Glove | Causes non-elemental damage to the target when your HP is | 1. Lv3 Def-less | Reduces defense to enemies whose levels are multiples of | 3. Lv4 Holy | Causes Holy damage to enemies whose levels are multiples | of 4. Lv5 Death | KO's all enemies whose levels are multiples of 5. Magic Hammer | Reduces the enemy's MP. Matra Magic | Reduces the target's HP to 1. Mighty Guard | Casts Shell and Protect on all party members. Mustard Bomb | Causes Heat to the enemy. Night | Causes Sleep to all targets. Pumpkin Head | Damages with the difference between your max HP and | current HP. Roulette | Randomly KO's a target. Twister | Causes Wind damage to all enemies. Vanish | Makes a party member disappear. White Wind | Restores HP of all party members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- [ Blue Abilities learned from monsters - Quina ] ------- Ability | Ability learned from(monster) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 Needles | Cactaur Angel's Snack | Ironite, Mistodon, Behemoth, Epitaph Aqua Breath | Vepal, Sahagin, Clipper, Axolotl Auto-Life | Carrion Worm, Yan, Stilva, Gimme Cat Bad Breath | Malboro, Worm Hydra, Anemone Doom | Veteran, Ash Earth Shake | Shell Dragon, Earth Guardian, Adamantoise Frog Drop | Gigan Toad Frost | Kraken, Chimera, Wraith Goblin Punch | Goblin, Goblin Mage Limit Glove | Mu, Axe Break, Catoblepas, Jabberwock, Blazer Beetle, | Mandragora Lvl3 Def-less | Carve Spider, Lamia, Lizard Man, Sand Scorpion, Ochu, | Grand Dragon Lv4 Holy | Feather Circle, Amdusias, Torama Lv5 Death | Stroper, Dracozombie, Whale Zombie, Lich Magic Hammer | Magic Vice, Ring Leader Matra Magic | Trick Sparraow, Dragonfly, Ogre, Armstrong, Land Worm, | Zaghnol Might Guard | Serpion, Gargoyle, Antlion, Myconid, Gigan Octopus Mustard Bomb | Bomb, Red Vepal, Grenade, Wraith, Maliris Night | Nymph, Abomination, Grimlock, Seeker Bat Pumpkin Head | Python, Hedgehog Pie, Ladybug, Skeleton, Yeti, Basilisk, | Bandersnatch Roulette | Ghost, Zombie, Hecteyes Twister | Red Dragon, Tiamat, Abadon Vanish | Vice, Hornet, Drakan, Troll, Gnoll White Wind | Zuu, Griggin, Garuda, Zemzelett ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- [ Abilites learned from items - Quina ] ------- Ability | Abilities learned from(items) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability Up | Green Beret, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon, Silk Robe Absorbs MP | Promist Ring Add Status | Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feather Hat, Twist | Headband, Glass Buckle Antibody | Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle, Glutton's Robe, Survival Vest, | Mantra Band Auto-Float | Feather Boots Auto-Haste | Running Shoes Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring Auto-Potion | Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Gold Choker, Magician Robe, | Running Shoes Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Light Robe, Glutton's Robe Body Temp | Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earring, Madain's Ring, | Glutton's Robe, Holy Miter Clear Headed | Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes, Dark Gear, Circlet, Green | Beret, Lamia's Tiara Counter | Power Belt, Power Vest, Ritual Hat Gamble Defense | Twist Headband, Adman Hat, Power Vest Half MP | Protect Ring, Light Robe Healer | Garnet High Tide | Fork, Sapphire, Needle Fork, Mythril Fork, Silver Fork, | Gaia Gear, Dark Hat, Jade Armlet, Gastro Fork, Bistro | Fork Insomniac | Bandana, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Holy Miter, Magician Cloak Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet, Dark Hat Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings Locomotion | Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon's Vest, Survival Vest Loudmouth | Silk Robe, Golden Hairpin, Mage's Hat Millionaire | Yellow Scarf MP+10% | Magician Cloak, Emerald, Magician Shoes, Magician Robe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Freya Description: I Dragon Knight, she is familiar with Zidane and his antics. She is a weaker fighter than you would wish, but she can learn Dragon Knight stuff which others cannot. Overall, she is just a good character to have around, maybe one day she will find her love... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragin Knight Skills - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Six Dragons: Transfers health to different characters. Luna: Good damage to all targets. Dragons Crest: Causes damage to your enemy. Dragon Breath: A good attack of HP on your enemies. White Draw: Gives some MP back to all of your party. Cherry Blossom: Causes non-elemental damage. Reis' Wind: This will cast regen over your party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Amarant Description: Well, this sure isnt your everyday bounty hunter, beating down monsters is a quality he shares alone. He is very strong and evil at first, then he joins the party, but is still not 100% into the cause of it. He is a strong guy, so make sure you capitalize on his abilities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Flair Skills ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Curse: Weakens enemy to elemental damage. Chakra: restores health to a party member. Demi Shock: takes a good amount of your enemies HP. No Mercy: A powerful attack on your enemy. Spare Change: Gives enemies a good loss. Aura: I am unsure about this one as of now. Countdown: This will cause the DOOM spell to your enemy...heh. Revive: Very useful, brings a party member back to life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Eiko Description: Last of the legendary summoners, she lives alone, even though she is a very small girl, don't underestimate her. She and Garnet are close and she joins there party from her little house. She is also a friend to the moogles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summons List: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix: Gives good fire based damage to enemies. Carbuncle: Casta a different spell depending on how it is equipped. Fenrir: Causes damage to enemies (wing/earth). Madeen: This will cause holy damage on your enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- White Magic List: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy: Causes damage to enemies. Might: Raises your power (attack). Mini: Makes enemy smaller. Dispel: Dismiss's and abnormital status's. Float: This is used for levetation purposes. Shell: Takes away from a magic damage. Haste: ATB quickens (the gauge). Reflect: Shields and send magic attacks back to sender. Stona: cures different types of petrify. Silence: Stops the casting of magic. Esuna: Helps with health status problems. Life: Revives the not-living. Full-Life: same as LIFE, but gives better stats. Cure: 300+ HP Cura: 1500+ HP Curaga: 4000+ HP Panacea: Another cure of different ailments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Queen Brahne of Alexandria Description: A very evil lady, and she has apparently gone on a little bit of a mad power binge. She is not very nice to anyone, and does not care for any of the heroes of the game, not to mention the death of her husband... