========================================================================= DEAD OR ALIVE 2: EIN CHARACTER GUIDE Version: 1.4b For the DREAMCAST and PLAYSTATION 2 console Last Updated: 12/31/00 Latest version at base-9.com / gamefaqs.com Author: TripleRaid [tripleraid@base-9.com] ICQ: 43248274 AIM: TripleRaid84 YAHOO: tripleraid GameFAQS: TripleRaid You might also find my in #doa2 at EFNet, Username: TRaid or TripleRai TripleRaid's Website: http://www.base-9.com ========================================================================= J8888888F J888F J888F J88F J888F___ J888F J88F8F J88F J8888888F J888F J88F 88F J88F J888F___ J888F J88F 88F88F J8888888F J888F J88F J88F M A S T E R T H E P O W E R O F T H E S H I N O B I ========================================================================= ***!!! NOTE !!!*** I want to let people know that this guide is also compatible with DOA2: Hardcore. Hardcore does not really have any new moves in it. But it does have new tag moves...so I will try to get those soon also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |TripleRaid #############################################################| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, so I also desided to write a little thing about the man behind the "Ultimate Ein Guide". Well lets see here...ah I first started playing video games when I was 5 years old, I was playing an Odyessy2 at my gran- mothers house. Then you chould say I was hooked on gaming... Forever! After tons of diffrent types of games I played I finally desided to take a crack at Fighting games. I was in love! Fighting games are so much fun it makes sometimes look back at other games that I played and ask myself, how chould I have played that!? Well not really but I guess you get my point. :) [ http://www.base-9.com ] This is my personal domain. This mainly just has a ton of my crap on it. I have a little bit a gaming stuff up at the moment mainly Capcom vs SNK stuff. I might put up some Dead or Alive stuff though. :) [ http://www.doaon.com ] Here you will meet a really cool guy that goes by the name Wind-X. This is the best source on the net for every thing from Dead or Alive to Dead or Alive 2 (and all of its other versions). They have a really cool Fourm where you will meet alot of cool guys & gals. You might even catch me there sometimes. (^_^) [ http://www.virtuafighter.com ] This website is mantained by a wonderful person by the name of Ice-9. I suggest you take a look at his wonderful site. [ http://www.gamefaqs.com ] Yes! You love him, you hate him (how can you hate him?), but you will never forget him. CJayC runs one of the best gaming sites on the net. You can also find more of my FAQs on his site. ========================================================================= C O P Y R I G H T ========================================================================= UNPUBLISHED WORK COPYRIGHT © 2000 TRIPLERAID This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty---and high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law----and will be---punished. In full contrast, this document portrayed in the website found (www.gamefaqs.com) is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of t0his FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the document appears in due credit. You may juxatpose this---document with other---documents as well without notice of the author but it must not be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be---included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor---in a high security area. This FAQ is solely used and ONLY used for public---use only and may not be used in a promotional ad that sponsors any type of monetary use. This FAQ is to be used "just like a book" meaning that it can be read over and over again by anybody who wishes to do so. Just like a book it can be moved around from one person to another, but unlike a book the document can be viewed by more than one person at---once. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagerized, doing so not only damages the person you had intentionally forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of self guilt or in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at best, DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THIS OR ANYTHING INVOLVING THIS FAQ WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! Thanks Dingo Jellybean for letting me use your copyright notice. Dead or Alive 2 characters are Copyright© to TECMO of Japan (Team Ninja) This guide or FAQ shouls only be at the following sites... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.base-9.com Base-9.com http://www.gamefaqs.com GameFAQs ========================================================================= C O N T E N T S ========================================================================= 1.) Version History 2.) Introduction 3.) DoA2 Story 4.) Who is Ein? 5.) Coverstions 6.) Movelists 7.) Descriptive Movelist 8.) Combos 9.) Tag Combos 10.) Ein Stratiges 11.) Ein VS CPU opponents 12.) Fun things to do with Ein 13.) Questions & Answers 14.) My Ein Diary 15.) Internet Links 16.) Contacting Tecmo 17.) Credits 18.) Ending Info ========================================================================== 1.) V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ========================================================================== The first version of the Ein Guide [v1.0]: Well this is the first version of the Ein Guide. In this Guide I will try to basicly give you everything you will need to know about useing Ein. This guide is not finished yet. But I do have alot to add to it. Just keep an I out on this Guide if you are an Ein lover! :) If you have anything that you feel should be in this Ein Guide then send it too... tripleraid@base-9.com and I will add it, I will even make a new section if that is what I have to do! I will give you credit. Your name will be listed in the Credits section. [v1.1] I added a little stuff here and there, nothing big. But I am still not done with this guide yet. I still have alot to do. [v1.2] I added some stuff here and their. I also reformated the whole FAQ so it should be even easier to find the sections now. :) [v1.3] Not much this time. I just added some more combo's for Ein that you can use. I should have most of the move disciptions done in the next