Perfect Dark Secret Missions guide By Ed the Moogle Version 1.1 Copyright 2000 Ed the Moogle Not official in any way. Don't copy or alter this FAQ without permission. If you wish to copy this FAQ, you may not change it from its original TXT format, and it must not appear within a frame or with a pop-up window or ad banner of any kind. I am not to be held responsible for any damages done with this file or it's contents. Latest version is at Check the latest version before you e-mail me with questions or comments, or before telling me I'm an idiot because I made a mistake. Failure to do this will result in your e-mail being ignored. Domains that CAN use this FAQ (e-mail me at or to be added to the list) Domains that can NEVER use this FAQ (I have had some bad run-ins with these domain/domains before. They have either somehow been making money off my FAQs by the use of ad banners or otherwise). 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For one thing, they will often run away to find help if you encounter a lone soldier, they will fight you with fists and feet if worse comes to worse (which, if they connect, can be worse than taking a bullet, as it blurs your vision and makes it harder to line up shots), and instead of blindly rushing into a trap, they will often wait for you to come to them. However, they do have a few weaknesses. For one thing, they are no longer supplied with an infinite amount of lead in their gun. Once they spend enough bullets, they will stop, pull out a clip, and reload. This leaves them wide open to being shot. Just keep in mind that if you shoot them at this time and they do not die, their ammo will be fully reloaded somehow, and they will most likely try to shoot at you. The only noticable exceptions to this rule are guards armed with K7 Avengers and Skedar with Maulers. The guards, unlike in Goldeneye, can be disarmed, either by running up and using the Disarm ability, or literally shooting the weapon out of their hand. At this time they will usually surrender, but if the weapon falls on the floor they may try to pick it back up. Finally, if all else fails, they may just pull another gun (usually a Falcon 2) and continue to open fire. I've had single guards pull out as many as three Falcons. Both of these tactics leave them open for quite a while, allowing you to shoot them. Also, soldiers are not too terribly bright, and only fire upon your current position. Thus, if you speed strafe right past them or quickly from left to right, 90% of their shots will miss you. Taking cover behind pillars and walls is also great for avoiding shots. Firing a few bullets, then quickly ducking back will cause most of their bullets to impact harmlessly on the wall. Just wait for the lead storm to stop, lean out again, fire a few bullets, repeat as needed. Strafing from side to side out in the open, unless you are terribly fast, will often get you shot. Finally, guards aren't too terribly bright, and often try to clump together and gang up on you, often trying to fit 10+ guys through a single doorway. This can be dangerous if all you have is a gun, but it leaves them perfectly open to attack if you have some sort of explosive. Pretty much any touch of an explosive or a head shot will instantly do in any guard, unless they have a shield or a ridiculous amount of armor (Skedar). ************************************************************************ ***** **Section 2: Missions ** ************************************************************************ ***** Mr. Blonde's revenge Requirements: Complete all normal missions on Agent difficulty or higher. Items in this level Falcon 2- Some guards will drop these if you disarm them first, but you probably won't have time to be disarming all the guards and grabbing Falcons. On another note, the DataDyne Captain will drop Double Falcons. A fast firing, effective pistol. Mauler- You start with this gun. You can either fire off standard bullets, or you can concentrate the gun's power into one charged blast equal to 5 1/2 shots, usually meriting a one-hit kill. Even other Skedar are susceptible to the one-hit kill if hit in the head. Shotgun- All of Cassandra's bodyguards carry a loud, powerful shotgun. These are incredibly effective at close range, potentially hitting multiple soldiers with one blast, but they are very loud and take a long time to reload, and at long range they are very inaccurate. DY357 Magnum- A few shock troops scattered throughout the stage will drop these powerful, but slow and loud guns. You can use them to dispatch lone guards if you wish to save your Shotgun ammo, as it is very useful in one-on-one combat. Skedar Bomb- Used to blow the Datadyne tower sky high. Only thing is, you have to hurry once you set it. It only takes about 3 minutes and 30 seconds for it to go off. Cloaking Device- You start with 30 seconds of the handy-dandy Cloaking Device, which makes you invisible to enemies as long as it is activated. If you fire a gun or other weapon or throw