_ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ /\/\ / \ | \| |/ \ | | | | | | | / / \/ > \| > /| | () | | |- |\ | |\ | | `-. /_|\/\_\_/\_\|\_\|_|\__/ | |_ | \| | \| | __/ マリオテニスGB FOR GAME BOY CoLoR Translation Guide Version 0.3 Written by AstroBlue (astroboyblue@aol.com) ****************************************************************************** This FAQ contains Shift-JIS Characters so you need a CJK Viewer to view all the Japanese characters, I recommend you download a Japanese/English word processor called JWPce as most of this FAQ was written using it. It is downloadable at http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html ****************************************************************************** My Japanese is very basic so don't expect the translations to be super accurate. This FAQ is to be used with the Mario Tennis FAQ/Guide written by Shdrlm3 and I, to help you get through the Japanese version of Mario Tennis. Contents: 1)MAIN MENU 2)IN-GAME MESSAGES 3)SCORE CARD 4)EXHIBITION & LINK BATTLES i)Getting Started ii)The Pause Menu 5)MARIO'S MINI-GAMES i)Getting Started ii)The Pause Menu 6)STORY MODE i)Getting Started ii)The Pause Menus iii)The Academy VERSION HISTORY --------------- Version 0.1 03/11/00 MAIN MENU & GETTING STARTED/Exhibition sections finished. Version 0.2 04/11/00 GETTING STARTED/Story Mode section finished. Version 0.3 28/12/00 Re-organised everything. Added Pause Menu translations, Mario's Mini-Games information & STORY MODE/The Academy. ============================================================================== 1)MAIN MENU ============================================================================== NOTE: All translations are below the Japanese text. _________________ | プレイメニュー | | Play Menu | | ___ ___ ___ | | |_A_||_B_||_C_| | | _ _ _ | | |1| |2| |3| | | ___ ___ ___ | | |_D_||_E_||_F_| | |_________________| #) ストーリーモード - Select one of these three files to start the Story Story Mode Mode or to continue a previously saved quest. A) エキシビション - Play a Exhibition Match and select all the settings Exhibition including the court, how many games & sets & etc. B) マリオミニダーム - Select to play a Mini-Game with a Mario character, Mario's Mini-Games select between ???, Luigi (ルイージ), ???, Baby Mario (べビィマソオ) & Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング). C) つうしんたいせん - Same as an Exhibition Match but with a friend via a Link Battle GameLink Cable. D) ステータス - View the status of your Story Mode slots (スロット#), Status Mario Character status (マソオキャラ) which is the Mario's Mini-Game and Exhibition status & you can also view your Mario Tennis 64 status (64ステータス) E) テニスじてん - Look at the Mario Tennis Dictionary, don't expect me Tennis Dictionary to translate it all though. F) バックアップ - Erase your Story Mode slots (スロット#けす), Mario 64 Back-Up status (64データさけす) or everything (すべてけす). ============================================================================== 2)IN-GAME MESSAGES ============================================================================== During actual tennis play the commentary comes up in quick messages, so here are the translations for them (if you can actually recognise them on the fly)! ナイス!     - nice! フォルト     - fault ダブルフォルト  - double fault ソターン エース - sudden ace ロブ       - lob ネット      - net デュース     - deuce ブレークポイント - break point セットポイント  - set point マッチポイント  - match point グーム      - game セット      - set マッチ      - match チェンジコート  - change court タイブレーク   - tie break スタート     - start グームオーバー  - game over ============================================================================== 3)SCORE CARD ============================================================================== After playing a match of tennis you will see a screen showing who won and who lost, press right to select the flashing option Look at Score (スコアみる) and you will be taken to the Score Card with the following statistics:    セット    | sets サービスエース | service aces スマッシュエース | smash serves りターンエース | return serves    ロブ    | lobs ドロップシヨット | drop shots ダブルフォルト | double faults ============================================================================== 4)EXHIBITION & LINK BATTLES ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firstly