The World Is Not Enough N64 - 00 Agent Guide V1.8 Copyright 2000 Evan Reiter This Guide is Spoiler-Free Table of Contents 1. Intro 2. Walkthrough 3. Weapons Info 4. Mini-PSX Walkthrough 5. Credits 6. Copyright Info 7. Coming Soon 8. Release/Addition Dates 9. FAQ 10. Emailing Me 1. Introduction ------------------- Ah, TWINE. It's a good game, perhaps not on Perfect Dark's level, but hey, I'm satisfied. I think this game was really doomed from the start, sadly, being released right before Zelda: MM, but I say it isn't a game to be missed. Anyway, the purpose of this walkthrough is to guide you through the 00 Agent difficulty of TWINE for the the Nintendo 64, which is quite difficult indeed. I assume you've beaten it on Agent difficulty at least, and are comfortable with the game's controls, whichever set you may be using. And feel free not to use my strategies if you're more comfortable with different methods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: Mild language is used in this document; but I'm assuming that since you're reading a walkthrough of a game suitable for ages 13+, you won't be offended by such material. If you are, however, you may e-mail me and ask me for an edited version, as I will gladly supply it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's get started. ----------------------------------------------------- 2.Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------- Mission I: Courier Objectives: A) Collect equipment from safety deposit box. B) Avoid civilian casualties. C) Collect Sir Robert's money from Lachaise's vault. D) Crack safe to obtain Security Swipe Card. E) Destroy videotape backup. F) Escape bank with money. So, you've kicked some ass on Agent/Secret Agent, and are ready to take on 00 Agent. Intimidated? Don't be. This first level is a breeze, and will prepare you for the rigorous battles ahead. After your nice chat with the Receptionist, head into the hallway to the right and through the two sets of doors. In the safety depoisit room, speak with the guard and enter the "preevacy" booth on the right. A box. Whoopie. As helpful as it does look, it's what's inside, so open it up. Now this looks jolly! Your appointment card with Mr. Lachaise and a "Flash-bang Gun". Head for the hall behind the reception desk (to your right as you exit the saftey deposit area) and whip out your appointment card for the guard. After the glamourus cinematics, you may be tempted to run about like a decapitated chicken. Don't. See that guard on the floor? Stand behind him, and when he gets up, pop him a good one in the back of the head. You just saved yourself from a few shots to the spine, my friend. Head through the white door and take out the next enemy through the adjacent window. Step into the hall and take down two more guards, to your left. Head to the end of this hall and peer SLOWLY around the corner. See the green- shirt? DO NOT shoot these guys, you will fail the mission. No fisticuffs, either. A simply watch dart will do the trick. So stick the guard and pop the blue suit. Open the door to your right, but do NOT go in. Quickly kill the two guards in here. If you did it quick enough, all should be silent; if not, two more guards with Ingall Type 20's and a green guard will squeeze into the tiny room. If so, restart the mission. It is almost impossible to quickly take out the blue suits without taking out the guard. And if you're not quick enough, the blue's will rip you to shreds with their Ingalls. Lovely. But if they didn't hear, continue on around the next corner, where the guards from last paragraph's bad-case scenario are. Take out the Ingall-wielders first, then dart the green-cop. Take the door to the right and check out the wall to your left. Hmm, a safe. Hey, a safe cracker, right in my pocket! Thanks, Q! You know what to do. Leave the way you entered on go down the hall to your right. Use the swipe card on the silver door here, and blow a hole in the head of yet another blue- suited cronie. Somewhere in this room is another green guard, too, so dart him. Now see the VCR adjacent to the door? Stick in your data scrambler and it'll do the rest. One last objective. Equip your dart-watch, as the guards you tranquilized earlier will have come to by now.Wrap around to the other end of the hallways and use the swipe card to get through the other silver door. Walk strait ahead, a little to the left, and use the keypad decryptor to open the gate. Now grab that breifcase and get the hell outta there. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------------------------------ Mission II: King's Ransom Objectives: A) Protect all primary MI6 Personnel. B) Avoid causing civilian and security guard casualties. C) Find Sir Robert King D) Activate top floor lockdown panel. E) Rescue M from the terrorists. F) Escort M to the Security Centre. G) Activate sprinkler system. H) Activate ground floor lockdown panel. I) Escort Dr. Warmflash to injury victims You might get the impression that you need to hurry on this level. For your own sake, don't. If you hurry, you will die. Why? Because this is a tough level, and if you rush, the terrorists will turn you into Bond biscuits. Or something. Speak to the guard outside of M's office, then talk to MoneyPenny, who will give you a useless Pen Grenade. Use it on her for laughs, then restart the mission and continue on. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey, it appears the Pen Grenade has a use! Micheal Trout says - "The pen grenade that Moneypenny hands Bond in the King's Ransom level isn't useless though. Through it out that window in the room, and there will substanstially fewer bad guys in the beginning, most notably the ones that swing in the windows on that side of the building. One bad side about this though, less ammo for Bond." ---------------------- Jump out into the hallway facing left, and shoot the Black-Clothed Terrorist who tumbles throught the window (just where the hell did he swing from?). Whip around and help the guards take out the Terrorists who come charging down the hallway. (That's a long word, 'Terrorist'. Let's call 'em "T'rists"!) Head left, right, take out another T'rist, head left, kill 3(!) T'rists, head left again, kill 3 more T'rists, head down the hall, and left into the Security Centre. Phew! Hope ya got all that. Anyways, talk to Robinson and hit the Red Panel to initiate the Secutiry Lockdown. Head back to M's office, killing the respawning T's along the way, and enter her office. Before the T'rist behind her can say "Wadup?" Your targeting reticle should be on his forehead, or M is just so much deadness. Ew. Don't escort her to the Security Centre, but rather, run ahead of her and take out the ever-so-present Terrorits. Head for the Security Centre and when M cathes up, you're on your way. But head left at the entrance to M's office, which will lead you to a stairwell after a few hallways. But wait! Don't enter yet, or you'll be shredded; carefully peek through the door and take out the hanging T'rists one by one (there are 3). Now peer over the edge and take out the T'rist below you. Head to where he was and repeat for the two below him. When you hit the bottom of the stairs, they'll violently explode, and 3 more hanging T'rists will descend. If your quick to the draw and sharp to the aim, however, they'll all be dead before they hit the ground. Exit and do not shoot the guard in front of you, as he is friendly. He'll blather something about sprinklers then stand around and do nothing for the rest of the mission. Great help. Wrap around to the right to find the sprinkler system and a T'rist. Kill the T, hit the panel, and kill the fool who drops through the hole in the ceiling. Exit the room, head past the hall you came from and down the next. Take the door on the right and hit the panel to initiate the ground floor lockdown. Go back the way you came then take the first and only right. Take a left, and another left to a room with two T'rists and a Body Armor! Whoohoo! Head onward past the medical division until you hit a large room with another hand panel. Give it a smack and hey-hey, you're in the vault! But we're not done just yet. Talk to the man kneeling by the beat-up guy and he'll urge you to go fetch Dr. Warmflash. Head back to the Medical Division (near the room with the Body Armor) and talk to Dr. Warmflash. Run ahead of her to take out those constantly re-materializing terrorists and wait for her to catch up. Then head into the bowels of the vault and speak with King. Now high tail it back