Ken Version 3.0 Credits: Eric Chou James Chen Ougi Game FAQS - Game: Capcom versus SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 Platform: Dreamcast Version: Japanese By: Darth Hazzard aka Shin Piccolo in shoryuken forums Email: This is copyright Adrian Hazzard 2000 This is my second faq and its for another shoto. If you want to use this faq on your site just drop me a line and if I have made any mistakes can you also please email me and I'll make amends. I will be updating this faq so keep checking for updates, lastly if you have any good combos or strategies can you please send them to me and I'll include them in the faq and give you credit for the information provided. This faq is applicable to the Japanese version. What you will find here in this FAQ: 1.0 Ken bio 1.1 Ken compared to Ryu 1.2 Move list 2.0 Super move list 2.1 Techniques and tips 2.2 Ken standard combos 3.0 Ken super move combos 3.1 Ken strategies 3.2 Which groove? 3.3 Fighting against a Ken player 3.4 Special intros 3.5 Translations ************************************************************************************************* 1.0 KEN BIOGRAPHY Name: Ken Masters Blood Type: B Weight: 72Kg Height: 175cm Hair: Blonde Fighting style: Shotokan Karate Costume: Ken wears his famous red GI costume, with a black belt around his waist. Birth Place: United States Rivals: Ken rivals Terry from the KOF serise (although Doc things its Iroi) and he has a friendly rivalary with his ex training party Ryu. I've also heard that Ken like Ryu is after Gouki for killing his master Gouken, but I am not 100% on that one. Conformation anyone??? Ratio: Ken is a ratio 2 character ************************************************************************************************* New players in the world of Capcom may not know the difference between Ken and Ryu. Here is a quick comparisions between the two fighters: Ken is a lot faster than Ryu Ken has more combo potential than Ryu Ken has more juggle potential Ken's Shoryuken goes at an ark meaning it is easier to hit opponents with it, it also hits three times Ken's Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku hits five times, nice to combo into but if blocked your in serious trouble Ken like Ryu has great anti air Ken has great offensive ability Ken can combo from a lot of moves eg fierce punch and jabs and shorts and a strong (medium sweep) Ryu is slightly stronger than Ken Ryu is a more verseatile fighter due to his different super moves Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku only hits once Ryu's Shoryuken has limited range compared to kens, only hits twice max and is tricky to combo into In my opinion I think Ken is a better fighter (this will anger a lot of Ryu fans) but Ken's increased speed and combo-ability really does give him the edge over Ryu. All of Ken's supers are useful well maybe apart from the Shippuujinrai Kyaku (super hurricane kick combo) but it sure looks nice. Ken's standard combos are very useful and damaging, an experienced Ken player is capable of decimating entire teams almost single handedly. Time to move onto the nitty gritty. Firstly a number of King of the Fighters players have complained about how their characters have been "screwed over" but they need to take into account that the Street Fighters have been SNKised. This means we are forced to have a four button lay out, you also need to take into account that some capcom characters have been downgraded. Sakura for one and Ken. Ken has lost so much priority in this game From when has someone been able to sweep me outta a Shinryuu Ken NEVER is when, well until CvS. Despite this, he is still a brilliant fighter and deserves respect. He has better anti air due to his Shinryuu Ken (vertical super dragon punch) and his light shoryuken which comes out extremely quickly. The ShinryuuKen also has awesome juggling ability. Ken's extra speed really helps when your up against opponents like Chun Li and Vega (Balrog in the import version). His dragon is easy to combo into and it is more likely to hit opponents who are jumping away from you than Ryu's shoryuken. Don't get me wrong however, cause Ryu is an excellent fighter. ************************************************************************************************* Legend To make this FAQ easier to use, read and design I have produced a legend which is a short way of displaying a command for a move, but first here are the basics: Forward = F