a punch or pistol whip, the cloaking field will be disrupted temporarily. N-Bomb- The shock troops throw these miniature Neutron Bombs at you occasionally, which can be dangerous when you're trying to kidnap Cassandra. If she's KOed, it's Mission Failed for you. These bombs will cause enemies to drop their weapons and become dizzy while steadily taking damage as long as they are in the blast field, and those closest to the center of the blast die. BombSpy- Similar to a Cam Spy, except that now it has a small bomb that explodes when you press the Z trigger, and guards like to follow it around just to see what it will do. Lure them together, then detonate and watch them spiral through the air. Lots of fun. Falcon 2- You knock it from Cassandra's hand when you show up in her office uninvited. This normally would be a good thing, except that you only get 10 bullets, and you have a Mauler or Shotgun to use anyway. You can also get Double Falcons from the Datadyne Captain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Agent Level Objectives -Escort Cassandra to Helipad Walkthrough You start out with a cinema scene Mr. Blonde walking through the front door of DataDyne in spooky, Darth Vader fashion. After that, you assume control of him, armed only with 30 seconds of cloaking device, a Skedar Bomb (which you won't be using on Agent difficulty), and a Mauler with 100 ammo. Anyway, start out by walking to your right and switching your Mauler to secondary mode. Walk around the wall in front of you and blast one of the guards with your gun fully charged, then retreat and allow your gun to recharge. Continue picking off all the soldiers on the ground floor this way, then run for the elevator and get on. Once the elevator arrives, run to your right and enter the wooden door. Take the stairs up another floor, being sure to dispatch the Shock Trooper waiting for you on the stairs. Once you're up a floor, head to the previously-locked elevator and go up a floor. Cassandra's office is on this floor, but don't go in and get her yet. Instead, take the time to clear out the shock troops and the stairs up to the helipad (being sure to remain in plain sight so that they don't heave a deadly N-Bomb), then go into her office. When she yells "Get the hell out of my office!" she'll pull a gun on you. Disarm her immediately. Mr. Blonde will order her up to the roof. Once she and you reach the roof intact, it's Mission Complete for you. Secret Agent Level Objectives -Plant bomb in lift -Escort Cassandra to helipad You start out with a cinema scene Mr. Blonde walking through the front door of DataDyne in spooky, Darth Vader fashion. After that, you assume control of him, armed only with 30 seconds of cloaking device, a Skedar Bomb, and a Mauler with 100 ammo. It's best not to draw attention to yourself at first, because the guards will lock the elevator shut if they think something's up. So cloak yourself, run to your left, and run all the way to the elevator. Plant the Skedar Bomb. Objective 1 complete. Now hop in the elevator in the lobby that goes upstairs and un-cloak. Once the elevator arrives, run to your right and enter the wooden door. Take the stairs up another floor, being sure to dispatch the Shock Trooper waiting for you on the stairs. Once you're up a floor, head to the previously-locked elevator and go up a floor. Cassandra's office is on this floor, but don't go in and get her yet. Instead, take the time to clear out the shock troops and the stairs up to the helipad (being sure to stay in plain sight so that they don't kill you with an N-Bomb), then go into her office. When she yells "Get the hell out of my office!" she'll pull a gun on you. Disarm her immediately. Mr. Blonde will order her up to the roof. Once she and you reach the roof intact, it's Mission Complete for you. Perfect Agent Level Objectives -Plant bomb in lift -Kill DataDyne Captain -Escort Cassandra to helipad Well, you pretty much do the usual thing, except you have one more person to kill. That said, I continue the walkthrough. You start out with a cinema scene Mr. Blonde walking through the front door of DataDyne in spooky, Darth Vader fashion. After that, you assume control of him, armed only with 30 seconds of cloaking device, a Skedar Bomb, and a Mauler with 100 ammo. It's best not to draw attention to yourself at first, because the guards will lock the elevator shut if they think something's up. So cloak yourself, run to your left, and run all the way to the elevator. Plant the Skedar Bomb. Objective 1 complete. Now hop in the elevator in the lobby that goes upstairs and un-cloak. Once a message appears that says "Elevator has been stopped," get out your Mauler and charge up, then re- cloak yourself. When the guard comes up in the other elevator, put her in place with a charged Mauler round. Objective 2 complete. Once the elevator arrives, run to your right and enter the wooden door. Take the stairs up another floor, being sure to dispatch the Shock Trooper waiting for