to Q-Branch, near the stairwell, and... MISSION COMPLETE ---------------- Mission III: Thames Chase Objectives: A) Pursue but do not eliminate Female Assassin B) Rescue the hostages This level can be a toughie for the unexperienced; as with the previous level, TAKE YOUR TIME. That cannot be stressed enough. The game has this nasty habit of giving you a false sense of urgency, when there really is none, and in the case of this mission, not until the very end. At the start of the mission, you'll see the "Assassin Chick" (as I like to refer to her as) runs off. But ignore her. Stay put. A boat should drive by; NOW you give chase. (If you hadn't waited for the boat to pass, the Terrorists in it would have done some damage.) Peek over the top of the first stairway, and do some "sniping" with your P2K to take out the first guard. Next stairway, rinse and repeat. Now, stop! Turn sideways, strafe around the corner, and shoot the blue barrel. This just took out two terrorists and saved you some health. But you're not in the clear yet, get your ass back around that corner or the sniper in the small building will have you for lunch. Instead, jump in the blue truck, grab the Duetsche rifle, and do some sniping of your own. DO NOT squander this gun's bullets - ammo is limited, and this rifle is handy as a cheap whore on Friday night. If you use it wisely, it will be your best friend, but if you go on a rampage, you won't lively survive. Hopefully, that doesn't go for whores. Ew. Head down the first section of stairs near where the barrel was. At the bend, brace yourself : it's our first hostage situation. This is kind of hard to explain, so try your best. Stand in the corner where the two adjacent staircases meet. Now, from your positition, slowly slide out and take out the T'rist at the top of the map. Slide along slowly until you can barely see any part of the middile T'rist's head. Shoot it. Now jump out and blow the final T'rist to hell. Phew. Jump up and grab their ammo, then head into the tunnel. Strafe around the next corner and blast the three Speargun-toting scuba divers. As you exit the tunnel, aim slightly upward and smack the T'rist on the roof with a well-placed bullet between the eyes. Strafe out slowly to take out two more, to your left. Enter the warehouse. The warehouse can be a bitch if you don't know how to handle it. Do EXACTLY as I say, and you should make it out without a scratch. Unless you suck. Ho-hum. Take out and weapon other than the Sniper Rifle. Head around the left side of the boxes and give the T'rist some cranial ventalation. Now, quick as possible, jump out from behind the boxes and then dash back in. 4 T'rists have just entered the building, ladies and gentlemen. Equip your Sniper Rifle. Slowly strafe around the walls and take them all out, one by one. Simple enough. Equip something other than the Sniper Rifle. An automatic, preferably. Now jump up the boxes, and as you get to the top, turn about and face the upper door. Immediatly dash through the gap in the railing (may take practice, considering you can't see the gap, going backwards and all) and strafe to your left. When you hit the wall, immediatly charge forward and gun down the T'rist who should be in front of you about now. Slowly strafe through the door and pop the T'rist. Time for some more sniper action. Equip you Rifle and blast the two Snipers on the building to the right of the warehouse's exit. Continue to the next warehouse. The second warehouse isn't as bad as the first, but still takes some effort. Strafe around EVERY corner here, as there are about 3 T'rists hiding about in the crevaces. And for Bob's sake, watch your back. Weave through the boxes a bit until you meet another Sniper on a higher level, who'll greet you with gunfire. Return the favor with the ol' "Strafe out slowly" method and put a bullet between his eyes. Now round the corner of the boxes to your left when facing the perch of the deceased Sniper. You'll see a hostage. Slide more. Another Hostage. Slide More. A Terrorist. Kill. Now here's your first chance to make use of that Watch Grapple that you've been losing sleep over. Look at the ceiling. See the yellow and black targets? Those, my friend, are Grapple targets. So grapple away, jump on the rope and use Forward and Backward to climb up/down. The press jump to, of course jump off. Now we're almost done, but don't get too frisky. Check out the other side of the warehouse. That obscenely noticable blue blob is actually a peice of Body Armor. So test out your platform action skills by jumping across the boxes to retreive it. Now exit. Pop the next Terrorist you see, and Q will beep in with the message, "Target is moving away, Bond." That's your "Q" to get your rear in gear. Jump of the platform, and run right, left, right, right, up the stairs, left, and into the station. Don't stop to kill any enemies, but shoot as many as you can. If you live long enough to jump into the subway entrance, the Terrorists behind you magically disappear, and .... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission IV: Underground Uprising A) Rescue the hostages B) Diffuse the terrorist bomb. C) Pursue but do not eliminate Female Assassin. D) Avoid civilian casualties. This mission is not nearly as hard as it seems at first. You can't exactly take your sweet time, but you don't have to hurry at all to breeze right by the 5 minute time limit. (I average about 2-3 minutes when I'm not trying.) So don't piss in your pants, just follow me as closely as you can and you'll make it out fine. Head down the stairs and -stop here, read ahead- WAIT for the hostages to pass by. Now, strafe around the corner facing left. You'll see two windows, each with it's own complementary T'rist. Sticking out from the right side of the right window is the back of a computer moniter. Trouble is, you can't see it, as it's the same color as the wall, and you're so far away! But if you aim at the LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF THE RIGHT WINDOW, and shoot, it'll explode. So here's what ya do: 1. Strafe out facing left 2. Aim at the moniter, fire 2 shots to break the glass, and one more to blow up the moniter 3 Be sure not to kill the fleeing hostages! Now stop reading ahead, and execute; you need to be able to do this within approxemately 2-3 seconds to avoid getting hit, so you may want to practice. If you did it right, both T'rists will be dead, you'll only have lost 3 bullets, and the hostages will be unharmed. Round the next corner facing slightly to the left, and blow away the T'rist charging at you. Continue in that direction, past the vending machines, and onto the escalators, where you'll shoot another T'rist who seems overly eager to meet you. Hostage Situation #1 This hostage situations are tough, so I've decided to create mini-sections just for them. At the base of the escalator, you'll see a T'rist in front of you, a hostage to the right, a T'rist to the right, and another hostage to the far right. Now: 1. Blast the T'rist between the two hostages 2. Quickly swivel your veiw to the far left T'rist and blow his brains out If you didn't hit the hostages, they'll run off and stare at a wall. Seriously, see for yourself. Silly, I say. -------------- Head back to the start and take the right path this time. Round the corner and kill the T'rist. Head down the LEFT escalator, shoot the two T'rists who come at, you swivel to the right, shoot the ascending T'rist on the other side, head to the bottom, turn right, shoot two more. (Can you say 'run-on'?) Head left, then right, and, oh no! It's... Hostage Situation #2 Now you have 2 T'rists, a hostage behind the left T'rist, and a hostage between the T'rists. Take out the left T'rist first - but don't fire too much, or you'll kill the hostage when the T'rist falls! Now shoot the one on the right. Simple enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Head down the next escalator, then left; but don't be frightened of the large mob of people running at you; be more concerned about the T'rist who follows. Hey look! The Village Peop... er, a construction worker will run by followed by two T'rists who will attemp to kill him; so kill them before they can take away any chances of getting an autograph. It just occured to me, that I don't think there was ever a construction worker in the Village People... er... sorry... And here we are at the Subway. And more hostages. Yippee. Hostage Situation #3 Kill the first T'rist you see, strafe out facing right, you'll see a hostage, another, and a