Backward = B Up = U Down = D Light punch = LP Hard punch = HP Light kick = LK Hard kick = HK Commonly used terms - QCF - d,df,f (Hadoken movement) - QCB - d,db,b (Hurricane movement) - HCF - b,db,d,df,f - HCB - f,df,d,db,b - UF - uf (up forward eg jumping into an opponent) - UB - ub (up backwards) - AIR - Means you can perform the move in the air ROLL = LP+LK KEN ROLL = QCB + LP or HP THROW = F+HP/HK CHARGE (SNK GROOVE ONLY) = HP+HK TAUNT = HOLD "A" BUTTON AND PRESS START Ken says two different things in Japanese. This is listed further on in the faq. FORWARD DASH: TAP FORWARD TWICE This is great for surprise attacks on unsuspecting foes. It doesn't go particularly far, it is however pretty quick. Remember you cannot block during the dash animation. BACK DASH: TAP BACKWARDS TWICE Ken launches himself backwards. Useful for avoiding atttacks, and also giving yourself some breathing space. Like the forward dash it doesn't go far and you cannot block during this phase. SUPER JUMP: DOWN, UF/UB It is your basic jump but higher and faster. As it is higher it covers more ground. It gives you the possibility of avoiding projectiles and the like whilst giving you the opportunity to launch an attack. ROLL: LP+LK This has been taken from the KOF games. When activated Ken rolls (WHOA) it covers a short distance, however you are invincibile at the beginning of the roll and it is very useful when avoiding projectiles such as Shinkuuhadoken and Kikou Shou (Chun Li's Super fireball) and other super moves such as Iroi's Maiden Masher and Terry's Buster Wolf. However you are prone to attack whilst the roll ends, this means if you roll whilst Ryu is perform a Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Super Hurricane) you will get hit when you come out of the roll. ************************************************************************************************* The percentage in brackets is the effectiveness of the move. It takes into account recovery time and priority as well as damage. Special Moves: HADOUKEN: QCF + P (45%) Long recovery time, never use at close range unless you use it to end a combo. When you perform this with a light punch the fireball will move slowly towards your opponent. If you use the hard punch, the fireball will move faster. If you are in SNK groove the fireball is a good move to keep your opponent at bay whilst you charge up. SHORYUKEN: f,d,df + P (95%) Performing this move with hard punch, makes Ken perform this move with fire on his hand and three hits if you hit your foe whilst you are both on the ground. It has great anti air, although it has lost some priority - it is very useful to combo into this move. Using the light punch makes Ken do a small dragon punch, this is useful as it has less recovery time that the hard dragon and it has a quicker initiation time, plus it gives your opponent less time to initiate an attack. TATSUMAKI SENPUU KYAKU: (air) QCB + K (70%) Ken's hurricane kick. Using hard kick will make the move travel longer. Can also be used in the air. It is again useful to combo into this move, it also retains its high priority even over some super moves. However if blocked your in trouble cause of its recovery time, it is also posibble for your opponents to retaliate even though the move has connected. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. INAZUMA KAKATO WARI: f + LK (65%) Ken's overhead attack, it is useful against opponents who are crouching and blocking. Note that this move must be blocked high. The move does have a large start up time, at this time Ken is vunrable. ************************************************************************************************ 2.0 SUPER MOVE LIST SHOURYUU REPPA qcf,qcf + P The most damaging of Ken's supers. The move consists of three dragon punches. A light one a medium and a hard. This super is relatively easy to combo into and it can also juggle oppents. It is however advised that you do not use this move whilst your opponent is in mid air, as a majority of the hits will miss. The first Dragon Punch has very high priority, easily passing through projectiles and even a Shinkuuhadoken..kool. If it is blocked however get ready for a vertical super or a combo coming your way. Recommended ways of landing it: After a jump in After a poke (LP) or Fierce (HP) As a surprise move By utilising its high priority After a sweep (level 1 only) SHINRYUU KEN qcf,qcf + K, tap K rapidly for more hits Ken ducks down and does a