you on the stairs. Once you're up a floor, head to the previously-locked elevator and go up a floor. Cassandra's office is on this floor, but don't go in and get her yet. Instead, take the time to clear out the shock troops and the stairs up to the helipad (being sure to stay in plain sight so that they don't kill you with an N-Bomb), then go into her office. When she yells "Get the hell out of my office!" she'll pull a gun on you. Disarm her immediately. Mr. Blonde will order her up to the roof. Once she and you reach the roof intact, it's Mission Complete for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Maian SOS Requirements: Complete all levels on Secret Agent difficulty or higher. Items in this level Falcon 2- The scientist near the starting area has one, and most of the other guards and scientists carry them when disarmed. An accurate, fairly powerful gun. Dragon- Practically every guard in the building has one of these. A rapid-firing gun with a scope, and a deadly secondary mode that literally blows enemies (and the gun itself) to bits. This will be your primary weapon throughout the level. Tranquilizer- Those scary scientists always tote the reaction-slowing, vision-blurring Tranqs. These are by far the weakest weapon in the level, and you probably won't be using them at all unless you run out of Falcon 2 ammo, threw down a Proxy Dragon, and are being attacked from behind. Psychosis Gun- The most evil weapon known to man with the least amount of ammo ever known to man. Anyone shot with the Psychosis Gun instantly goes on a panic attack, shooting and punching at his fellow guards instead of you. Unfortunately, the guards catch on fast, and will shoot at their former comrades as well. Most scientists have one, and there is one lying on the table outside the room where you begin. There are only about 4 bullets for the thing in the entire level. DY357-LX- One guy in the level totes two of these guns. These guns are very slow firing and loud, but a single round will kill any soldier regardless of where he is hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Agent Level Objectives -Contact Carrington You start the level at only about 1/3 of your normal strength. Oh well, that won't matter much, seeing as how you are on the Agent difficulty, and the guards are all total wimps. Anyway, let the scientist at the computer see you, then disarm him and take his pistol. If the other guy rushes in, disarm him too, then run into the room that he was in and grab the Psychosis Gun off the table. Push the hovering bed that you were on at the beginning up against the glass, and shoot it so that it explodes, freeing you. Now open the door right in front of you and shoot the guard. Grab his Dragon, then immediately equip it and set it to Proxy mode, then throw it in the small room. More soldiers will appear to avenge their comrade, but will get blown up by the Dragon. Collect their guns and shoot any survivors in the head using the Dragon's scope. Now open the door and fire 7 or so shots into the hall, then back up to about halfway between the two diagonal pillars, duck down, and zoom in on the door with your Dragon scope. Pick off anyone that enters, then rush up and pick up their ammo when you catch a break. If a guy with twin gold magnums comes after you, DO NOT KILL HIM. Instead, shoot him with the Psychosis Gun. After the guards stop their futile attempt to bring you down. the room and go right, firing down the two guards. Enter the left-hand lab and immediately look to your left. There's a guy with two Golden Magnums if you didn't already see him. Hit him with the Psychosis Gun before he puts those guns to use against you, and then chase him around as he goes on a rampage, doing all your dirty work for you and supplying you with a ridiculous amount of Dragon ammo. If he's having trouble, provide him with support fire from your Dragon. Once you reach a small door that Mr. Golden can't open (past the rooms where the showers were in the previous A51 levels, the only unlocked door on the ground level), shoot him and collect his magnums. You only get one bullet. Bummer, you don't even need it in Agent. Oh well. Walk up to the unopenable door, turn around, and go through the hallway to the left of the door. From here follow the catwalk until you reach an area with two doors. Ignore the alarm if it sounds, and take the left- hand door. Walk through the small gap in the right-hand side of the wall and you'll be back in the stores where the second Area 51 level took place with Jo. Ignore all guards and run toward the elevator. Ride up to the second floor, then go into the door to your right. You should be in a hangar with the UFO. Ignore it, gun down all the guards in here and take the elevator directly to your right. Down here, shoot down the few guards that resist you (watch out, some may come from behind. I learned this the hard way on Perfect Agent) and click on the computer. Mission complete. Secret Agent Level Objectives -Sabotage