then a T'rist, who you should waste no time killing. -read ahead here- Now here we are at what could be the SINGLE most difficult hostage to rescue. Down the tunnel, a hostage and T'rist behind her and slightly to the left await; now the hard part here is shooting the T'rist; if you're not quick enough, he'll begin firing at you, BUT the spray from his shotgun will take out the hostage! So you have to be quick, but not so quick that you hit the hostage instead. Good luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you saved that ungrateful bitch (doesn't even say 'Thanks'), your next opponent is the dreaded Subway. As soon as the thing flys by, jump off the platform head left and jump into the tiny nook. Wait for it to pass again and go a bit further to the door. Pass through the next room, then jump onto the stopped Subway car to the right. Hey, hobos! Oh never mind, just a few T'rists. The two will quickly begin firing at you, so send them to the Great Mess Hall in the sky. Walk up to the next door, without opening it, and get ready. Hostage Situation #4 When you open the door at the end of the car, angle yourself a bit to the left, and you'll see several hostages and several T'rists at varying distances from you. Just shoot the closest T'rist, next closest, then so on. You may want to move foward as you fire at them, so you don't have to use your Ingalls or whatever for long-distance battling. Watch out for the running hostages! ---------------------------------- Alright, we're almost done. Continue on and kill T'rists until you reach the locked door, then double back and enter the man's bathroom. There's a T'rist in here, in either one of two places : In the second stall from the entrance, or at the far end of the bathroom. Either way, kill him. Now, in the farthest stall from the entrance, you'll find none other than the bomb! Eieeeeee! But don't worry, you should have about 2 minutes left, and the bomb only takes a solid 40 seconds to disarm. But wait! Get the blue bar almost completely, but leave it there! DO NOT disarm the bomb yet, rather, get as close as possible to disarming it without actually disarming it. Wait until EXACTLY 7 seconds to the detonation and finish it off! You'll get a transmission, full health, AND body armor! Hell yes! Head back to the locked door from earlier and shoot off the lock. Head up the stairs, picking off guards from below, jumping over exploding catwalks, until you get to the top. Shoot off the lock, and run. Run, Jimbo, run! Run as fast as your control stick can carry you (um, yuck) and jump onto the rope hanging from the balloon. Now you've caught the Assassin Chick and... MISSION COMPLETE ----------------------------- Mission V: Cold Reception Objectives: A) Draw terrorists away from Elektra B) Destroy fuel dump at tower #1 C) Destroy fuel dump at tower #2 D) Get to the bottom of the peak Since this is a "rail" level (you'll see what I mean) it's a bit hard to write a walkthrough. I could write a "railthrough" but there's really no need. So I'll provide tips instead. Cold Reception: List of Important Things to Know 1. At two places on the ski-slope you'll pass large towers surrounded by fuel barrels. You must shoot these barrels to destroy the towers, thus completing Objectives (B) and (C). 2. Whenever there is a junction, take the left path; in other words, hold and on the controller. The left paths lead to body armor, which you likely won't survive without. 3. The use of Automatic Weapons is HIGHLY recommended. Don't fire too much, or you'll be stuck using the Magnum or P2K. 4. Press often to keep Bond moving at a slow rate. While this will make it easier for the enemy to hit you, it will also make it easier for you to hit them. 5. At the very end of the level, you will find 3 rows of Fuel Canisters. AS SOON as you see these, shoot them all, or a nearby T'rist will do it for you, and you will likely be killed by the explosion. I suppose that's it. Enjoy the mission, it's a fun one, and when you're done... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission VI: Night Watch Objectives: A) Avoid alerting Gabor. B) Avoid alerting Davidov. C) Avoid any casualties. D) Find telephones and plant wiretraps. E) Photograph documents proving Davidov is a traitor. Mmm, stealth. My absolute fave type of mission. IMO, this level kicks ass. Mmm... smell that? That's a good, 20-minute level of stealthy goodness. Yum. You start out in your room. Slap a phone tap on the nearby phone, then go out on the balcony. Jump onto the arch on the left, then down to the ground. Shoot the lock of the gate in front of you (use the X-Ray glasses to make sure the guard isn't nearby). Wait until the patrolling guard is facing away from you, then jump out and rape him... er, actually, use the Watch Stun and punch him out. Down the path more, do what you did to the first guard... no, no, zip your pants up, I mean Watch Stun and punch! Open the door of the guard house and stick the guard with a dart. As he slumps to the ground, kneel down beside him, and punch him out. Now he'll never wake up again. Use your data scramble on the small black gadget on the control panel. Now that the cameras are out, we can proceed a little further. Head back to where you came from and go left. Pass the guards by running by behind the bushes. Stun and punch the next guard standing by the pool (Gabor may be around, so be careful), and head to the next area. Dash to your left, behind the bush, and camp out in the corner. Gabor will pass by fairly soon, so when he heads of to the pool for some skinny-dipping (not really, ew) continue on, hiding behind the bushes to avoid guards. When you get to the other end of the bushes, wait for the guard who patrols around the area to pass. Follow him to the door, wait till he's past the other two nearby guards, then open the door and DO NOT MOVE. The guards will hear and ready their guns, but as long as they don't see you (i.e., you don't move) they'll continue, um, standing, so head through, open the next door, and don't move again. When they stop paying attention, enter the room and hug the left wall. On your way to the adjacent door, slap a tap on the second phone. When you reach the next door, use your X-Ray vision to peer through to the other side. You'll see a guard walk by. Open the door, sneak up behind him, and use the ol' stun and punch technique. Take the door to the right (from where you entered) and bug the phone in that room. Head back into the circular room, and take the final door. Peek outside, and you should see a guard. Hide back in the circle room, with the door closed and your X-Specs on, and when the guard passes by, jump out and stun/punch. Head for the security trailer strait ahead, enter, and stick the guard with a dart (don't forget to kneel down and punch him into oblivion). Use your data scrambler on the small black dealie, just as before, and the next set of cameras will be taken out. When you get back outside, there may be another guard about, so take care of him. Head under the arch opposite the security trailer and shoot the lock off the gate the the immediate left. Stun/punch the patrolling guard, dart/punch the guard in the trailer, and black out the cameras. Head into the building opposite the archway. Now you should be in what appears to be a kennel or some such thing. Head into the small room at the end and take out the two guards however you wish. (I recommend dart/kneel/punch). Open the safe in the corner and photograph the papers inside. Head through the next door. You're now in a small forested area. The 4 (!) obviously bored guards are having a small orgy, but if you try to join in... er, if you get to close (which you will) the guards will start attacking. Therefore, you should equip your darts beforehand and stick 'em all. Then kneel down and punch each one, forever sending them to hell. As you make your way down the path, equip your camera. When you enter the cabin ahead, Davidov will be approaching, so you have to act fast. Enter, photograph the open booklet, photograph the papers on the other table, and smack the final phone with a tap. Now jump in the back of Davidov's car and... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission VII: Midnight Departure Objectives: A) Eliminate Davidov. B) Pick up Davidov's phone. C) Get the controller to land plane. D) Find Dr. Arkov's I.D. Badge. E) Find an item to bribe the pilot. F) Board the plane. G) Avoid civilian causualties. This level is awsome. Why so great? First, because there are two different ways of playing it; you can either go batshit with the first automatic you pick up, or slowly proceed through the level in a stealthy manner. I only suggest using this particular walkthrough if you're really having trouble with the level - otherwise, carve your own path and have some fun. I'll be writing the walkthrough using stealthy methods. You can follow this walkthrough even if you decide to go Doom-style-shoot-'em-up, you'll just face a lot more enemies, at different times. When you hit the first fork in the road, take a right into the forest. Equip your night vision and your Duestche Rifle, and switch it to 'Single'. Shoot the first guard you reach in the back of the head. Now stay put, with N-Vision still on. Davidov will stroll by any minute, so take a quick shot at him. If you miss, don't worry, you'll still be able to pick him off, later. If you hit him (in the head), then sweet, don't forget to pick up his phone. Either way, 3 guards will come at you with guns ablaze. Take care of them with your P2K. Run onto the road, head right, and take the next forest path you see. Continue down this path, taking out any guards you see, then take a right when you hit the next fork. You should stumble upon a cabin surrounded by two or three guards, who you should quickly and silently kill before they can raise too much alarm (or just set one off). When they're all taken care of, enter the cabin, grad Dr. Arkov's I.D. Bagde off the table, and blow up the alarm for good measure. Head straight ahead from the cabin, and left at the junction. Head right, along the river, shooting the guard on the thin island, the two on the bridge, and any others who come around wondering why their buddies just groaned in pain and fell off the bridge. Cross the brigde and take out the three guards around the alarm box, then the alarm itself. Continue on down the road until you hit the Airfield (watch out for the sniper hidden in the trees along the way!). If any alarms were tripped, there will be a bunch of thick-armored body guards near the entrance to the airfield. These guys can rip you to shreds on AGENT, so you'll most likely have to restart. Head to the far right building, the warehouse looking one, and enter. Kill the two guards inside and grab the blue sports bag off the floor. Chances are that the guards in the nearyby parking lot will have come to check out what the hell is going on. I'm sure we all know the saying "Curiosity killed the cat". Get my drift? Ho-hum. Head to the far building, shaped somewhat like a backwards 'L'. Kill the two guards outside and enter through the door on the left. If you didn't assassinate Davidov earlier, now's your chance to do so. Make sure you get his phone. Head up the stairs to the top (watch out for the lone guard) and put your gun to the back of his head. He'll quickly order the plane to land, so head on down, and after your nice chat with the blue-suit... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission VIII: Masquerade Objectives: A) Infiltrate Facility - do not arouse suspicion B) Dr. Jones must survive - feel free to arouse her C) Avoid innocent casualties D) Pick up the locater card E) Escape from Blast Pit This mission is easy peasy, especially compared to the last few. And, it is the first time to meet Dr. Jones... mmm. Not much else to say, so let's get going. Walk up to Akakievich, the green suited man, and show him your papers. The IDA Physicist is hiding behind the tents, where, if you're careful enough, you can find her masturbating intensly. Oh, if only... I don't care if she's polygonal, she'll still hot... Whip 'em out for Dr. Jones, the papers, I mean, and she'll tell you to take the elevator. She'll follow you in and you'll descend into the underground facility. She needs to "check something", or in other words, stare at a blank computer screen, so head through the large door by hitting the small panel on a wall nearby. Take a right and head through the next large door. After the cinematics, watch grapple up out of the pit (the target is directly above you) and take out the blue suits. Pick up any guns/ammo lying around and head through the only open door. Push the large "thing" (it's hard to miss) taking out the guards who come storming out, until you reach a room on the right side. Kill the lone guard and pick up the little locater card somewhere on the floor. Continue pushing the large "thing", until it gets smashed by the doors. Jump on the nearby crates then over the "thing". Kill the enemies who rush you and thos in the room at the end. Approach Renard in the elevator and he'll leave on the lift, leaving you a little present. Run away, and jump on the black and yellow bar hanging from the ceiling. Kill all of the guards in the blast pit and enter the only open door. Kill all the guards you can from behind the fire, then cross over on the platform hugging the right wall. Kill any leftovers and move on back to the facility entrance. Kill the three guards and jump into the lift. Nothing will happen, and a wall of flame will be hurtling toward you, but don't worry. The lift will automatically leave when the flame gets close enough, so before you try to grab Dr. Jones's breast as one last fling before you die, just laugh at the officers who get engulfed in the flame and camly sit back as the movie starts playing and... MISSION COMPLETE ----------------------------- Mission IX: City of Walkways I Objectives: A) Locate Zukovsky B) Keep Dr. Jones alive. C) Do not eliminate your allies D) Keep Zukovsky alive E) Retrieve computer files from the fishery office. The peeps over at E.A. sure are nasty. After pampering you with obscenely simple levels through the first half of the game, they decide to throw some obscenely difficult levels at you up through the last two. Well, obscenely hard if you don't know how to take 'em. But you have my guide, so you do. After staring at Bond's kick-ass BMW (and Dr. Jones) for a while, head up into the office where a cutscene will ensue. Resist the urge to pop a cap in Zukovsky's backside and head through the door and down the ramp, killing off the two guards. When you reach the next door, open and immediatly dash behind the boxes ahead. Two T'rists will round the boxes to greet you, but you should greet them with the giving end of your Ingalls. Jump out from the boxes and charge/kill the two T'rists on the higher level. Trip the switch and head through the big door. Kill the three T'rists, and pick up the GL-whatwhat. Equip it and activate the elevator. When the elevator comes down and opens up, shoot in a grenade to kill all four T'rists at once! After taking the elevator, you'll run into two T'rists and a conveyor belt. Kill the T'rists and take the conveyor belt. The enemies in the adjacent room will fire at you, but when you get to the other side, only one will follow you, so kill him off. Peer over the side of the platform, opposite the conveyor belts, and kill the enemies below, then jump down. Kill any you missed, hit the switch, and head through the boxes to the door, killing any T'rists you encounter along the way. Now as fast as you can head down the right path, kill the GL-toting guard, kill the T'rist in the small building, hit the switch, and duck behind the wall. After the gunfire dies down, run off down the other path (from the big door, left) and kill the guy near the boxes. From here kill the men on/near the boat, then pick off the Rocket-Launching bastard down and to the left. Head down, then up back up the next ramp. Cross the bridge as fast as possible, then kill the man behind the boxes. Camp out behind them for a moment, then go around them and continue forward. Dodge the rockets the T'rists fires at you and return the favor with a bullet to the brain. Head right into the caviar, um, brewery? Head up the ramp opposite the entrance and kill off everyone on the next level. Rinse and repeat. Enter the door on the top level and kill the final few guards. Give the computer a go with the Covert Modem, then head down the nearby ladder. Kill the final T'rist and when you near the last building it's.... MISSION COMPLETE -------------------------------------------------------- Mission X: City of Walkways II Objectives: A) Return to Zukovsky B) Collect equipment from Zukovsky's car. C) Do not eliminate your allies D) Destroy the attack helicopter. This level is simple. Everything about it. Once you learn my mighty method of destroying the chopper (among other things) you realize how easy this level is. However, it's very time consuming. But