vertical dragon punch, if you repeatidly tap the kick button, you will get more hits. This move has fantastic anti air and it is very damaging when comboed into. In my opinion this move has lost priority since Alpha 3 and it takes a little longer for the move to be initated compared to Alpha 3 when it was instantanious. Recommended ways of landing it: After a jump in After a sweep When an opponent jumps in SHIPPUUJINRAI KYAKU qcb,qcb + K (Level 3 ONLY) This is Ken's mad hurricane combo super. Although it looks nice and the damage is relatively good it is a risking move to use, if blocked your in trouble due to long recovery time. Another thing to note, is that the super will not continue up until its final stage if blocked. It is also the hardest of Ken's supers to combo into. Recommended ways of landing it: Combo into After a roll ********************************************************************************************** 2.1 TECHNIQUES AND TIPS Ken is a more offensive character than Ryu, he has awsome juggling capabilities so be sure to make use of them. Here you will find a number of useful tips: . It is best to use Ken in Capcom groove, he can build up his bar exceptionally quickly and is not limited to level 1's. . Remember supers are not that super in this game - low shorts and low jabs can easily counter supers . Keep on the offensive, try and force your opponent into the corner and keep them their with a fury of combos and light dragons. After a while your opponent will get frustrated and begin to make silly mistakes leaving them open for an attack. . You are prone to attack at the beginning and end of a roll so use wisely and also remember this if your opponent keeps on rolling . It is useful to use throws as they take huge chunks of damage - however do not become throw obbsesive . Hurricane kick has very high priority and can be used to get to the other side of the screen. . Remember to use the crossover technique as it will always hit leaving your foe open for a combo. . You can sweep, then go into super moves - very useful . Shinryuuken has excellent juggling ability . No fireballs whilst you are fighting at close range · Remember to use the high jump technique (Down then Up/Forward/Backwards) this is useful for escaping attacks and also surprising opponents. . Remember to use either dash or run to surprise your opponet - it is useful to dash at your opponent at the start of the match and sweep as they are not usually prepared for it. . Use D+HP for another anti air move. . Tip. I advise investing in Mad Katz excellent "Saturn" style controller, it doesn't have any L or R shoulder buttons though (BUMMER) Lastly practice makes perfect, go to training to practice some combos, they are relatively easy to discover. ************************************************************************************************* 2.2 KEN STANDARD COMBOS These combos DO NOT INVOLVE SUPER MOVES: To start these combos off on the ground compromise the jump-ins and start from the "Standing" section. COMBO 1 Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP (close) => Hard Shoryuken Dragon Punch COMBO 2 Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP (close) => Hard Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku (Hurricane kick) COMBO 3 Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP (close) => Hard Hadoken COMBO 4 Jumping HP/HK => Crouching HP => Hard Shoryuken COMBO 5 Jumping HP/HK => Crouching HP => Hard Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku COMBO 6 Jumping HP/HK => Crouching HP => Hard Punch Hadoken COMBO 7 Crossover Kick => Crouching LP => Crouching LK => Hard Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku Go to the training mode to figure out some more basic combos. If possible end in a special move for more damage. Also remember you can use a super combo right after a sweep, you can also juggle from a LP shoryuken. ************************************************************************************************ 3.0 KEN SUPER MOVE COMBOS Now let the fun begin. These combos are all very damaging. To start these combos on the ground compromise the jump-ins and start from the "Standing" section. COMBO 1 (Corner only) Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP => LP Shoryuken (Quick) => Level 3 Shinryuken COMBO 2 (CAPCOM GROOVE ONLY) Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP => LP Shoryuken (Quick) => Level 1 Shouryuureppa => Level 2 