update. [v1.4] Well I said I would finish all the move disciptions in the next update, and I have. Now I still have alot to do... [v1.4a] Well my buddy Triple Lei made some combo movies for Ein, so I added the links into the Guide. Go to the _Combos_ section to find them. Nothing else has changed sence v1.4, but expect new thing in the next update. [v1.4b] Well stupid me put the wrong links for the Ein combo movies. I fixed it so go download them NOW! ========================================================================== 2.) I N T R O D U C T I O N ========================================================================== Well with all the othe DOA2 movelist that I have I thought I should do an even better one for my favorite character Ein. Ein is a very strong fighter in DOA2. He is one of the strongest and at some times have moves that are as fast as lightning. Lets put it this way, a good Ein player can kick some ass! :) Why did I choose Ein? Well really because of his strength, and fighting style. Plus I think he is a cool guy. Now Ein is not my only favorite DOA2 fighter. I also love to play Leon, he is another cool character that is very strong. Also another reason I like Ein is because of his kick ass song! Vigaku! A matter of fact I am listening to it now! Man that song has some good sounding guitars in it. :) Did I say that Ein is just a cool dude, I mean who else's hobby whould be chopping Beer Bottles? :P ========================================================================== 3.) D O A 2 S T O R Y ========================================================================== At the end of the 20th century a great leader was murdered. His name was Fame Douglas, who was known as the sponsor of the legendary "Dead or Alive 1 World Combat Championship". Since his death, the world has become chaotic due to the lack of the presence of a great leader . In the midst of this choas, the "Dead or ALive 2 World Combat Championship" has been announced to take place. However, the true purpose and significance of the tournament have been lost with the death of Douglas. Even worse, the promoter of the "Dead or ALive 2 World Combat Championship" is responsible for Douglas's death. The new promoter is not just a corrupt being but one of pure evil. His involvement in the tournament has caused terror among the whole world resulting in the infamous Tengu Disaster that occurred at the end of the century. =========================================================================== 4.) W H O I S E I N ? =========================================================================== Name: Ein / The Lost Past Country: Unknown Fighting Style: Karate Age: 23 Height: 180 cm Weight: 75kg Measurements: B109 W83 H98 cm Blood Type: A Date of Birth: July 3rd Occupation: Karate Instructor Favorite Foods: Sushi, Sukiyaki Hobby: Chopping Beer Bottles Ein was found unconscious deep in the woods of Germany. The spirit of combat was instilled in his heart at an early age, and he mastered Karate in record time, using it to find his inner self. He believes something important awaits him at the end of his Dead Or Alive 2 battles. Something far greater than even chopping beer bottles. ========================================================================== 5.) C O N V E R S I O N S ========================================================================== Layout for the Dreamcast Arcade Stick: NOTE: I use the Arcade stick all the time. It should be about the same for the DC controler. ub u uf Kick S (Free) O O O Punch __ __ \ | / __ / \ / \ b O-- n --O f / \ \ __ / \ __ / / | \ n= neutral \ __ / O O O P,G P,K,S db d df Guard __ __ __ / \ / \ / \ \ __ / \ __ / f = Press Forward \ __ / b = Press Backwards d = Press Down u = Press Up df = Press Down and Forward db = Press Down and Backwards uf = Press Up and Forwards ub = Press Up and Backwards F = Hold Forward B = Hold Backwards D = Hold Down U = Hold Up DF = Hold Down and Forward DB = Hold Down and Backwards UF = Hold Up and Forwards UB = Hold Press Up and Backwards P = Punch K = Kick S = Free (or Guard) qcf = Quarter Circle Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward qcb = Quarter Circle Back, Down, Down Back, Back hcf = Half Circle Forward, Back, Down, Forward hcb = Half Circle Back, Forward, Down, Back QCF = Hold Quarter Circle Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward QCB = Hold Quarter Circle Back, Down, Down Back, Back HCF = Hold Half Circle Forward, Back, Down, Forward HCB = Hold Half Circle Back, Forward, Down, Back + = And - press both buttons simultaneously , = Then – Press one after the other ~ = Then - Faster than ',' [FU/FA] = On the Ground with Face Up and Feet Away from you [FD/FA] = On the Ground with Face Down and Feet Away from you [back] = Your opponent's back has to be facing you trw = Throw std = Standing bck = Back atk = Attack cth = Catch ========================================================================== 6.) M O V E L I S T S ========================================================================== NAME of MOVE COMMAND AREA DAMAGE -------------- ------- ---- ------ Strike of Order P H 10 Rising Strike df+P M 20 Low Strike d+P L 5 Roundhouse Kick K H 30 Front Kick df+K M 20 Low Kick d+K L 10 Turning Fist of Truth [back] P H 35 Rounded Reverse Punch [back] d+P M 38 Turning Low Punch [back] D+P L 13 Reverse Back Kick [back] K H 30 Turning Heel Drop [back] d+K M 27 Turning Low Heel Sword [back] D+K L 15 Jumping Back Kick [back] u+K M 30 Front Jump Strike uf,P M 51 Front Jump Kick uf,K M 30 Front Jump Dbl Strike uf,P H.M 20.20 Front Jump Water Kick uf,K L 25 Jumping Strike u,P M 15 Jumping Kick u,K M 30 Jumping Double Strike u,P H.M 20.20 Jumping Water Kick u,K L 25 Back Jump Dbl Strike ub,P M 45 Back Jump Water Kick ub,K L 25 STRIKES ------- Hilt Strike f+P M 24 My Wife b,f+P H 42 Double Fist Strike f+P+K H.M 20.20 Dusty Wind d,df,f+P M 45 Clogging Strike u+P M 20 Ice Splitter ub+P H 38 Rising Elbow Strike uf+P M 25 Thunder Warrior uf+P,K M.H 25.30 Strike of Order P H 10 Combo Punch P,P H.H 10.10 Wind Combo P,P,P H.H.M 10.10.25 Claw Combo P,P,f+P H.H.H 10.10.16 Bull Reining Combo P,P,f+P,P H.H.H.M Fog Chime P,P,f+P,K H.H.H.M Falling Light P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.H.L Roundhouse P,P,K H.H.H 10.10.25 Combo Kick P,P,K,K H.H.H.M Low Kick P,P,d+K H.H.L 10.10.10 Scarlet Sparrow