that's no big deal. So let's go kick some ass. Turn around at the start and grab the body armor, Soviet, and the useful sticky grenades. Head through the far door, and hit the switch. Wait for the chopper to pass, then cross and kill off the two guards. Enter the warehouse, then round the boxes and shoot the T'rist in the high window. Help the big Z's men kill the T'rists on the floor, then throw a sticky grenade (um, yuck) up into the window, and get the hell away from that general direction. When it explodes, head onward and up the stairs. Collect all the scattered ammo (hmm, heh) and go down the other set of stairs. Kill the two guard who literally try to jump you, then head through the door. Immediatly head up the left bridge here and jump across the falling-apart walkways. When you get to the other side, get through the door fast to avoid gunfire. Inside the warehouse, help Z's men kill off the T'rist colony before the lay their eggs, making sure not to miss the storage crate full of ammo, then exit through the back door. Quickly take a right here, and grab the body armor refreshment along with some ammo. Here you first meet the attack chopper. Facing in through the other side of the building, is the chopper, firing at you. You'll be trapped here, but eventually it'll go away, so just sit and wonder why the pilot doesn't come around the building and kill you. When it leaves, head out the other side of the building and take the rightmost metallic walkway. Make sure to kill the T'rist before you get too close. Head left and into the building. Soon you'll see two T'rists and some TNT barrels. Shoot the barrels and laugh as their limp body fly back and hit the wall. See those little moving fires? Take cover, because those things head strait for the other barrels, which will also explode taking out almost everyone in the joint! So kill anyone left and exit. Before you waltz through the second door, though, open it, jump out, and jump back in, being sure to back far away from the door. In a few seconds the chopper will fly by, and, pause the game here and read ahead. Take out the Rocket Launcher that you should have, and now run down the path. Facing slightly left, you should see a large red box. Fire off a rocket at that box, and if it hits, it'll take the T'rist down. As you're running towards the platform, you have to shoot off a rocket at the T'rist, hopefully hitting the box he's on and killing him. When you get to the platform, dash down the ramp in the middle and grab the, oh yes, OH YES, THE MIGHTY AT 420 SENTINEL! This baby is your ticket to destroying that chopper. But unlike some guides may tell you, do not go up and try to use guided rockets on the chopper. You'll be a sitting duck, and it will quickly make gruel out of you. Instead, you have to turn on the auto function, stand under the ramp, to either side a bit, so you have a small crack from which to shoot the chopper when it passes by. So whenever it stops to fire at you through your little crevace, pop a rocket off at it. After about five or so rockets, the damned thing will finally fall, and the drawbridge will lower. Take out the final two guards, and when you enter the caviar plant... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission XI: Turncoat Objectives: A) Pursue Bullion B) Rescue the Hostages C) Dr. Jones must survive D) Avoid innocent casualties The hardest part about this level is that, unlike other levels, you actually do have to hurry. And the civilians are idiots. They run right in front of your bullet stream yelling, "Don't shoot!". Damnable. Good luck. Follow Bullion around the corner, then head up the ladder and walk to the end of the platform for a P2K. Jump down and double back down the street. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- An "oddly more satisfying" way of obtaining weaponry was sent in by Kevin Rice - "For the Turncoat level (where you're chasing Bullion), instead of heading up the ladder to grab a gun at the very beginning, I find it oddly more satisfying to use the stunner from your watch on the first enemy you see. He'll go into convulsions and drop his gun. Pick up his gun. switch to it and kill him with it. It's a Magnum .44 so it's also one shot kills with a little bit of zoom ability." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the two T'rists by the blue truck, then kill three more behind the short wall. Shoot the car around the corner to take out the next three that rush you. Head down the side alley then kill the 3-4 T'rists around the next corner. Round another corner, kill two more T'rists, and head up into the bath house. There are 2 hostages here. First save the one across from the door, then the one diagonally left of the door. Kill the three on the second floor while still on the first floor, then grab the body armor and head up the stairs. When you get to the roof, after several flights of stairs, kill the sniper on the roof facing the door, and cackle as he falls to become nothing more than a splat on the streets below. Kill the other T'rists in the area and jump to the roof of the next building at the gap in the railing. Kill more T'rists up here, then head right and down the ramp, then kill yet more T'rists. Yeesh. Where'd they all come from? Jump to the next building and head through the various rooms until you reach yet another building top. Kill the two T'rists and climb the ladder in the corner. Yet another goddamn pair of T'rists await. And another on the next roof. Yikes. Jump through the hole in the farthest grating. In the small hallway there are 5 (!) T'rists taking turns on the hostage (poor soul), so kill them all as quickly as possible. In the next room, kill the lone T'rist on the bottom floor to save another hostage. Open the double-door and kill the 3 T'rists to save one more hostage. Kill the guard to the right in the next room to save the final hostage. Head through the next doors then make an immediate left and up the stairs to "catch" Bullion and it's... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission XII: Fallen Angel Objectives: A) Open security door with scanned fingerprint from Bullion. B) Rescue M at all costs C) Stop Elektra from warning Renard D) Do not eliminate your allies This is the last of the realy difficult missions, and it's not even that hard, so don't sweat. As long as you know what to do, which is just the info this guide supplies, you'll make it out fine. Grab the gun by Zukovsky (it's about time he died) and head up the left stairs. Pass by Z's man and shoot the guard through the grate in the next door. Shoot the guards that come storming out ("Damn kids, ya can't have yer ball back!!!") and then turn left and blast the security camera. Enter the through the door and grab the equipment off the nearby table. Head back to the beginning, laugh at Zukovsky's rotting carcass, then head through the door behind him, and the next to the right. Shoot the guard to the immediate right and the head left, not down. From this vantage point, you can snipe Bullion, and two guards that would have normally sniped you. So kill the two guards (one on the roof below you, one on the boat in the distance) and shower some bullets on Bullion. Jump through the hole in the roof of the building and kill the five guards. Don't miss the body armor! Head into the next room, kill two guards, then down the stairs and kill two more. Head out onto the docks. When you reach the small peice of dock where Bullion was (behind the sandbags) whip around and spray the two guards who just came from where you came from. Find Bullion's body (it may be underwater) and use the fingerprint scanner on it. Head back up to the security door (watch out, some guards have re-spawned) and take out the camera opposite it. When you open the door, don't go all the way through. Instead, shoot the two cameras before the can see you to avoid a deadly trap. Head up the stairs. If the cameras saw you, however, you'll be locked in and posionous gas will begin flowing in. So select your watch grapple and grapple up through the hole in the ceiling. Take the ladder and now your right where the stairs would've taken you. Kill the two guards here and head right. Head for the final cell on the right, and shoot the lock off. Now it's time to fight Gabor. Simply kneel down and punch him repeatedly in the kneecaps until he falls. Simple. ---------------------------------- An alternate strategy for killing Gabor was sent in by Kevin Rice - "Instead of punching him in the knees, use the stunner on your watch. He'll drop his gun. Pick it up and kill him. It's quicker and more sinister. heh" - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Take his P2K and head upwards, killing guards all along the way. When you reach Elektra and M, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, you know what to do. Bond never misses. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission XIII: A Sinking Feeling Objectives: A) Board Submarine B) Locate and rescue Dr. Jones unharmed C) Gain access to Control Room D) Ensure safety of submarine crew E) Destroy Steering Controls F) Escort Dr. Jones to Mine Room The second-to-last level is suprisingly short and easy, so don't get too nervous. There's really nothing special to killing the guards, either - just point and shoot. Certainly you can do that, Bond. Take out the first two guards as silently as possible, preferably by sneaking up behind them then busting a quick cap in their head; for the patrolling guard, hide behind the box closest to you at the start.When he passes by, sneak out behind him and give him a stun/punch with your watch. For the standing guard, just shoot him in the back of the head. Kill the patrolling guard when he passes by. Take the Suisse SSR and kill the guards on the "wing" on the sub and the bridge to the sub, from as far away as possible. Use the MB POW to quickly blow the remaining three guards to hell. Cross onto the sub, climb the ladder, and jump into the sub. ---------------------------------------------------- The following tip was sent in by Byron McMullen - "ON the second to last level of TWINE you can skip the first few guards by walking down to the tail of the sub jumping in the water and swimming onto the tail then kneel down and walk along the left side of the sub and climb the latter. You will save a lot of life and won't waste ammo." ------------------------------------------------------------ Down the ladder to your left is a guard, but he's kind of difficult to see as he matches the floor. Head through the door behind the ladder. Turn on your X- Ray Specs to see through the wall to your left - if Christmas is in this room, don't enter. If not, jump in and kill the guard (be careful not to shoot the submarine crew! They're in navy blue). Head back to the ladder. Look through the wall to the left with your X-Specs. If Jones is in here, don't enter. If not, kill any hostiles inside. Head through the door opposite the ladder and head left. X-Ray peep through the wall to the right. Once again, if Christmas is inside, don't enter, if not, kill the enemies inside. Head through the other door, and through the next door to get to the navigation room. In here are three Frinesi-toting guards; there may also be another patrolling guard nearby. Kill everyone in the immediate area, then exit the navigation room through the opposite door. Head forward again, then right into the control room. There are about five guards in here, so be careful. Now head back to whichever room Christmas was in and take her to the mine room, located past the control room and as far down that hall as you can go. Head for the steering controls in the back room of the Control Room and shoot them to blow them up. The sub will smash to the bottom of the sea nose-first and... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Mission XIV: Meltdown Objectives: A) Enter the reactor chamber B) Eliminate Renard C) Protect Dr. Jones D) Stop the meltdown E) Escape the flooding sub Ah, yes, the final level. And just like Perfect Dark, it's by far the easiest. A walkthrough will be tough, however, because there is no sense of direction. But I'll try my best. -------------------------------------------------- The following tip was sent in by 'AmandaLover'- "I also have a tip for people who are stuck in the first part of Meltdown where you are swimming: Follow the green lights; they will take you up to the room with the ladder. " ------------------------------ Jump into the water, then go right, through the door, and up for air. Head strait down, through a door, then turn around and head through the door underneath the one you just came through. Head strait down and then left. You should now be in a room with a floating body. Grab the nearby gun, and MB POW90, and head up for some oxygen. Exit this room through where you entered and turn left. Here you have an ammo clip, so grab it and head left. Through another opening you go and then left to find more ammo and get more air from the above pocket. Exit the room and head down. At the end of this passage go left then into the passage leading down. Here you should see a ladder. If so, good, if not, um... sucks for you. Pass the ladder, do a little flipadyjig (er, yeah) and enter the large rectangular door right beneath the one you just came from. Turn right on the other side and head up. When you hit a wall, go left, then right. You should be in a huge passage. If yes, quickly swim up, if not, once again, sucks for you. Sorry, bro. At the top, two of Renard's men are waiting for you. Gun them down and collect the body armor opposite them. Look up and grapple. Jump off when you get to the top and kill another guard. Look up through the open white door and you're in a large chamber. This is the Reactor Chamber. See Renard in the tube up there? Nearby is a red switch. Hit it, and Renard will become nothing more than a big head of yuckiness. Continue grappling upwards for a while until you reach the final room with Christmas, and it's... MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------ Congragulations, my friend! You've just beaten The World is Not Enough of 00 Agent. Now enjoy your Christmas in Turkey, and have some fun with your new Multiplayer Scenario. --------------------------------- 3. Weapons Information -------------------------------- Here I describe in breif detail the weapons of the game, grouped by category. Pistols --------- Wolfram P2K Bond's weapon of choice is a high capacity, semi-automatic pistol that can be equipped with a silencer. Medium range, low damage, but very accurate. Raptor Magnum Very powerful, medium clip, medium range. Not as accurate as the P2K, but much stronger. Mustang .44 This is, for the most part, a Magnum with a limited zoom. Smaller capacity than Raptor. Automatics --------------- Meyer TMP A small automatic pistol, the Meyer has low damage and range but is reliable due to it's decent rate of fire. Duestche M45 Very useful machine gun. So-so rate of fire, but very good stopping power to make up for it. Ingalls Type 20 Silence machine pistol. Widely used by terrorists, with average statistics. A nice auto to have in a fit. MB POW90 Very useful. High damage, clip, and comes with a limited range zoom. Suprisingly accurate. Slow reloading though, which can be a bitch at times. Soviet KA-57 Good damage and stopping power, but eats bullets faster than I eat a burger. Accuracy is down the tubes. Meyer Bullpup Very accurate and with a limited zoom, the Bullpup is sort of a cross between an automatic and a sniper rifle. Useful, but rare in the Single Player mode. Mustang MAR-4 High powered assault rifle with good stopping power and limited zoom. Mustang MAR-4GL We need to see more of these! High powered automatic combined with a grenade launcher is my kinda weapon! Kind of a rip off of PD's Super Dragon. Explosives -------------- GL-40 Single round Grenade Launcher. Grenades can be set to explode on impact or detonate on a five second fuse. RL-22 Single use Rocket Launcher, very powerful. not much else to it. AT 420 Sentinel Very powerful anti-vehicle weaponry. Can be guided by keeping laser pointer on disired target, or can spit out a quick barrage of four unguided missiles. Sticky Grenade Obscenely power grenade. Sticks to any surface, 5-second fuse. Run as far away as you can after setting one of these or you'll be caught in the massave unseen explosion. Plus it has a funny name. Frag Grenade A powerful time-fuse grenade. As with the sticky grenade, set this thing and get the hell outta there. Miscellaneous ------------------- Seamaster Speargun Speargun. Can be single or double barreled. Designed for underwater use, but can be used on land. Delta 900 Mag Powerful crossbow that can be used for sniping as well as close combat. Accurate, pump-action. Duestche M95 Silence submachine gun that doubles as a sniper rifle. Not quite sure if it fit in as a automatic, so I stuck it here. Frinesi Special 12 Very powerful shotgun. Can be used in pump-action or automatic. Use at close range, as accuracy is practically non-existent. Suisse SSR 4000 Incredibly accurate sniper rifle, very powerful, silenced, but takes too long to reload. Duestche SA90 Semi-automatic sniper rifle. Very powerful and accurate. No silencer, though. Stun Grenade When the stun grenade explodes, it lets off a great amount of some unkown, but obviously powerful, substance. Knocks out any enemies within range for approx. 