Shinryuken COMBO 3 Jumping HP/HK => Standing HP => Level 3 Shouryuureppa COMBO 4 Crossover Kick => Crouching LK => Sweep => Level 3 Shinryuken COMBO 5 (Medium) Jumping LK => LK Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku (Before you hit the ground) => Standing HP => SHIPPUUJINRAI KYAKU COMBO 6 (HARD) FROM A COMBO VID James Chen (CAPCOM GROOVE ONLY) Jumping LK => LK Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku (Before you hit the ground) => Crouching LK => Sweep => Level 1 Shouryuureppa => Level 2 Shinryuken COMBO 7 (HARD) FROM A COMBO VID James Chen Crossover kick => Crouching LK => Crouching LP => Crouching LK => Crouching Medium Kick => SHIPPUUJINRAI KYAKU NB: To perform a Medium Kick = Downback, Hard kick COMBO 8 (Easier version of the above combo) Crossover kick => Crouching LK => Crouching LP => Crouching LK => SHIPPUUJINRAI KYAKU COMBO 9 Jumping LK => LK Tatsumaki Snpuu Kyaku (Before you hit the ground) => Standing HP => Level 3 Shoryuureppa COMBO 10 Crossover kick => Crouching LK => Standing HP => Level 3 Shoryuureppa COMBO 11 Crossover kick => Crouching LK => Standing LP => Level 3 Shoryuureppa ************************************************************************************************* 3.1 SRATEGIES Here is a quick strategy guide with Ken. 1: Ken's pressure game is second to none, he can easily force opponents to make mistakes leaving them wide open for a combo. Use Ken's roll (QCB + LP/HP or LP + LK ) as a confusion technique and a way to start combos. 2: You can play Ken as the AI does..No not crap, I mean UNPREDICTABLE. Although CPU Ken is a pushover he sometimes does some surprising manouves eg constant light dragons or rolls then straight into a Shouryuu reppa. As a human player you can truely utilize this technique. Your opponent will be put of gaurd and usually leave themselves open so you can either roll and into a combo of your choice or unleash a Shouryuu reppa or Shinryuken. I do not use this technique, but it does work for some players. 3: Abuse the priority of shorts and lights especially when countering supers, also the Hurricane kick has high priority so use it to counter rush in supers like Iroi's Maiden Masher. OFFENCE My basic strategy is to keep on the offensive in the majority of cases. Take advantage of Ken's japs and shorts as they are so comboable. Try and force your foe into the corner and then pumpel them with shorts and japs, use a LP shoryuken if they try to escape and they can be sweeped if they roll. DEFENCE Hope to have a level bar, if you do attempt to land a shinryuken or shouruu reppa as a surprise move. Do not use any high risk manouvers, limit the use of your hurricane kick. Use Ken's Jumping Hardkick as it comes in useful for crouching and jumping opponents. Roll when they come in for a jump in - only if you do not have enough time to use a shinryuken or a LP shoryuken. I know these "strategies" are not very comprehensive but as I get more feedback and time I will update the faq and actually make this section decent. ************************************************************************************************** 3.2 WHICH GROOVE Which groove suits style of play? well I personally prefer Capcom groove. I'm not going to go into mega detail about the groove system (thats a whole faq in itself) and my mate Doc has written a groove faq so check it out, you could also take a look at Chen's System guide which also covers aspects of the groove system. SNK groove -SNK groove you need to charge - bad for Ken players that stay on the offensive -SNK groove you are ever so slightly prone when charging -No level 2's in SNK which is used for some combos and useful if you do not want to use a whole level 3 -Level 3's only in the red. In other words when your almost dead -Your metre goes down hence forcing you to use the super in a short period of time -Only level 1 supers when not in the red + Unlimited level 1's in the red + Can charge and do a number of level 3's + Can juggle with some characters after a level 3 NOT KEN HOWEVER Capcom groove +No charging - can play offensively and have bars non stop +Not limited to level 1's +Your metre does not drain - so no pressure on you to use that shoryuureppa +Can access level 2's and can use a level 3 whenever you want, not when your virtually dead this is providing you have a level 3. +Level's from previous characters are kept so you could use one character and die with a level 3 and when Ken enters