P,P,d+K,K H.H.L.H Dragon Tail P,P,D+K,K H.H.L.L Punch Roundhouse P,K H.H 10.25 Combo Kick P,K,K H.H.M 10.25.27 Claw Hand f,f+P H 16 Bull Rein f,f+P,P H.M 16.18 Claw Hand – Sidekick f,f+P,K H.M 16.25 Claw Hand - Water Kick f,f+P,d+K H.L 16.25 Iron Hammer b+P H 15 Low Heel Sword b+P,d+K H.L 15.15 Heavenly Shores b+P,d+K,P H.L.M 15.15.20 Iron Hammer Combo b+P,P H.H 15.15 Purple Haze b+P,P,P H.H.M 15.15.20 Fuumon b+P,P,d+K H.H.L 15.15.25 Roundhouse Kick K H 30 Roundhouse - Back Kick K,K H.M 30.27 Rising Roundhouse S+K H 35 Raised Front Kick b+K M 28 Jumping Knee Kick f,f+K M 25 Falling Star Kick f,f+K,K M.H 25.20 Leftover Stars f,f+K,K,K M.H.M 25.20.25 Heaven's Lance df,df+K M 30 Heel Drop u+K M 27 Wind and Clouds bf+K M 38 Ruler of the Skies d,df,f+K M 42 Tears of Light S+K M 30 Hop Kick S+K,K M.H 30.30 Water Kick S+K,d+K M.L 30.25 Jewel of Light b+S+K H 28 Thrusting Elbow P+K M 32 Dawn's Chimes P+K,f+P M.M 32.40 Knee Kick F+K M 24 Demon Tooth F+K,K M.M 24.32 Heel Sword Kick f+K H 25 Heel Sword Combo Kick f+K,K H.H 25.25 Line of Stars f+K,K,K H.H.H 25.25.2 Sirius Kick f+K,K,f+K H.H.M 25.25.27 Low Heel Sword db+K L 12 Silver Wolf db+K,K L.M 12.27 Style of the Sword db+K,P L.M 12.20 Low Heel Sword – Claw db+K,f+P L.H 12.16 Thunder Cow db+K,f+P,P L.H.M 12.16.18 Celestial Thunder db+K,f+P,K L.H.M 12.16.25 Global Thunder db+K,f+P,d+K L.H.L 12.16.22 Low Kick d+K L 10 Leopard Tail D+K,K L.L 10.24 Jumping Front Kick uf+K M 23 Flying Kirin uf+K,K M.H 23.25 Wind of Light f+S+K M 37 Crane Wheel ub+K M 36 Front Kick df+K M 20 Jumping Combo Kick df+K,K M.M 20.23 Celestial Kirin df+K,K,K M.M.H 20.23.23 THROWS ------ Water Moon S+P Std Trw 10+30 Frame of the Dragon b+S+P Std Trw 15+32 Frame of the Boulder b+S+P Wall Trw 57 Firelight df,df+S+P Std Trw 65 Violent Flames df,df+S+P Wall Trw 15+15+15+15+15 Billowing Wind f+S+P Std Trw 10+38 Crimson Lotus d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 15+30+15 Double Acme S+P Back Trw 55 Summit of Stars b+S+P Back Trw 60 Flooded Moon d+S+P Low Trw 55 Peck of the Shrike db+S+P Low Trw 60 Crane Fist Pinch d+S+P Low Bck Trw 62 Water Wheel db+S+P Low Bck Trw 65 HOLDS (Counters) ----- Chasing Waves f,u+S vs. H-P 60 The Milky Way f,u+S vs. H-K 60 Fall of the Network f,b+S vs. M-P 30+30 Fall of the Gates b,f+S vs. M-K 60 Chaos Theory f,d+S vs. L-P 30+30 Light of the Pampas f,d+S vs. L-K 20+40 POUNCES ------- Demon Smasher u+P+K Dwn Atk 18 Low Level Punch d+P Dwn Atk 10 SPECIAL MOVES ------------- Appeal: Koi! B,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0 Appeal: Amai d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0 TAG THROWS ---------- Wind Dance - Tower Kick [from Ayane] f,f+S+P+K Double Roundhouse [to Ayane] f,f+S+P+K Tag Firelight [for anyone but Ayane] f,f+S+P+K ========================================================================== 7.) D E S C R I P T I V E M O V E L I S T S ========================================================================== NAME of MOVE COMMAND AREA DAMAGE -------------- ------- ---- ------ Strike of Order P H 10 • This is Ein's normal punch. This will hit the opponent HIGH. You can use the punch from anywhere if needed, you have to be fairly close to the opponent to be able to connenect the punch. Rising Strike df+P M 20 • This is a little upper cut, if used at the right times it can lift the opponent in the air a little bit. You can also use it to lengthen some combos. Low Strike d+P L 5 • Ein will preform a little punch down around the knees. To me this punch really does not serve a real perpose. It is not that strong. But I think that you can use it to make some combo's longer. Roundhouse Kick K H 30 • This is a kick that hits around the head. It is a critical hit but the opponent is only dazzed for less than a second. So you really can't get a combo going with this move. Front Kick df+K M 20 • This is a kick to the mid section of your opponent. This kick can be used to make some of Ein's combo's longer. Low Kick d+K L 10 • Ein will deliver a low kick to the legs. Nothing big. You can use it to make some combos longer. Turning Fist of Truth [back] P H 35 • Ein just turn around and hits you with a HARD punch that will send you flying. Rounded Reverse Punch [back] d+P M 38 • Ein will turn around quickly and punch you HARD in the gut. Turning Low Punch [back] D+P L 13 • Ein will quickly turn around with a quick chop to the legs. Reverse Back Kick [back] K H 30 • Ein will kick and turn around at the same time. This kick will launch you into the air. Press P,P,P and get a combo. You can also use this move to start some more combos. Turning Heel Drop [back] d+K M 27 • Ein will bring his leg around and kick you. Turning Low Heel Sword [back] D+K L 15 • Ein will turn and do a little kick to the legs. This move can also start a combo. Press P after the kick. Jumping Back Kick [back] u+K M 30 • Ein will jump and turn and kick you all while he is in the air. Front Jump Strike uf,P M 15 • Ein will jump into the air coming at you and throw a punch down at you. This punch will stun you every time. Front Jump Kick uf,K M 23 • Ein will jump up and kick at the same time. This is a Critical hit everytime. Meaning this is a great move for starting combos. Front Jump Dbl Strike uf,P H.M 20.20 • N/A Front Jump Water Kick uf,K L 25 • N/A Jumping Strike u,P M 15 • Ein will jump up in the air and punch you. This is a Critical hit everytime. If you are fast you can yurn into a combo. Jumping Kick u,K M 30 • Ein will jump up into the air then kick. Jumping Double Strike u,P H.M 20.20 • N/A Jumping Water Kick u,K L 25 • N/A Back Jump Dbl Strike ub,P M 45 • Ein will jump back, as soon as hit hits the ground he throws A HARD punch and sends you flying. Back Jump Water Kick ub,K L 25 • Ein will jump back and as soon as he hits the ground he will do a spin kick that will sweep your opponent off his feet. STRIKES ------- Hilt Strike f+P M 24 • This is a backhand to the face. It stager you so you can turn it into a combo. My Wife b,f+P H 42 • Ein will strick with a very HARD punch that will send you flying. If you do this attack close to the opponent it will do 63% damage. Double Fist Strike f+P+K H.M 20.20 • Ein will lunge forward punching you with both of his fists. Dusty Wind d,df,f+P M 45 • Ein will lunge forward and punch you HARD. Clogging Strike u+P M 20 • Ein will throw a punch down at you. Looks like he hits you in