medical experiment -Contact Carrington You start the level at only about 1/3 of your normal strength. Let the scientist at the computer see you, then disarm him and take his pistol. If the other guy rushes in, disarm him too, then run into the room that he was in and grab the Psychosis Gun off the table. Push the hovering bed that you were on at the beginning up against the glass, and shoot it so that it explodes, freeing you. Now open the door right in front of you and shoot the guard. Grab his Dragon, then immediately equip it and set it to Proxy mode, then throw it in the small room. More soldiers will appear to avenge their comrade, but will get blown up by the Dragon. Collect their guns and shoot any survivors, utilizing the Dragon's scope and semi-excellent accuracy. Open the door to the lab, but don't leave yet. Fire six or seven shots against the wall so that you get the attention of several guards, back up between the two vertical pillars, crouch, aim with your Dragon, and gun them down. If you see a guy with two Gold Magnums, DO NOT KILL HIM. Shoot him with the Psychosis Gun. Now exit the room and go left, firing down the two guards. Enter the left-hand lab and immediately look to your left. There's a guy with two Golden Magnums, if you didn't already get him. Hit him with the Psychosis Gun, and then chase him around as he goes on a rampage, doing all your dirty work for you and supplying you with a ridiculous amount of Dragon ammo. You may want to provide cover fire if the enemies start to get the upper hand, although you risk getting shot at yourself. Once you reach a small door that Mr. Golden can't open, shoot him and collect his magnums. You only get one bullet. Unlike the Agent difficulty, you will need to use this bullet (well, it's not mandatory, but it sure saves some time). Run back to the second lab where the scientists are experimenting on the other Maian. Gun down all the dudes lounging around in the corridor, then enter the lab. They can't see you unless you shoot at them through the glass, and a single bullet will get their attention, so why take risks? Use the Magnum to blast the bed, blowing it up and killing the scientists. Objective 1 complete. Grab their Psychosis ammo, and return to the area where you killed Mr. Golden. Go through the hallway to the right of that door. Walk through the small gap in the right-hand side of the wall and you'll be back in the stores where the second Area 51 level took place with Jo. This part can be tricky, as several guards usually await you on the elevator. You can shoot some other guards with the Psychosis gun to have them help you, or throw a Proxy dragon under the elevator to blow them all to bits. Once the guards are properly disposed of, hop on the elevator and ride up to the second floor, then go into the door to your right. You should be in a hangar with the UFO. Ignore it, shoot down any guards you see, and take the elevator directly to your right. Down here, shoot down the few guards that resist you (watch out for guards that may come from behind!) and click on the computer. Mission complete. Perfect Agent Objectives -Sabotage medical experiment -Destroy ship -Contact Carrington Note: This level is a PAIN IN THE ASS on Perfect Agent. If you start heaving the controller against the wall after losing for the 100th time, you may want to take a break. This message brought to you by Ed's pissed off mom, after he punched a hole in the wall with his N64 controller. You start the level at only about 1/3 of your normal strength. Let the scientist at the computer see you, then disarm him and take his pistol. If the other guy rushes in, disarm him too, then run into the room that he was in and grab the Psychosis Gun off the table. Push the hovering bed that you were on at the beginning up against the glass, and shoot it so that it explodes. Now open the door right in front of you and shoot the guard. Grab his Dragon, then immediately equip it and set it to Proxy mode, then throw it in the small room. More soldiers will appear to avenge their comrade, but will get blown up by the Dragon. Collect their guns and shoot any survivors, utilizing the Dragon's scope and it's semi-excellent accuracy. Now open the door at the other end of the lab, firing six or seven shots against the wall. Now backpedal past the first diagonal pillars and crouch down, and train your dragon sight on the door. Pick off the guards as the enter, then rush up and collect their ammo between attacks. If you see a guy with two gold magnums, DO NOT KILL HIM. Instead, shoot him with the Psychosis Gun. Enter the left-hand lab and immediately look to your left. There's a guy with two Golden Magnums. Hit him with the Psychosis Gun, and then chase him around as he goes on a rampage, doing all your dirty work for you and supplying you with a ridiculous amount of Dragon ammo. However, since this is Perfect Agent, he may get mowed down earlier than expected, so back up his firepower with Dragon fire. Gun them down