Zangief FAQ Capcom Vs SNK (Japanese Version) Version 2.0 :January 5th 2001: Author: Paul Wolfstien E-mail: Web-Site: http// (coming soon!) Version 2.0-I added a stratagy from Darth Hazzard. Version 1.0-I wrote this thing. The newest version of this FAQ will ALWAYS be located at! ************** Table of Contents ************** I-Intro II-Controls III-Moves IV-Combos V-Colors VI-Credits ************** I-Intro ************** Hello, this is my second FAQ! My first was on Dan Hibiki in Marvel Vs Capcom 2. This one is on everybody's favorite grappler ZANGIEF! Zangief is a VERY strong character in this game, mainly due to the fact of the new move called the ROLL! (Well, everybody gets it, however it's Gief's best friend!) This makes Zangief not only faster, but more unpredictable in the sense that he can pull out spinning piledrivers out of nowhere! Copyright Capcom Co. .. LTD 2000. All rights reserved. Copyright SNK 2000. This FAQ is Copyright 2001 Paul Wolfstien. This FAQ cannot be used for profit in ANY WAY! This FAQ can be used on ANY web-site as long as you follow these guidelines. 1: There are NO BANNERS on the page where this FAQ will be seen IE-Above the FAQ. Also, you must have my FULL WRITTEN PERMISSION to use this FAQ! I will most likely let you use it ... but just ask! If not, you will be sued for all the money your worth, and trust me, I have a FUN time finding these things out. Also, the FAQ must be UNCHANGED. Thank you very much. Now, ... onto the FAQ! Enjoy Mon ami! PS-If you don't see something in this FAQ that I could put in ... mail me about it and I'll see what I can do.! *************** II-Controls *************** F-Forward B-Back U-Up D-Down DF-Down Forward DB-Down Back UF-Up Forward UB-Up Back QCF-D, DF, F QCB-D, DB, B HCF-B, DB, D, DF, F DP-F, DF, F RDP-B, DB, B LP-Light Punch FP-Fierce Punch LK-Light Kick RK-Roundhouse Kick PP-Both Punches KK-Both Kicks *Extra Stuff* Rolling-LP+LK Throwing (Regular) F+P or B+P. F+K or B+K Dashing-F, F Back Dashing- B, B Super Jump-D, U (Can also be diagonal) Chouhatsu-Arcade (Start) Dreamcast (LK+Start) ************** III-Moves ************** *Button Moves* Standing LP: An overhead chop. Pretty decent anti-air. Can't buffer though. **1/2 Crouching LP: A Great poke! By itself it can combo up to four times and it's FAST! Great for ... POKING, and stopping those annoying rolls! It's also bufferable, and can link into the crouching LK. ****1/2 Jumping LP: A poke-type move in the air, however I just don't think it's better than the jumping LK. So why use it? Still, it's not bad for air to air, just not as good as the LK one. **3/4 Standing LK: A quick low ankle kick. Good for combos and just to surprise/annoy the enemy. It's also bufferable. *** Crouching LK: It looks like his sweep but it doesn't knock the opponent down. It can be used for combos and it's bufferable. It's good to use every once in a while because it's fairly fast and does look like the sweep. Always nice to throw in a little confusion! *** Jumping LK: A great move to do for air to air battles. Like the LP it has no use for jump-ins but it's better than the LP for air to air. Just make sure that your opponent will be jumping before you do it. ***1/4 Jumping D+LK: Geif attacks you with his knee at an angle. This move, IMHO isn't that great ... it's not as good as the Front Splash and it's HARD to combo into. It also doesn't take that much damage. Stay with the Jumping D+FP. *3/4 Standing FP: A straight forward punch. Great power. Can't be buffered. It has some lag time so don't abuse it, but if you can get in an open shot on your opponent than by all means go for it. Great to start of the fight with (Assuming you haven't already fought the person you did it to) **3/4 Crouching FP: Pretty much the same as the standing FP. A LITTLE better if you use it in the right way. **3/4 Jumping FP: Straight-Geif jumps in the air and punches at an angle for good damage. However he is also at a bad angle for air to air battles AND you can't really combo this. It's also hard to hit. Poor move IMO. 3/4* Forwards & Backwards-Gief is diving at you with his fist. Not much here. It's not really a great jump-in, and it's not great for air to air. ** Jumping D+FP (Moving forwards or backwards) [Front Splash]: This move