he already has that level 3 +When initiating a super, it looks real kool...better than in SNK groove. TART :0) Note that there are other advantages and disadvantages of each groove. To know the ins and outs and also get more detail read Doc's groove faq at ************************************************************************************************ 3.3 FIGHTING AGAINST A KEN PLAYER This can be a very daunting. Ken for all his speed, power, versatility has the a small weakness (hope none of my mates are reading this!!) that you may be able to expliot. As a majority of Ken players play offensively they are sometimes prone to error. Most advance Ken players rarely use Ken's hurricane as an opponent can still counter once Ken has fallen to the ground. If your opponent is using a lot of Hurricanes you could usually sweep him as he hits the ground as he will be stuck in recovery time. Also if you block a fierce shoryuken you have a lot of time to think of a combo to do once he's landed. The two strategies here will depend on A: your choice of character and B: the Situation A: This is very important. If you are playing as someone relatively quick such as Cammy or Chun Li. If you are one of these type of characters you can either exploit a mistake by your foe or wait for an opening. You could even go on the offensive, use a lot of crouching and standing attacks and mix it up. Beware of Ken rolling as a confusion technique. Never get trapped in a corner as you will be hit with a ton of combos, try and escape ASAP. Try and avoid jumping as Ken's shoryuken as it is very effective at getting both retreating and attacking opponents and if it is a light shoryuken prepared to be juggled. Beware of dashes (or runs) and crossovers. Do not get poked by Ken or let him control the pace of the match otherwise there will be serious problems for you. Try not to use high risk manouvers, moves with bad start up or bad recovery. Personally as a Ken player I find it kinda hard to fight against a Cammy player. I think you know what to do!! If you are a slower character such as Raiden or Zangeif the only advice I can give you is do not pick these type of characters against Ken, I'm sorry but I really can't help you. B: What is the situation you are facing. Do you or Ken have a level bar? who's on the offensive/deffensive How much energy do you and your foe have left? time limit? Ken will always seem to have a level bar so try and not have a level bar. If you do not have a level bar try and get 1 as soon as possible to counter one of your oppoents moves or to use once you've spotted an oppening. If your on the deffensive, try and gain control of the pace of the match. You may want to continue playing deffensivly however this is not adviseably as your opponent will either throw you or use a crossover to exploit you. Attempt to get in a few combos and play the game at your own tempo. If your playing offensively continue to do so and try to either finish him off or damage him as much as possible. If you do not maximize your opportunies especially against an advanced Ken player you will face the consquences DEATH! If Ken is almost dead then most Ken players (me for one) will go into deffensive mode. In deffensive mode a Ken player will play more like a Ryu player. Cautiously, looking for oppenings etc. Although your opponent may be playing with caution you have to remember that he is still very dangerous. You do not want the Ken player to regain or get the tempo of the match otherwise he will go back into attacking mode. Again you will have to attempt to kill him quickly, your opponent will not leave himself open for attacks, if he is blocking a lot then throw him or do a crossover but it is still riskey to use a crossover as the light punch shoryuken (a Ken players best friend) will be used a lot as it has good priority, juggling capability and comes out relatively quickly. Poke a lot and switch between high and low attacks, this will soon force him to block leaving him open for a throw. You could even attempt to gaurd crush him, but remember no close range projectiles or moves with long start up times. (Note if you know me and your reading this section and now hoping to beat me then think again cause I still have a few tricks up my sleeve :0) ************************************************************************************************ 3.4 SPECIAL INTROS Ken has two special introductions, they are: Vs Ryu : The two