in the Play Menu (プレイメニュー) you have to select between three options: シングルス or ダブルス Singles Doubles 2グーム or 6グーム 2 Games 6 Games 1せット or 3せット or 5せット 1 Set 3 Sets 5 Sets Then in the Character Select Screen (キャうセレクト) you must select the characters you want to play with. When selecting computer controlled players you will have to select how good they are, here are your choices: △ or ○ or ◎ or ☆ ふつう ややつよい つよい さいきょう Average Slightly Strong Strong Strongest Now in the Court Select screen (コートセレクト) you must select between: ハードコート or クレイコート or グラスコート or カーペットコート Hard Court Clay Court Grass Court Carpet Court Plus if you unlock the following special courts they will also be selectable: ??? or キャッスルコート or トロピカルコート or ジャングルコート or ??? ??? Castle Court Tropical Court Jungle Court ??? Now you will begin playing a exhibition or link battle game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)The Pause Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ During Exhibition & Link Battle matches if you press start the following menu will pop up: ___ ___ ___ ___ |_1_| |_2_| |_3_| |_4_| .--------' .-----+-----. _|_ _|_ _|_ |_A_| |_B_| |_C_| 1) ルールせつめい - Look at the Rule Settings Rule Explanation 2) そうさのしかた - Look at the Controls for Mario Tennis (as below). Controller Operations ******************************************************************************                    |    + ボタン キャラクターいどう  | Control Pad Character movement    Aボタン トップスピン     | A Button Top Spin    Bボタン スライススピン    | B Button Slice Spin                    | (ボタン2どおし つよいショット) | Pressing Buttons Twice Power Shot                    | セレクトボタン ためうちキャンセル | Select Button Cancel Charge Shot                    | スタートボタン ポーズメニュー    | Start Button Pause Menu                    | ****************************************************************************** 3) ミュージック - Toggle Music On (オン) & Off (オフ). Music 4) ちゅうだんする Suspend Play A) セーブ - Save and Quit to the Main Menu. Save (This function is disabled in Link Battle) B) メインメニューへ - Quit to the Main Menu without saving. Go to Main Menu C) キャンセル - Cancel the suspension of play. Cancel ============================================================================== 5)MARIO'S MINI-GAMES ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firstly in the Mario's Mini-Games screen (マソオミニダーム) you select which character/mini-game you want to play you can select between: ??? or ルイージ or ??? or ベビィマリオ or ドンキーコング ??? Luigi ??? Baby Mario Donkey Kong Then you must select between (which are available): レベル1 or レベル2 or チャレンジ Level 1 Level 2 Self Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)The Pause Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Pause Menu that appears when you press start in a Mini-Game is identical to the one in Exhibition & Link Battles, apart from instead of the Save option in the Suspend Play menu there is: やりなおす - Restart the Mini-Game you are currently playing. Try Again レベルセレクトヘ - Select a different level of the Mini-Game you are playing. Level Select ============================================================================== 6)STORY MODE ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firstly you start in the Character Make screen (キャうさくせり) you have a choice between playing as a boy called Alex (アレックス) with his doubles partner Harry (ハリー) or as a girl called Nina (ニーメ) with her doubles partner Kuito (クイト). Press start to switch between left and right handed. After selecting you will be asked do you want this character and stats will come up, choose either Yes (はい) or No (いいえ), here is a translation of the stat screen: __________________________ | スピン | コントロール | | Spin | Control | | トップ | アングル | | Top | Angle | | スライス | プレース | | Slice | Place | |___________|______________| | パワー | スピード | | Power | Speed | | サーブ | スピード | | Serve | Speed | | ストローク | ダッシュ | | Stroke | Dash | | ボレー | きびんち | | Volley | Agility | |_____________| ブレーキ | | Break | |___________| Here are their beginning stats: Alex (アレックス) Harry (ハリー) =================== =================== Spin- Top : 1 Spin- Top : 2 Slice : 1 Slice : 1 Control- Angle : 1 Control- Angle : 2 Place : 1 Place : 1 Power- Serve : 1 Power- Serve : 3 Stroke : 2 Stroke : 1 Volley : 1 Volley : 1 Speed- Speed : 1 Speed- Speed : 2 Dash : 3 Dash : 1 Agility: 1 Agility: 1 Break : 1 Break : 1 Nina (ニーメ) Kuito (クイト) =================== =================== Spin- Top : 1 Spin- Top : 1 Slice : 1 Slice : 2 Control- Angle : 1 Control- Angle : 3 Place : 2 Place : 1 Power- Serve : 1 Power- Serve : 2 Stroke : 1 Stroke : 1 Volley : 1 Volley : 1 Speed- Speed : 1 Speed- Speed : 1 Dash : 1 Dash : 2 Agility: 2 Agility: 1 Break : 1 Break : 1 Then you must enter your player and their partner's names, if you want to keep their default names just press おわる (Finish). Now the Story Mode will start! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)The Pause Menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Story Mode press "Start" and the following menu will pop up: ___ ___ ___ ___ |_1_| |_2_| |_3_| |_4_| | | '--------. .--'--. .--'--. .-----+-----. _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ |_A_| |_B_| |_C_| |_D_| |_E_| |_F_| |_G_| 1) ステータス Status A) キャうデータ - View the stats of both of your characters. Character Data B) そうびアイテム - View which racket and tennis Shoes you are using. Equipment Items 2) クソアステータス - View which Matches, Mini-Games & etc. you have Quest Status completed. 3) せってい Settings C) メッセージ - Change the message speed between Slow (おそい), Message Normal (ふつう) & Fast (はやい) D) ミュージック - Toggle Music On (オン) & Off (オフ). Music 4) ちゅうだんする Suspend Play E) セーブ - Save and Quit to the Main Menu. Save F) メインメニューへ - Quit to the Main Menu without saving. Go to Main Menu G) キャンセル - Cancel the suspension of play. Cancel While you are playing a match of tennis in the Story Mode if you press "Start" the following menu will pop up: ___ ___ ___ ___ |_1_| |_2_| |_3_| |_4_| .----------' .-' .--+--. .-----+-----. _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ |_A_| |_B_| |_C_| |_D_| |_E_| 1) ルールせつめい - Look at the Rule Settings. Rule Explanation 2) そうさのしかた - Look at the Controls for Mario Tennis. Controller Operations 3) せってい - This will be the Music Menu if you didn't pause Settings during your serve. A)カメラモード - Select between Normal (ノーマル) & Camera Mode Front Up (フロントアップ) D) ミュージック - Toggle Music On (オン) & Off (オフ). Music 4) ちゅうだんする Suspend Play C) セーブ - Save and Quit to the Main Menu. Save D) しあいさやめる - Run away from match. Quit Match E) キャンセル - Cancel the suspension of play. Cancel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii)The Academy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is a minimalist map of The Academy and translations of all the place names, I think the world gets much larger once you graduate from the Academy. Note that まえ after a place name means "In front of". 1 | 2 3 4 '---'---'--.'--5 | | 6 --7--' | 8 1) しゅォしゃ Lodging House 2) レストラン Restaurant 3) シニアクラスコート Senior Class Court 4) ジュニアクラスコート Junior Class Court 5) トレーニングコート Training Court 6) トレーニングセンター Training Center 7) なかにわ Courtyard 8) アカデミーほんかん Main Building of the Academy ****************************************************************************** FAQ STATS --------- Version 0.3 Update No 2 Size 16.8KB Pages 8 Words 1994 Characters 16348 Paragraphs 373 Lines 480 GameFAQ's CONTRIBUTER PAGE- www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html EMAIL- astroboyblue@aol.com If I don't reply it's either I don't know the answer to the question or your sending me info I already know or someone has sent before you. LEGAL JUNK (Not a Chinese boat full of lawyers) ----------------------------------------------- The following sites are the only *official* carriers of this FAQ: * GameFAQ's (www.gamefaqs.com) * Video Game Strategies at About.com (vgstrategies.about.com) Those sites always have the most up to date version, so please check them for newer versions before sending me a question. You may post this FAQ on your site as long as you abide by the following rules: 1. You inform me you're posting the FAQ and give the address of your site. 2. No advertisements are present on the same page the FAQ is viewed. 3. All material is kept in its complete entirety. 4. No material is changed or re-formatted in anyway. 5. You *try* to keep up to date with the newest version. Mario and other related characters are trademarks of Nintendo Pty. Ltd (C) Copyright 2000 AstroBlue