the back. Ice Splitter ub+P H 38 • Ein will rare back and thrust at you with a HARD punch that will send you flying. Rising Elbow Strike uf+P M 25 • Ein will come up and hit you with his elbow. It will send you into the air. You can start some combos by using this move. Thunder Warrior uf+P,K M.H 25.30 • Ein will come up and hit you with his elbow. Then he jumps up into the air and does a spin kick that will send you flying. Strike of Order P H 10 • Ein's normal punch. Ein will simply just punch you. Combo Punch P,P H.H 10.10 • Just the same as the Strike of Order punch but now its just two of them for a 2 hit combo. :) Wind Combo P,P,P H.H.M 10.10.25 • Ein will throw two normal punches and then hit you with a hard punch that will send you flying. Claw Combo P,P,f+P H.H.H 10.10.16 • Ein will throw two normal punches then rare back and hit you with another punch. Bull Reining Combo P,P,f+P,P H.H.H.M • Ein will throw two normal punches then rare back and hit you with another punch, then rare back and hit you with a punch to the gut. Fog Chime P,P,f+P,K H.H.H.M • Ein will throw two normal punches then rare back and hit you with another punch, then Ein will kick you. Falling Light P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.H.L • Ein will throw two normal punches then rare back and hit you with another punch, then Ein will drop down and do a spin kick that will knock the opponents lags out from under him. Roundhouse P,P,K H.H.H 10.10.25 • Ein will throw two punchs then kick you in the side of the head. Combo Kick P,P,K,K H.H.H.M • Ein will throw two punches then he will kick you, then twirl around and kick you again. Low Kick P,P,d+K H.H.L 10.10.10 • Ein will throw two punches then kick you in your legs. Scarlet Sparrow P,P,d+K,K H.H.L.H • Ein will throw two punches then kick you in your legs, then he will kick you in the legs again knocking them out from under you. Dragon Tail P,P,D+K,K H.H.L.L • N/A Punch Roundhouse P,K H.H 10.25 • Ein will punch and then kick you in the side of the head. Combo Kick P,K,K H.H.M 10.25.27 • Ein will punch then kick you, then spin around and kick you once more. Claw Hand f,f+P H 16 • Ein will send a punch at you that will hit you in your face. Bull Rein f,f+P,P H.M 16.18 • Ein will send a punch at you that will hit you in your face, then throw a punch that will hit you in the gut. Claw Hand – Sidekick f,f+P,K H.M 16.25 • Ein will send a punch at you that will hit you in your face, then he will quickly spin around and kick you. Claw Hand - Water Kick f,f+P,d+K H.L 16.25 • Ein will send a punch at you that will hit you in your face, then he will quickly drop down and do a spin kick knocking your feet out from under you. Iron Hammer b+P H 15 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face. Low Heel Sword b+P,d+K H.L 15.15 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face, then drop down and kick you in your shin. Heavenly Shores b+P,d+K,P H.L.M 15.15.20 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face, then drop down and kick you in your shin, then he will come up with a punch. You can start off some good combos with this move. :) Iron Hammer Combo b+P,P H.H 15.15 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face, then he will bring another fist across your face. Purple Haze b+P,P,P H.H.M 15.15.20 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face, then he will bring another fist across your face, then he will finish it off with a chop that will send you to the ground. Fuumon b+P,P,d+K H.H.L 15.15.25 • Ein will rare back and swip his fist across your face, then he will bring another fist across your face, then he will drop down and do a spin kick. Roundhouse Kick K H 30 • Ein will kick you in the side of the head. Roundhouse - Back Kick K,K H.M 30.27 • Ein will kick you in the side of the head then turn around and kick you again. Rising Roundhouse S+K H 30 • Ein kicks and spins around at the same time. Raised Front Kick b+K M 28 • Ein will just kick with his leg. Looks like he is trying to kick a ball. Jumping Knee Kick f,f+K M 25 • Ein runs and jumps into the air and knee's you at the same time. Falling Star Kick f,f+K,K M.H 25.20 • Ein runs and jumps into the air and knee's you at the same time, then kicks you while you are still in the air. Leftover Stars f,f+K,K,K M.H.M 25.20.25 • Ein runs and jumps into the air and knee's you at the same time, then kicks you while you are still in the air, then he kick you again for a 3 hit combo. Heaven's Lance df,df+K M 30 • Ein will kick his leg up high into the air. If you opponent is stagering then hit them with this move to send them flying high. you can do some good combos with this move. Heel Drop u+K M 27 • Ein will bring his leg down on top of your head. Wind and Clouds bf+K M 36 • Ein will kick jump and kick at the same time bringing his leg around hiting you into the air. This is another move that you can start some combos with. If your opponent is staggering and you do this move then you will hit them even higher into the air. Ruler of the Skies d,df,f+K M 42 • Ein will jump high in the air at you, as he is coming down he will kick you in your fat head. :P Tears of Light S+K M 30 • Ein will simply kick you in the gut and spin around at the same time. Hop Kick S+K,K M.H 30.30 • Ein will simply kick you in the gut and spin around at the same time, as he turns around he will hop and kick you in the head area. Water Kick S+K,d+K M.L 30.25 • Ein will simply kick you in the gut and spin around at the same time, then he will drop to the ground and preform a spining kick. Jewel of Light b+S+K H 28 • Ein will turn around and preform a back kick. This kick can hit your opponent three times in a row. The second kick will hit the opponent into the air. Here is a good combo setup for you. Back to the three kick thing, Do the kick three times for a three hit combo, now if you then press df+K now you should kick him while he is on the ground for a four hit combo. I have done this and it works, you have to be really fast. Thrusting Elbow P+K M 32 • Ein will just simply thrust his elbow into your gut for a critical hit. Dawn's Chimes P+K,f+P M.M 32.40 • Ein will just simply thrust his elbow into your gut then he will rare back and punch you, you will fly across the ring. Knee Kick F+K M 24 • To do this move you really need to press forward and walk twards them