fighters tap each other's fist, and Ken dashes back and they prepare to fight. Vs Terry : Terry's hat is by Ken's feet and he chucks it to Terry who wears it. I still don't understand why Ken will speak in Jap to a fellow American?!? ************************************************************************************************ 3.5 Ken Translations Speech: Start : "Kakatte kina!" : "Come here!" "Ore no deban da ze!" : "It's my turn!" Taunt : "Doushita doushita?!" : "What's wrong?!" "Senryokun da yo!" : "Let's fight!" "Ora!" "Saseru ka!" : "You won't do it!" "TatsumakiSenpuuKyaku!" : "Tornado Whirlwind Kick!" "ShouRyuuKen!" : "Rising Dragon Fist!" "HaDouKen!" : "Waving Fist!" "Moratta!" : "Got ya!" "Ikuze! ShouRyuuReppa!" : "Let's go! Rising Dragon Destroyer!" "Kurae! ShinRyuuKen!" : "Eat this! Dragon god Fist!" "Moratta! Shippuu JinRai Kyaku!" : "Got ya! Gale Thunderclap Kick!" Win poses: "Yatta ze!" : "I did it!" "Ore no kachi da na!" : "Victory is mine!" "Yay!" ************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************* UP AND COMING Well more combos of course, better strategy maybe, colours I will make and that should wrap it up oh yeah the answers of the question will be coming up soon. Has my goal been fulfilled? By time you have finished reading this faq, got some play time in with old Kenny boy and used some of the advice and strategies found in this faq YOU SHOULD BE A PROFICIENT KEN PLAYER. Please let me know what you found useful and what you didn't. The more feedback I recieve the better the faq will be in its future updates. If you have anything to add to any of the sections found in this faq please do drop me an email. You will recieve full credit for your work. Also if you have any kool Ken info or different views drop me a line and I'll include em. ************************************************************************************************ WE AWAIT YOUR RETURN WARRIOR Hope this faq was of some use to you, I'll be updating it till its complete. I just want to offer a little advice. If you see anything by James Chen or Keo Megura be sure to read it as they are excellent faq writers. Also check out Chen's excellent combo explanation faq at and if you see any of Chen's movies be sure to download em cause they are assured to be class. Don't forget to check out my Ryu faq at Remember if you have any translations or combos or any suggestions don't hesistate to email me at the more feedback the better the faq will become. STUPID COMPETION This is a little stupid comp for all you SF fanatics out there. 1: Quote five of Ken's winning phrases? 2: In which Street Fighter game does Ken have a few famous Capcom characters in the background? 3: Who are the famous characters which appear in this background? 4: In Guy's Alpha 3 background which famous characters are hanging around? 5: What does the billboard say in Cody's stage in Alpha 3? 6: What is the name of Ken's wife and kid? 7: What is the relationship between Sean and Ken? In Ken's ending in X Men Vs SF what is in the back of the Saturn? The winner will get a mention in my faq WHOA! so it is well worth participating!!!! REVISION HISTORY 3.0 more tweats, added new section on how to fight a ken player, and added to the strategy section also added "which groove" lastly reshuffled everything. FAQ completed on 8th January. 2.0: Added more combos, changed a mistake noticed by Megaman X, added more quiz questions, fixed some other mistakes and added little bits. 1.0: 1st version just hot off the press. This faq was completed on the 16th December More Credits Mega Man X - Noticed a mistake in the faq and answered most questions of the comp....congrats Ougi - Used translations from your translation faq at gamefaqs Eric Chou - Used the idea of "reccomended ways to land it" from your Third Strike faq James Chen - Used two combos from your movie, inspired me to practice hardcore!! Some dude - Answered the questions on my all of em right the ones you answered. Gamefaq - Displaying my faq Neoseeker - Displaying my faq vgstrategies - Same as above Doc Holiday - dude change that name, it sucks - really good Capcom site - keep up the good work boys Capcom - You guys rock SNK - You guys are pretty kool MOTW is a killer game You - For bothering to read this danm faq Me - For writing the danm thang and playing CvS far too much. Danm unlocking everything took a long time. AND - Anyone which provided any feedback or enjoyed reading this faq