quickly, because when you catch the enemies' attention you are putting your limited health at risk. The trick to this stage is to stay semi- healthy! Once you reach a small door that Mr. Golden can't open, shoot him and collect his Magnums. If he dies prematurely, collect his magnums anyway. Run back to the second lab where the scientists are experimenting on the other Maian. They can't see you unless you shoot at them through the glass, which you're going to have to do. Put five rounds in the Maian's bed ASAP, and it will explode, hopefully taking out the scientists. Objective 1 complete. Now collect their Psychosis ammo and move on. Go through the hallway to the right of the door where Mr. Golden stops. Walk through the small gap in the right-hand side of the wall and you'll be back in the stores where the second Area 51 level took place with Jo. This part can be tricky, as several guards usually await you on the elevator. You can shoot some other guards with the Psychosis gun to have them help you, or simply throw a Proxy dragon, taking them all out. Once the guards are properly disposed of, hop on the elevator and ride up to the second floor, then go into the door to your right. You should be in a hangar with the UFO. First and foremost, kill ALL the guards in this room, because nine times out of ten this is where I mess up and get killed. Now, on Perfect Agent you must dispose of the UFO. If you have that single bullet left in your gold Magnum, you can simply blast the UFO, watch the HUGE explosion that results, and be done with it. If not, this is a bit trickier. You have to go down the ramp to the UFO, push all the barrels of explosive stuff up close to it, and then fill one of them with lead so that they all explode in unison, destroying the ship. Objective 2 complete. Take the elevator down. If you still have a couple bullets in the Psychosis Gun, use one on the first guard you see, and then let him rush up and take care of the other guards and scientists. If the gets killed, dispatch his killers quickly. Also, WATCH YOUR BACK. Guards often come from behind just to smite you. If that's the case, gun them down or shoot them with the Psychosis Gun so they can take care of some baddies for you. Once the way is clear, click the computer. Mission complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- War! Haven't unlocked this level yet, so look for strategy in a later version. I still have to beat that $*#^@*$ Attack Ship Assault level and that #*#(#^&#@%^$&^%#@#(%&#@%&^#%#^(%$^%#@&^#@$%(%#& Maian SOS level on Perfect Agent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- The Duel This level's just basically a cheesy little mini game where you fight holograms of some of the characters in the game. Requirements: Beat every stage on Agent difficulty besides "War!" Items in this level Falcon 2- You start with one. It's an accurate, fast-firing, moderately powerful pistol. DY357 Magnum- You get it by beating the second opponent. Slower than the Falcon (by a LOT), but more powerful) DY357-LX- You get it by beating the third opponent, but won't actually get to use it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Agent Level Objectives -Defeat Datadyne Guard This part is as easy as can be. It's the standard "10 paces and shoot" thing. Just turn around and put three or four caps in his chest. Mission complete. Secret Agent Level Objectives -Defeat Datadyne Guard -Defeat Jonathan Dark This part is as easy as can be. It's the standard "10 paces and shoot" thing. Just turn around and put three or four caps in his chest. Then rush up and grab his gun before the room resets to fight Johnny. Objective 1: Complete. As for round two, it's slightly harder! Oh no! When you turn around, Johnny will be nowhere in sight, Strafe to your left to see him hiding behind the wall. Duck back before he shoots you, then lean out and cap him in the head or chest repeatedly. Mission complete. Perfect Agent Level Objectives -Defeat Datadyne Guard -Defeat Jonathan Dark -Defeat Trent Easton This part is as easy as can be. It's the standard "10 paces and shoot" thing. Just turn around and put three or four caps in his chest. Then rush up and grab his gun before the room resets to fight Johnny. Objective 1: Complete. As for round two, it's slightly harder! Oh no!When you turn around, Johnny will be nowhere in sight, Strafe to your left to see him hiding behind the wall. Duck back before he shoots you, then lean out and cap him in the head or chest repeatedly. Objective 2: Complete This is where the Duel gets to be the most difficult. After disposing of Mr. Datadyne Trooper and Johnny, you'll face Trent. If you have the Falcon 2 or DY357 ready to go, you're in luck. If not, you're screwed. Turn around and qucikly shoot at his chest to stun him. If you miss, STRAFE LIKE HELL to get behind the wall, reload, and lean out just long enough to shoot him once. The trick here is to stun him. Once he's stunned, fire repeatedly until he's toast. Mission accomplished.