10 seconds. --------------------------- 4. Mini-PSX Walkthrough --------------------------- This is a section I decided to create to breifly help those stuck on the PSX version, which is considerably diffirent from it's N64 counterpart. Note that this is a MINI walkthrough, not as detailed as the main attraction of this document. Nor is it yet complete. Level I: Courier Walk forward and speak to the receptionist. Activate your VLF Disruptor and head through the metal detector. Use your Flash-Bang gun on the guard in front of the door and enter. Enter either elevator here and head upwards. Head through the halls here, being wary of the security cameras, and keep left. Head through the wooden door. Continue down this thin hallway, being especially careful of the security cameras, and head through the next two doors. guards may be in wait here, so have your P2K ready. When you reach the security room, pop the guard and grab the light armor. Head back out the door, watching out for guards, and take a left. Head up the next elevators you reach. On the next level turn left right after the elevator. Kill a guard, take another left, kill another guard, and take yet another left. Jesus, how about a right? Oh, here we go, now enter the first door on your right. Ya see? Intimidation. Oh yes. In this room, mess with the crooked thing on the wall and a panel will slide open. Now you're in a security room. Kill the lone guard, grab the heavy armor, and give the thermos a go with the fingerprint scanner. Now exit the room and head right to the shiny metal door. Slap the fingerprint scanner on the fingerprint lock and head on in. After the cutscene, grab the briefcase and use it to smash open the far left window. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------- Level II: King's Ransom Grab the nearby armor and Frinesi, then round the corner and kill the two T'rists (Terrorists) here. Head around the next corner, blast two more T'rists, round the next corner, and head on until you hit a staircase. On your way up pop the sniper then round the corner already facing right and shoot the T'rist here. Head on until you reach some black doors, and head on through. There are plenty of T'rists around in here, so be careful. Head down the ramp to the first floor. Grab the armor here and find the blue doors. Head through them, and move on until you reach the three barrels blocking the road. Head into the left opening and wait for the snipers to blow up the barrels. Jump out and blow them up. Run down the street and into Micheals Fish 'n Chips. As much as you might want to get a quick snack, there are disguised T'rists about, and the Cigar Chick is gettin away. So take out anyone who pulls a gun on you and head through the back door. Head up the stairs and grapple onto the rope hanging from the balloon. MISSION COMPLETE -------------------------- Mission III: Cold Reception Shoot the enemy on foot in front of you, then pick off the two on the pipeline. Turn right, blow away the other enemy on foot, then head down the nearvby path. When you hit the yellow sign, hang a left. Head through the pipline and take out the enemies on the other side, hiding behind boxes. Now take another left. Kill any enemies you pass then enter the next section of pipeline. After you get out, you'll meet with Elektra, who will run off. Well fine. Take out any nearby T'rists. Head for the boxes underneath the section of pipeline and shoot them to get heavy armor. Now kill every single enemy you can find. Now whip out either your sniper rifle or grenade launcher and take down the three parahawks. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------- Mission IV: Russian Roulette Head over and talk to the blonde chick at the bar. The man gaurding Zukovsky's office will come over to talk to her, so take it as an invitation in. You'll need to use the credit card lockpick, though (Now wait a minute; If the door is locked, what's the point of having a gaurd??). Talk to Zukovsky. He'll give you a credit voucher and force you to win $100,000 in his casino before he says anything. Head to the door to the left of the bar and show your credit voucher to the guard here. Enter the VIP room. Head for the far end of this hallway to play some Blackjack. If you don't know how to play Blackjack, well, I find that rather amusing. But don't mind me, the MI6 transmission screen tells you how. So play until you hit 100,000 buckaroos and head back to Zukovsky. MISSION COMPLETE. -------------------------- Mission V: Night Watch From the big E-K's bedroom, head to the small room to the right and place the telephone bug on, big suprise, the telephone. Exiting the bedroom, head off to your left and give the guard a good smack to drop him. Head through the door past that gaurd, not the nearby one, and bop the next guy before he can raise a commotion. Head left and and look around the area for a telephone, which you should waste no time bugging. Head back to the hallway where you bopped the second guard and head farther down. Hit the room on the left for another telephone, just begging to be bugged. In the right room, take a pic of the computer screen and head back to the main hallway. Turn left and take the stairs, tranquilizing the distant guard. Walk to the door on the right and use the credit card lockpick. Jump into the right hallway here and give the guard a brutal beating before he can hit the alarm. Take a photo of the blueprints on the wall. Exit this room, knock out the gaurd here, then head for the door opposite the stairs. Use your Credit Card Lockpick, then stun the guard with your phone and knock him out. Bug the telephone here. Exit this room, take the door to your right, and grab the Armor and Darts. Exit the storage room and head through the final door, to the right. Take out your Tranquilizer Gun and dart the two guards in here. Move strait ahead into the kitchen and bug the final phone. Leave the kitchen and head down the hallway to the right. Lockpick through the door and photograph the final documents. Head back to the entrance hall and you'll run into your good friend Davidov. He'll order his men to kill you (Big thanks, buddy) and run off. Blow the guards to the other side and head back to the kitchen. Blast the to guards in here, then head right and through the next locked door you encounter (lockpick it) and blow away Davidov's men then Davidov himself. Search his dead body (ew, pervert) and grab his ID Card. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------- Mission VI: Masquerade Head forward and show your ID Badge to the guard. Inside this room, grab the Security Card off the lab table. Had back to the first hallway, continue on, and take the first left junction you hit. Grope around in here to find an Ingalls Type 20 and some Armor. Head back to the main hallway and move on. When you pass the next guard, look for a panel along the rihgt wall. Smack it and the lights go out. Slap on your Night Specs and head onward. Two guards will be here guarding a panel, so slip by and use your keycard on the panel. Head to the end of the hallway and go through the now-unlocked security door. Take off you NV Goggles and head down the stairs. Take a left. Head down this hallway to encounter another guard. Show him 'your' ID Badge and he'll step aside. Look around in here to find a Radiation Badge. Exit and continue down the hallway. Ugh, too many damn hallways. When you reach the end, take the left door into ANOTHER hallway. At the end of this hallway is another guard. Show him your Radiation Badge and he'll grant you access. After the cutscene, shoot the guard to the right, grab his gun and the nearby Armor. Clear the room of enemies, making sure Jones doesn't get blasted. Or I'll kill you. Mmm... sweet, round, Denise... er, anyway, she'll open the door when the enemies are dead. Run through the next hallway before you get closed in, then shoot the enemies behind the boxes. Shoot the silver barrel in the distance to help clear out some of your opposition and reveal some Armor. Run down the hall as quickly as you can so you don't get closed in, and you'll run into your other 'buddy', Renard. Some