some to knee them in the gut. Demon Tooth F+K,K M.M 24.32 • Ein will knee him in the gut and then knee him with the other leg and it makes him fall to the ground. Heel Sword Kick f+K H 25 • Ein kick's out his leg and hits you in the face, stunning you for a second. Heel Sword Combo Kick f+K,K H.H 25.25 • Ein kick's out his leg and hits you in the face, stunning you for a second, then Ein will turn around and hit you with the same kick again for a two hit combo. Line of Stars f+K,K,K H.H.H 25.25.2 • Ein kick's out his leg and hits you in the face, stunning you for a second, then Ein will turn around and hit you with the same kick again for a two hit combo, then Ein will come around and hit you with the same kick yet again for a 3 hit combo. Sirius Kick f+K,K,f+K H.H.M 25.25.27 • Ein kick's out his leg and hits you in the face, stunning you for a second, then Ein will turn around and hit you with the same kick again for a two hit combo, then Ein will come around lift up his leg and hit you down twards the ground for a 3 hit combo. Low Heel Sword db+K L 12 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot. Silver Wolf db+K,K L.M 12.27 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then he will stand up really fast and bring his leg up and hit you in the head. Style of the Sword db+K,P L.M 12.20 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then Ein will come up with an uppercut that looks like it hit's the opponent in the chin. This is a 2 hit combo. Now this move is really good for starting combo's. Just do this move two times in a row real fast. Or better yet do it three times in a row for a 5 hit combo. Now throw some more punches and kicks that lift you off the ground in there with it and you have got you a good combo. :) Low Heel Sword – Claw db+K,f+P L.H 12.16 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then Ein will come up and give you a good hard punch, then Ein sudenly stops the punch from going any further. Thunder Cow db+K,f+P,P L.H.M 12.16.18 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then Ein will come up and give you a good hard punch, then Ein sudenly stops the punch from going any further then Ein will hit you with another hard punch to the the stomach. Celestial Thunder db+K,f+P,K L.H.M 12.16.25 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then Ein will come up and give you a good hard punch, then Ein sudenly stops the punch from going any further then will kick you hard in the stomach and you will fly! :P Global Thunder db+K,f+P,d+K L.H.L 12.16.22 • Ein will slide his leg out really fast and hit you in the foot, then Ein will come up and give you a good hard punch, then Ein sudenly stops the punch from going any further then will drop down and do a spin kick that will knock the opponent off his or her feet. Low Kick d+K L 10 • Ein will just kick you, it hits around the knee. Leopard Tail D+K,K L.L 10.24 • Ein will just kick you, it hits around the knee, then he will bring his leg back and hit you off your feet. Jumping Front Kick uf+K M 23 • Ein will jump up and lightly kick you at the same time. This is another good move to start combos with. It leaves you stunned for about 2 seconds plenty of time to start a combo. You can also hit your opponent two time in a row with this move, you will get a 2hit combo. Flying Kirin uf+K,K M.H 23.25 • Ein will jump up and lightly kick you at the same time, while still in the air Ein will quickly bring his other leg up and hit you again. Wind of Light f+S+K M 37 • Ein will leap and spin in mid air bring his leg around and hitting you. This will send you crashing to the ground. Crane Wheel ub+K M 36 • Ein will leap and spin his leg up at you, when it hits you, it will bring the opponent up into the air. If you are really good you can start off or help make combos longer with this move. Front Kick df+K M 20 • Ein will simply kick the opponent in the stomach area this will stun you for just a second (not long). Jumping Combo Kick df+K,K M.M 20.23 • Ein will simply kick the opponent in the stomach area this will stun you for just a second (not long), then he will do a little jump kick and hit the opponent into the air. You can turn this into a combo if you want. Try pressing you punch four time when the opponent is in the air. :) Celestial Kirin df+K,K,K M.M.H 20.23.23 • Ein will simply kick the opponent in the stomach area this will stun you for just a second (not long), then he will do a little jump kick and hit the opponent into the air, then while he is in the air he will bring up his other leg and hit you again, for a quick 3hit combo. THROWS ------ Water Moon S+P Std Trw 10+30 • Ein will grab and knee you up into the air. In will come down and elbow you in the gut. Frame of the Dragon b+S+P Std Trw 15+32 • Ein will kick you in the face, throw you onto the ground and stomp one time on your back. Frame of the Boulder b+S+P Wall Trw 57 • Ein will grab you by the arm and swing you into the wall, then elbows you in the back of the head. Firelight df,df+S+P Std Trw 65 • Ein will simply get behind you and send a HARD chop to the back of the neck. Violent Flames df,df+S+P Wall Trw 15+15+15+15+15 • Ein will push you into the wal and repededly punch you in the gut. Then he sends one last punch to the head. Do this agianst an explosive wall for a cool light show. :) Billowing Wind f+S+P Std Trw 10+38 • Ein will knee you in the gut and then hit you really HARD in the back. Crimson Lotus d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 15+30+15 • Ein will elbow you in the gut, then flip you over his back onto the ground then kick you. Double Acme S+P Back Trw 55 • Ein will grab you and knee you HARD in the back. Summit of Stars b+S+P Back Trw 60 • Ein will gab your head and jump into the air. bringing the opponents head crashing down onto his knee. Flooded Moon d+S+P Low Trw 55 • Ein will lay the opponent over his knee and elbow him in the gut. Peck of the Shrike db+S+P Low Trw 60 • Ein will come up and kick you VERY HARD in the groin! Man this has to hurt! :P Crane Fist Pinch d+S+P Low Bck Trw 62 • Ein will grab you by your neck and chop both sides of your neck. Water Wheel db+S+P Low Bck Trw 65 • Ein will simply grab you by the arm and throw you over his back. HOLDS (Counters) ----- Chasing Waves f,u+S vs. H-P 60 • Ein grabs your _high_ punch jumps over your back (rolls) and then