is great for air to air battles depending on when you perform the move. Also takes good damage and it's very defensive. Also his best jump-in attack. ****1/2 Standing RK: Gief falls back with his foot at an angle. GOOD anti-air if timed right. It won't win all battles though so learn what it beats/doesn't beat. Can't be buffed. Has decent (as in, not much) lag, and takes good damage. ***1/4 Crouching RK: Zangief's sweep ... what else needs to be said? Has good range though, but also has bad lag ... so don't abuse it. Good sweep damage. Can't be buffered. **1/4 Jumping RK: Gief does a dropkick in air. It's a DECENT jump-in but not that much better than the Jumping FP. It is, however a pretty good air to air move that takes good damage. Use it wisely. **1/4 *Normal Mode Moves* Double Lariat: PP -He spins around and it can also avoid fireballs. You can also move forward and backward while performing this move. PP is longer and slower. KK is shorter and faster (Better for combos) *** Banishing Flat: DP+P -Gief's fist burns as he whacks you with his fist! It can nullify a lot of things such as fireballs, and it can even stop such attacks as Ryu's Hurricane kicks, Chun Li's Spinning Star kick, etc. Great move. I have never found a way to combo it, though. **3/4 Front Splash: D+P (In air, also Gief HAS to be either moving forward or backward to do this move) -Gief looks like he was shot out of a cannon, hehe. A great move to do in the air, whether your trapping your opponent in the corner, or you want to jump in, OR you want to win an air to air battle. Move rules! **** Screw Piledriver: 360%+P -Geif's signature move. It takes a TON of damage and is a very deadly move with the roll. As close to a ***** move as you can get! ****3/4 Atomic Suplex: 360%+K (Close) -Just as useful as the screw piledriver. Very good with the roll, and you can trap your opponent better with this move than you can the Screw Piledriver. But it has its downside due to the fact that you can be sweeped. ****1/4 Flying Powerbomb: 360%+K (Away) -Grabs them and then powerbombs them ... it's just connecting with this motion further away. You shouldn't put yourself in this position if you ask me. *** **Final Atomic Buster**: 360, 360%+P -Not a great super to do because of the fact that it's hard as hell to pull off (For me anyway) and it's hard to connect unless you're real good with timing and crap. It is very powerful in the right hands, I prefer his other super, though. ***3/4 **Aerial Russian Slam**: QCF, D, DF+K -GREAT SUPER! Gief jumps in the air, and if he catches the opponent he slams them into the ground. Takes tons of damage, and it's a great anti-air move. Easy to catch the opponent with. I think this is probably one of the best supers in the game. I'm going an all out *****! ** The longest-lived animal is the thick-shelled clam ** (Ar9Matt's little tribute to ErgMcGibbon!) *EX Mode* Double Lariat: PP -Same as in normal mode. High Speed Double Lariat: KK -FASTER VERSION of the Double Lariat from Normal mode. Screw Piledriver: 360%+P -Same as Normal Mode. **Final Atomic Buster**360, 360%+P -Same as in Normal Mode. *************** IV: Combos *************** Key: S=Standing C=Crouching 1: Front Splash, C LP, C LP, C LK. 4 hits. 2: C LP, S LK, KK Lariat. 3 hits. 3: Front Splash, C LP(3). 4 hits 4: Front Splash, S RK. 2 hits 5: Front Splash, S LK, KK Lariat. 3 hits (If anyone knows any other combo's with Gief and sends them to me you will get FULL CREDIT! Thanks!) *************** V: Color's *************** LK: Light gray briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, dark skin, dark brown hair RK: Blue briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, light skin, brown hair LP: Red briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, light skin, brown hair FP: Black briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, dark skin, dark brown hair LK+RK: Yellow briefs and shoes w/ white trim, light skin, brown hair LP+FP: Purple briefs and shoes w/ white trim, light skin, brown hair LK+LP: Lime green briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, light skin, brown hair FP+FK: Peach briefs and shoes w/ gold trim, dark skin, dark brown hair These are Character edit colors. They were taken from S. Bacon's CvS FAQ right here at I hope the person who sent the Evil Gief in and S.Bacon don't mind if I used them. If you guys do, then e-mail me and I'll take them down immediately. Evil Gief Sent in by: Pink Spider E-mail: Description of the color: It looks like Evil Zangief from MvC. It's teal and silver! Looks awesome! 