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kuja Description: Good god this guy is mean! Geez, he is right up there with the mean old queen. He is a pretty powerful user of the evil magic, dark magic, or whatever you want to call it, so I guess that makes him a wizard or a sorcerer or what not. He is also the poccessor of the Silver Dragon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= _______________________________ / Chapter 4: Author Information \______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \ / | | | | |_ _| | |_ ___ _ __| |_ | \/ | | |_| | | | | | _ \/ _ \| '__ _/ | |\/| | _ | _ | |_| | ||_)| __/| | | | |_| |_|(_) | | |_|\__'_|_|___/\___||_| |_| ___________| |________________________________ |_____________________________________________/ My Better Guides... -+- Dragon Warrior (NA)/Quest(JP) -+- Final Fantasy V Boss Guide -+- Flying Dragon FAQ/Movelist -+- Goldeneye OO7 Complete Guide -+- Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -+- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -+- Tenchu 2: The Stealth Assassins Coming Soon... -+- Final Fantasy VI Boss Guide (PSX) -+- Vanguard Bandits (PSX) -+- Gundam: Assault Battle (PSX) -+- Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (PSX) -+- Threads of Fate (PSX) All of my guides can be found at: ________________________________ / Chapter 5: Contributor Credits \_____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= -+- Steve Saunders: I would like to throw out a special thanks to the Ladiesman, for allowing me to use his lists until more of mine are complete. He is a great friend & the one person who has encouraged this guide more than anyone, and helped with it a lot as well. Visit: -+- Dingo Jellybean: He is another guy who has encouraged a lot of my guides, as well as being a great friend. He's one of the best writers out there, and you should try some of his guides, especially FF Anthology. He also allowed me to use his lists for Quina and a list for Garnet. Visit: -+- Jeff Veasey: The webmaster of, he deserved enough for just doing that, but he is also a good author. I need to thank him for posting this guide, and all of mine that I have done before, he's a pretty cool guy. Visit: -+- Matt Hulbert: The author of this guide, all I ask in return is that you follow the disclaimer, and enjoy the guide. Plus to visit the sites of all the other contributors. All of my other guides can be found in the Author Info & I guess that's it, thanks. _______________________________ / Chapter 6: Authors Conclusion \______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Well, so far this guide has been a fun one to do, partly because the game is so cool, and because I am really enjoying writing for anything right now. I would like to thank all of the contributors in the credits one more time, and also ask that you support all of their stuff. There are some important things pertaining to this guide in the Authors Notes section, so if you are interested, check that out, if not thanks and I hope the guide was helpful, and have fun with Final Fantasy IX. __________________________ / Chapter 7: Authors Notes \___________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Note #1: Regarding the ISP address thing up in the heading of the guide where it says NA, I am getting one, so as soon as I do I will add it in there. I am also reformatting the guide completely over the next couple of days, so hopefully it will be in there by the time I'm done. Note #2: If anyone can make good ASCII art for the game, it would be a very appreciated thing. There is a request up at the top, so here is a few things you should know about it. It should fit within a 72 margin. Meaning it can only be 72 characters (spaces, letters, numbers) long. Note #3: A few of the characters have their Bio info done, but they do not have a magic or weapons section, please be patient, I am working on this. This is only for like 2 of them, so I think you will make due. Copyright and Disclaimer: This guide and all of its contents are the property of the author, this guide may never be used in any way without the permission of the author so here are the guidelines pertaining to that: First of all, this guide may never be posted at any website without my permission, and this must be obtained through email, do not assume you already have it. Next, all of the information in here was either compiled by the author, or it was contributed, by someone noted in the contributor credits, all questions regarding info someone contributed should be directed to them. Sections and pieces of this guide may not be copied and pasted to create smaller guides without the authors permission. Fourth, this guide may never and I mean never, altered in any way, or have advertisements added to it. I will not tolerate that at all. This guide may never be used by any site other than a non-profit one, and may never have any profit made form it in any way, shape or form. Next, this guide may not be given away as an extra or as an incentive to buy something. If you follow the terms here there should be no problem with your using the guide. Now, if you think you don't understand something in here, the author can answer any thing you do not understand. Please abide by this & no trouble should arise. Contact Information: If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which concerns this guide, please email me at Things which are acceptable reasons would be contributions, corrections, praise. Now some things not to send are "Hey, will you sell me your game?" or "This game sucks." Emails like these will never be responded to, so you might as well not even waste yourself on sending them to me, understood. Webmasters Notice: Alright, here's the deal. I am sure you have read through the copyright and are thinking, "Well what are the odds he would find my site." Don't think that, because it would be very sad to have your domain name taken away by the vendor and your account revoked for plagiarism and fraud of copyrights laws. Another mistake would be thinking this copyright isn't legal, it is perfectly legal under the international copyright law. Now if you still don't think so, I am sure your domain provider would think the same as I do, so don't push it. I have no problem with you using my guides under the terms in the disclaimer, but plagiarism is serious and very disliked by myself, and most of my friends who are authors as well so please just ask permission, it's really not that hard to send email.