kicks you in the back. The Milky Way f,u+S vs. H-K 60 • Ein will grab the _high_ kick and slam the opponents foot down on the ground, then he will bring his leg up while spinning back around and kick you right in the side of the head. Fall of the Network f,b+S vs. M-P 30+30 • Ein will grab the opponents _medium_ punch and throw him onto the ground still holding on too his arm, at the same time he will kick you inthe side. Fall of the Gates b,f+S vs. M-K 60 • Ein will grab the opponents _medium_ kick, pick him up and drop him on his head. Chaos Theory f,d+S vs. L-P 30+30 • Ein will grab the opponents _low_ punch Ein and his opponent will roll on the ground and then Ein will flip his opponent on his back and punch him in his face. Light of the Pampas f,d+S vs. L-K 20+40 • Ein will stomp (hard!) on the opponents foot and then rear back and punch him dead in his face! :P POUNCES ------- Demon Smasher u+P+K Dwn Atk 18 • Ein will leap into the air, as he falls back to the ground he lands on top of you punching you. Low Level Punch d+P Dwn Atk 10 • Ein will bend down and punch you while you are lying on the ground. SPECIAL MOVES ------------- Appeal: Koi! B,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0 • Ein will move his arm shouting Koi! It looks like he is telling you to come on and get a some of me! :) Appeal: Amai d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0 • Ein will sling his arm (looks like a chop) to the side shouting Amai. TAG THROWS ---------- Wind Dance - Tower Kick [from Ayane] f,f+S+P+K • Ayane will swing behind your opponent and kick your opponent HIGH into the air. As you are falling back down to the ground Ein will kick you hard in the gut. Ouch! :P Double Roundhouse [to Ayane] f,f+S+P+K • Ein grabs the opponent and swings him to the side. You and Ayane both kick your opponent in the head. Ouch! Tag Firelight [for anyone but Ayane] f,f+S+P+K • I will use Leon as an example (you can choose whoever you want but Ayane for this move). So you have a team of Ein and Leon, Leon is in you do the f,f+S+P+K. Leon will grap the opponent and sling him to Ein. Ein will then chop the opponent in the back of the neck. ========================================================================= 8.) C O M B O S ========================================================================= Combo's from Reno: u/f+K, f+P, u/b+K, PPP - (6 hits, 75 damage) d/b+K, P, PPKK - (5 hits, 50 damage) f+P, d/f+P, P~S, u/b+K, PPP - (7 hits,79 damage) b+S+K, K, b+S+K, P - (4 hits, 74 damage) u/f~P, PP, PP, u/b+K, PP, f+P, d+K - (10 hits, 82 damage) u/f~P, PP, PP, u/f+P, K - (7 hits, 62 damage) uf~P PP, b+P,d+K,P, PP, f+P, K - (10 hits, 77 damage) uf~K P, f+P, df,df+K, df+P, PPP - (8 hits, 87 damage) uf~P P, df+P, df+K, ub+K, f+K, K, f+K - (8 hits, 95 damage) uf~P PP, df+P, P, b+K, P, P, f+P, P - (10 hits, 81 damage) f+P, P, df+K, df,df+K, b+S+K,P - (6 hits, 85 damage) uf~P PP, PP, P, b,f+K - (7 hits, 59 damage) uf~K P+K, df,df+K, uf+P, K - (5 hits, 81 damage) b+S+K, K df+P, db+Kf+P, K - (6 hits, 79 damage) - Triple Lei has mad some awsome combo movies for Ein using these combos ,I have the videos up at my site right now. I think if you are wanting to learn how to do these combos with ein then you should take a look at these videos. You can find them on my site , they are in the _features_ section. Just for the heck of it though I will post direct links for yah. :) Ein Combo Art's Act #1 Ein Combo Art's Act #2 Also please visit my site and post comments on the movies in my message board. :) I think you might evn find something interesting at the site. Combo's from Chi-Crew: ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- [db+K],P | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 62, 74 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- uf+P | (BK) db+K,f+P,K | N | N | N | 51, 63, 76 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- uf+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 65, 78 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- b+S+K | (BK) db+K,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 67, 81 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- f+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 68, 81 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- b+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 72, 86 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- ub+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 82, 98 | f+K,K,f+K | - | C | C | - , 91,110 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- (BK) K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 60, 74, 89 | f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 83,101 | df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104 | b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,105 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- df,df+K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 60, 74, 89 | f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 83,101 | df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104 | b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,105 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- WS+K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 65, 80, 96 | f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 89,108 | df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 92,112 | b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 92,112 | f+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 95,114 | df+P > f+K,K,f+K | - | - | C | - ,101,123 ----------+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+-------------- - The db+K in db+K,P of the Starters section is not part of the combo and damage range does not include that kick. Even if it hits on counter the opponent can cancel the stun with a defensive hold. Combo's by Nikojokes: ______________________________________________________________________ :________________________________________________.______.