friend he is, he takes off with the locator card and leaves you a 'present'. So whip around and grapple onto the small red chain. MISSION COMPLETE -------------------------- Mission VII: Flashpoint Take out your P2K and head for Channel 1. Blow away the T'rists and take out your Flash-Bang Gun. Bust in the Channel 1 Control Room and stun the T'rists with the Flash-Bang, then blow them to "Channel 2" with your P2K. Hit the lever in the room and head for Channel 2. Kill the two T'rists and head for the Channel 2 Control Room and Flash Bang the guards, then shoot them. Hit the lever in here. Head out and onward, then enter the first room on your left for some Armor and a Frinesi. Head left into Channel 3 and do everything you did in Channels 1 and 2. Head all the way back to the Main Control Center, and into Pipeline A. Head down the hallway, taking out enemies as you go, until you get inside the pipeline. Head though the pipeline with your Night Vision Goggles on, watching out gor enemies, and when you reach Dr. Jones, grab the Armor and take out the snipers on the above level until Dr. Jones gains access to the rig. ------------ 5. Credits ------------ This is the section where I thank various people for various reasons. So, thanks goes out to: 1. E.A and Eurocom, for making a kick-ass game. - 2. marshmallow, who's simply awesome guides inspired me to write one of my own, and who's Perfect Dark/GoldenEye guides helped me IMMENSLY. Pay them a visit. - 3.The Official Prima Strategy Guide, which informed me of the "Diffuse the bomb at 0:07" trick in Underground Uprising. - 4. Kevin Rice, for the alternate Gabor busting strategy and the alternate strategy for obtaining a weapon in Turncoat. Also for pointing out that I frequently misspelled the word "guard". - 5. CJayC & Al Amaloo for the great sites. Keep it up, guys. - 6. AmandaLover for the green light tip in Meltdown. - 7. Byron McMullen for the guard avoiding trick in A Sinking Feeling. - 8. Micheal Trout, for giving use to the Pen Grenade in King's Ransom. - 9.And last, but not least, YOU, for reading my guide. ----------------------- 6. Copyright Info ---------------------- This guide is written by and copyright ME, Evan Reiter. This guide may not be sold, ripped off, or ANYTHING of the like. If you wish to post this guide on your site, then ASK first. Basically, you may only use it personally OR with my permission. Otherwise, I'll send you to hell with my magical powers. This guide should be found ONLY at: The following sites are allowed to use it if they wish: If you accessed it from anywhere else, e-mail me immediatly. ---------------------- 7. Coming Soon --------------------- This is where I tantalize you with upcoming additions to this always expanding guide. So anyways, right now as you read this, I'll probably be creating: 1. A COMPLETE Mini-Walkthrough for the PSX Version And that's about it, but hey, I'll soon have my 007 Awards guide in the works, so watch out for that. --------------- 8. Updates -------------- 12/16/00 - Initial Release - 12/17/00 - Second Release - Got rid of ASCII, added a weapons info section. - 12/17/00 - Third Release - Completed Weapons Info, tweaked the Walkthroughs, Added Award Time Table. - 12/18/00 - Fourth Release - Fixed the retarded Award Time Chart, and figured out why I've been having retarded chart attacks! I've been writing the guide using font size 10, but when it's posted on GameFAQs it's automatically converted to font size 12! Therefore, the charts get screwed. But now that's fixed. Also, I did the first two levels of the Mini-PSX Guide. - 12/19/00 - Fifth Release - I must suck at these tables, the Awards table is still getting screwed up on the net. But anyhow, I have a bit of a suprise - I'll be creating another Guide to getting the cheats. But that'll be a while off, as I'm still in the process of getting them all. Also, added some alternate strategies for Turncoat and Fallen Angel, along with some corrected spelling errors. Thanks goes out to Kevin Rice. - 12/20/00 - Sixth Release - Made the "A Sinking Feeling" walkthrough more detailed, as it, um, sucked. Plus added two more levels to the Mini-PSX Walkthrough. - 12/21/00 - Seventh Release - Added a few more levels to PSX walkthrough. - 1/2/01 - Eight Release - Nothing fantastically new. I just added a few places where this guide is allowed to be found, because it has been on GameWinners for a while now but I've been way too damn lazy too update. But anyways, don't expect updates until around the end of break. But why, you say? Because, frankly, I got a PS2 from the 'rents for X-Mas and Final Fantasy 9 OWNS my sorry ass. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! - 1/5/01 Ninth Release - Added a small FAQ, and some more credits. That's all. I'm a lazy bitch who's very sorry ass currently belongs to Chrono Cross. I only have 3 1/2 days of break left ='(. Added a small emailing terms section.... ------ FAQ ------ This section is miniscule (it has what, 2, 3 questions?), but it will grow with time. CHECK HERE BEFORE EMAILING ME!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Q: I couldn't some phones on Night Watch where you said they where. Why? A: Because you are playing it on Secret Agent or Agent and they are in different places on each difficulty. If you ARE playing on 00 Agent, then I'll see you in Video Game Hell. - Q: I can't get out of the tunnel in Masquerade, I tried jumping and it didn't work! What am I doing wrong? A: For the last time, as described perfectly clearly in the walkthrough, you have to jump up so that you hit the yellow and black bar hanging from the ceiling. - Q: Where are the grapple points in Meltdown after I beat Renard? A: After hitting the red switch that takes out Renard, head to the opposite side of his tube and grapple to the same point used to get into the room. Jump to the platform, grapple up through the above door, and you're on your way. - Q: How do I get for . A: Wait for my cheat guide. - Q: How do I get into the back of Davidov's car at the end of Night Watch? A: Stand near the trunk and press the 'B' Button. - This next one's a special case - Q: If I open the cartridge, and use it to set a small amount of Gelatin, will I be able to use it as a dip dish? A: Well, it depends, on what kind of Gelatin and what kind of dip. Also, chips used for dipping is an important factor. After setting the Gelatin you may need to cleanse it, but I'd say other than that you're good to go! ------------- Emailing Me ------------- Email me at AOL Instant Message me at GameKeeper87 or SuperMagicSloth. And, the first thing you should do before emailing me, is read these guidelines. 1. MAKE IT LEGIBLE - If you want me to answer your question better, WRITE LEGIBLY!!!! I swear to Christ, about 80-something percent of the mail I get sounds something like "i hav a problem i cant find the phone in nigth watch wher yo said it is i am doin something wrong where is it?". Now I've been putting up with it, but I'll be goddamned that it hasn't already driven me crazy. So as of this update, any email written to me in this manner will either A) Instantly deleted, or B)Written back to with an answer written personally by me which mocks your horrible sense of punctution and doesn't answer you question in the least!!! So throw in some damn commas! Capitalize! Use spell check! LEARN HOW TO WRITE BEFORE YOU USE UP 5 MINUTES OF MY LIFE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE BLOODY HELL THE SENTENCE "i cant find whre it isnt is i am stciuk what am i dong wrng id my gme glitch i ned help!" MEANS!!!! Oh, Christ... 2. If you are playing on AGENT or SECRET AGENT and have a problem, do not email me. I run a 00 AGENT and ONLY 00 AGENT guide here. THIS IS A 00 AGENT GUIDE!!! I mean, hell, I appreciate the support, but if you're using a guide for higher difficulties on a lower difficulty, FOR ANY GAME, you are bound to get screwed. So just don't do it! 3. Appraisle mail is welcome. ;-) 4. Hate mail is welcome, too. Go ahead. If you don't like me, go ahead and tell me. All this appraisle I'm getting is going to my head. Come on peeps, pound down. I need it. 5. Don't be offended if I reply to you with extreme sarcasm. This being my first Guide, I'm not used to getting much mail. Frankly, I get bored reading it, so my own personal morbid sense of humor kicks right in. I most likely will start out with some sort of boorish comment, so realize I'm just kidding and take it up the ass. That's it for now. Keep these in mind. ----------------------- ~End of Document~