08, 04, 00 23, 23, 23 19, 19, 19 12, 12, 12 12, 08, 12 12, 04, 02 10, 00, 00 08, 08, 10 06, 12, 09 05, 09, 07 07, 00, 07 30, 30, 30 20, 22, 20 05, 07, 00 06, 09, 07 The Incredible Gief Created by: Sailor Bacon E-mail: S. Bacon's description from his FAQ: Gief has always reminded me of the Incredible Hulk for some reason or another... so here was my chance to make my dream come true! 00, 09, 00 10, 24, 06 11, 22, 07 12, 21, 07 00, 17, 00 00, 08, 00 00, 09, 00 16, 00, 29 11, 00, 19 11, 00, 18 05, 00, 10 29, 23, 29 20, 22, 20 30, 22, 00 21, 13, 00 (Again if anyone has any cool Gief colors, send them into me for full credit. I will probably make a few of my own in the future as well!) ****************************** VII: How to play With/Against ****************************** --- >From me, Paul Wolfstien. ( With: I play Zangief like this ... I poke as often as possible. (C LP) I try to corner my opponent, and when I do I will most likely either go for an atomic bomb, or Front Splash, followed by C LP's. -Repeat- I will time your jumps all the time and then roll and screw piledriver/atomic bomb you to hell. I will throw every chance I get. I will try to do a few combo's like the C LP, S, LK, KK Lariat when I see an opening. I will eat you up if you throw a fireball short distance, and I love to try to keep you out of the air making it easier for me to jump in/roll. Against: My weakness include. Sometimes I will be able to be thrown. That seems to happen a lot when opponents are comboing/poking me (I'm blocking) and they just come up and throw me. Works on a lot of people. Things to do against Geif players are ... try to stay away. Use fireballs only when you're far away and poke/throw as much as possible. If you jump in, you better hope you don't get blocked and then screw piledrivered :) Also watch out for the wake-up screw piledriver. That can be nasty. --- >From Darth Hazzard. ( (Fighting against Zangief) This is based upon playing against the cpu in Alpha 2 but could be used for CvS. I choose Alpha 2 because I feel that Geif's AI was best in this game, in later games such as the Vs serise and CvS Geif's AI has considerably dropped AI as a whole has dropped. I have also never played against a real Zangeif player so these tactics are unproven against real opponents. Rule no.1 when fighting Geif. Never EVER! try and go blow for blow against him cause you will lose. If you are a relatively fast character such as Chun Li, Kim or Ken you will have to use your speed to your advantage. Zangeif's moves have horrendous start up time but good priority, I usually use jabs and shorts mixing between standing and crouching. Never use any projectile at close range or expect a Lariat, don't forget that this can go through projectiles. Do not fight him for a prolonged duration of time as he will begin to throw like a mad man and you don't wanna eat a "Final Atomic Buster" do you!! If possible avoid jumping in on him as he has some good anti air moves..just exploit his lack of speed by using quick fire manouvers, the odd crossover and a few combos should see the end of the Russians day. --- (If anyone wants to add their own feelings on how they use Gief or how they play against Gief ... send em' in! You get FULL CREDIT!) **************** VIII: Special Thanks **************** CJayC: For keeping up a great site and for hosting all of my FAQS/Reviews! You rule man. Kao Megura: For inspiring me to write FAQS. He's the best. Sailor Bacon: I used his Zangief move names and his Incredible Gief Color edit. Also used his description for Zangief's color's. Hope he's not angry :) Another great FAQ writer! Pink Spider: I used his "Evil Zangief" Color edit. Hope he's not also pissed :) Ar9matt: For being a cool guy and helping me post this thing! Darth Hazzard: For sending in his analysis of how to fight against Gief! Me: For writing this damn thing, thus killing my back in the process because of this horrid computer chair I have! -EOF-