__N______W__:_: :Combo : Hits : Damage :!: :------------------------------------------------:------:------------:-: :uf,p > p,p > uf,p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : 73 : 93 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,k > p,p > uf,k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 74 : 94 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 87 : 107 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p,p > uf,p > P > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 85 : 105 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f,f,p > P,P > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 76 : 96 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > p,p > bd+k,p > f,f+p,k : 09 : 69 : 89 :1: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :bd+k,p > bd+k,p > p,p,f+p,d+k : 07 : 66 : 86 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :bd+k,p > bd+k,p > bd+k,f+p,d+k : 06 : 62 : 82 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > p,p > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 78 : 98 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > p,p > uf+k > p > f,f+p,k : 07 : 57 : 77 :1: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > df,df+k > b+p,p,p : 05 : 62 : 82 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :db+K,f+P,P > df+P > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 07 : 73 : 93 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :db+K,f+P,P > p,p, > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 76 : 96 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :db+K,f+P,P > db+k,p > db+K,f+P,k : 06 : 60 : 80 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+K > PP > df,df+K > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 85 : 105 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > f+KK,f+K : 09 : 91 : 111 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+K > p,p > p > ub+k > b+p,d+k,p : 08 : 79 : 99 :1: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+K > p,p > df,df+k > uf+p,k : 06 : 75 : 95 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f+p > db+k > df+p > df,df+k > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 92 : 112 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :b+sk > k > b+sk,p : 04 : 74 : 94 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p,p > uf,p > p > ub+k > df+p > d+p : 07 : 65 : - : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p,p > p,p > df,p > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 75 : 95 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :db,k,p > p,p,f,p,k : 05 : 50 : 70 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f+p > df+p > p > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 87 : 107 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > ub+k > b+p,p,p : 09 : 81 : 101 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p,p > p,p > uf+p,k : 07 : 62 : 82 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > p > df,df+k > df+p > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 83 : 103 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p > df+p > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : 85 : 105 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :db+k,p > p,p > db+k,p > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : - : 96 :2: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf,p > p,p > df+p > p > b+p > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 84 : 104 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f+p > P > df+p > b+s+k,p : 05 : 70 : 90 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > f+p > p > df,df+k > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 92 : 102 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :uf+k > p > df+p > ws,k > f+kk,f+k : 07 : 92 : 102 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :bd+k,p > p,p > p,p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : - : 101 :2: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f+p > p,p > p > df+p > f+kk,f+k : 08 : - : 107 :2: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :kp > p > df+p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 07 : - : 98 :2: :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: :f+k,k > p,p,f,p,k : 06 : 66 : 86 : : :------------------------------------------------:------:------:-----:-: ========================================================================= 9.) T A G C O M B O S ========================================================================= Ein and Ayane: (Ein) uf+k, (Ayane) p,p,f+p,p (Ein) b+p, d+k,p (Ayane) b+p+k,p, ub+k (Ein) p,p,f+p,k - 15 hit [by: Evil Zack] Ein and Jann-Lee: ========================================================================= 10.) E I N S T R A T E G I E S ========================================================================= Add these very soon. ========================================================================= 11.) E I N V S C P U O P P O N E N T S ========================================================================= In this section I will write how about beating the CPU opponents. If you have a way of beating an opponent also that you whould like to share with all the other DoA2 Junkies out their then send it in to me. My e-mail address is tripleraid@base-9.com, please give the proper subject heading. NOTE: All of the CPU opponents are set to the VERY HARD difficulty. Ein vs Kasumi: ============== I now present to you posibly the cheapest character that the computer has in it's arrsonal. The computer really is cheap with Kasumi. I will say that every time I have to fight here I need to be on the edge of my seat so I can try to see what the computer will throw at me, then I try to either counter the attack or try to sneek in one of Ein's strong and fast moves, mostly b,f+P. I will just tell you to try and counter the moves Kasumi throws at you, sometimes you will catch yourself saying "Damn! she is so fast I can't counter anything!" I know how you feel, the computer kicks it into 'Cheap Mode Overdrive' with here! :) Also I see that when I fight here and she knoks we to the ground as soon as I am getting up she hits me back down again. Kasumi will also pull out some off-the-wall combos on you that seem to come out of know where! She will punch you alot (I call it slaping) and make you stager just enof that you think you can get out but then she starts punching you some more until you hit the ground, then she hits you when you try to get up. I'll I can say Is to not give up. Ein vs Gen-Fu: ============== Now this is a very tough battle. The best way to beat Gen-Fu is to counter almost all of his attacks. Now you will need to throw in Ein's strong moves every chance you get. Gen-Fu is very strong (almost to strong). Now he will conter you some during the fight, his counter are very strong also. Another thing you should do is, every time you are up against a wall you need to do one of Ein's WALL THROWS (look at the move list for the move) to do even more damage to Gen-Fu. Try to stay out of Gen-Fu's multi-part throws by repededly pressing the B button. Ein vs Tina: ============ Ein vs Zack: ============ Ein vs Jann-Lee: ================ Ein vs Ayane: ============= Ein vs Hayabusa: ================ Ein vs Helena: ============== Ein vs Bass: ============ Ein vs Leon: ============ Ein vs Lei-Fang: ================ Ein vs Ein: =========== ========================================================================= 12.) F U N T H I N G S T O D O W I T H E I N ========================================================================= Her is something that I find fun doing to my opponents. Close to the end of the match when your opponents life is ALLMOST gone and your next to an explosive wall. Do your Violent Flames (df,df+S+P) on them. If it K.O.'s them then everytime any explosion happends the Blurry affect will start making the Dreamcast slow down alot. This makes for an embarising slow light show. :) Here is some Gameshark crap... Infinite Health P1: 26F76D270000012C 50% Health P1: 26F46D2740705064, 26F76D2700000096 Low Health P1: 26F76D2700000001 No Health P1: 26F76D2700000000 Infinite Health P2: 38812A250000012C 50% Health P2: 38822A2540705064, 38812A2500000096 Low Health P2: 38812A2500000001 No Health P2: 38812A2500000000 ========================================================================= 13.) Q U E S T I O N S & A N S W E R S ========================================================================= None are here yet... If you have any questions please send them to, tripleraid@base-9.com and I will answer them as soon as posible. I might even post it in this section with my answer. :) ========================================================================= 14.) M Y E I N D I A R Y ========================================================================= This section of the guide is a diary of mine about Ein. This is where I will write down stuff that I did with Ein. For example... Today I played my little brother with my Ein. I beat him 6 to 2. I found a new move while I was fighting also! See. That is what it is going to be like. :) ----- 12/21/00 Today I played DOA2 for a long time, first time I have in awhile (dang Capcom vs. SNK!) and I worked on my Ein's skills some. As you can see I also updated this guide. :) I though I might go ahead and post some of my records her in my Guide to show you guys and gals just what my records are. :) Total Run Time: 292'17"40 (alot of playing time!) Time Attack Mode Ranking: ========================= 1.) Ein 1'36"17 TripleRaid 2.) Jann-Lee 1'36"37 Spyhon 3.) Bass 1'46"57 TripleRaid 4.) Ein 1'47"92 TripleRaid 5.) Zack 1'49"67 TripleRaid 6.) Ein 1'51'56 TripleRaid 7.) Zack 1'52"06 TripleRaid 8.) Kasumi 1'54'94 TripleRaid (I played with her!?) 9.) Ein 1'58"56 TripleRaid 10.) Ein 1'59"21 TripleRaid Survival Mode Ranking: ====================== Never really played. Maby i'll start messing around in this mode. :) ========================================================================= 15.) I N T E R N E T L I N K S ========================================================================= http://www.DOAON.com Here you will meet a really cool guy that goes by the name Wind-X. This is the best source on the net for every thing from Dead or Alive to Dead or Alive 2 (and all of its other versions). They have a really cool Fourm where you will meet alot of cool guys & gals. You might even catch me there sometimes. (^_^) You can also find me on there fourms, just look for the name TripleRaid! :P http://www.TECMOINC.com This is Tecmo's US site. You have got to go here as well. They have alot of cool stuff, even shirts and DOA2 hats! :) http://www.TECMO.co.jp This is Tecmo's JAP site. The site is all in JAP so it's hard to read, but it does have some cool pictures and stuff on it. ========================================================================= 16.) C O N T A C T I N G T E C M O ========================================================================= This might be old info because I got it from the orignal Dead or Alive. But I am going to go ahead and put it up. TEMCO 19260 S. Van Ness Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 Phone (310) 787-2900 Fax (310) 787-3131 visit Tecmo at www.tecmoinc.com or www.tecmo.co.jp ========================================================================= 17.) C R E D I T S ========================================================================= Spyhon: Many, MANY thanks to my little brother for challenging my Ein and letting my test my mad skills! :) You can e-mail my little brother if you want at [spyhon@base-9.com] I'm sure he will be glad to hear from you. Jimbo: Many thanks to Jimbo for the moves. :) Reno: Many thanks to Reno for the combos. :) You can got to his site here: http://www.the-nextlevel.com http://www.doaon.com: I got Ein's profile from Wind-X's site. Uhhhhhh: For making the sweet ASCII art logo of my name. Chi-Crew: Thanks for letting me use the Ein combo's from your guide. Thanks guys. You might want to check out the Combo FAQ, they have tons of Combos's for every character. Nikojokes: Thanks for letting me use your combos. Check out his combo guides for other characters. ========================================================================= 18.) E N D I N G I N F O ========================================================================= Wow! I have had a ton of fun making this Ein Guide! This is one of the funnest things that I have written in a long, long time. So be sure to check back for more updates. :) _________ _ /| ____ _ /| /__ __\ |_| | | | _ \ |_| | | \ / __ | | ____ | |_| | _____ ___| | | | |\/ _\ /| ____ | | / _ | | / / ___ \ /| / __ | | | | / | | / __ \ | || |_|_| | |\ \ | | | | | || | | | | | | | | || |__| || || |____ | | \ \| |___| | | || |__| | |/ |/ |/ | ___/ |/ \_____\|/ \/ \_____|_\|/ \____/ | | FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 2000 TripleRaid | | http://www.base-9.com |/ ========================================================================= This was written while listening to WinAmp. You can get you WinAmp free at, www.winamp.com Be sure to check out my site : www.Base-9.com