=================================================== MIDNIGHT CLUB: STREET RACING for PS2 "Capture the Flag" Guide Version 1.0 - December 25, 2000 Copyright (C) 2000 Jamie Stafford by Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM This guide may ONLY be posted on GameFAQs.com Permission is granted to download and print one copy for personal use =================================================== Sections: 0.) About This Guide 1.) Introduction 2.) Rules 3.) Tips for Beginners 4.) Advanced Challenges 5.) Good All-around Vehicles to Use 6.) Is Rockstar Games Reading This? 7.) Thanks 8.) Contact Information =================================================== 0.) About This Guide First, I humbly appologize if this guide reads like an academic paper :-( I know I have been in Academia too long!!! The information contained in this file is primarily based upon one player versus the CPU, the way I usually play "Capture the Flag." =================================================== 1.) Introduction MIDNIGHT CLUB: STREET RACING has two main modes of play: Career and Arcade. The Arcade mode contains "Capture the Flag." Also, any bonus vehicles unlocked in the Arcade mode (in "Head to Head" and "Waypoint") are available in "Capture the Flag." Other guides for this game (as well as PS2 magazines) contain information concerning the availability of bonus vehicles; suffice it to say that winning Waypoint races at #10 or above for both New York City and London, and finding the pink beams of light in each city in "Cruise," unlocks bonus vehicles. =================================================== 2.) Rules "Capture the Flag" pits the player against one or more CPU opponents in the chosen city. Each match begins with the player and the CPU opponent(s) in the same location each time; however, the placement of the flags and the delivery points are all randomized. The rule is to grab each flag (drive through or very near to the green searchlights containing the flag) and deliver it to the delivery point (by driving through or very near to the larger mass of green searchlights). Fortunately, one is not required to be the first to grab each flag in order to gain maximum points at the delivery area. If a CPU car has a flag, the player need only ram the CPU vehicle to gain possession of the flag. On the other hand, a player can lose the flag if rammed by a CPU vehicle. Ramming can also have other consequences. Any vehicle (CPU- or player-controlled) can lose a flag by ramming anything with sufficient velocity. This can be disastrous when driving against traffic, or through a grove of trees. In a single-player versus single-CPU-vehicle match, the CPU vehicle will be the same as the vehicle chosen by the player; if color options are available, the CPU vehicle will be of a different color. In any case, the CPU vehicle is always designated by a down-pointing red triangle, to help the player to distinguish the opponent; this is especially useful at a distance, to "see" the opponent far down a long straight road or sometimes even "through" buildings and other obstacles. =================================================== 3.) Tips for Beginners The first tip to achieving success in "Capture the Flag" is to simply roam around each city first in "Cruise." This allows the player to discover various shortcuts, obstacles, etc. Cruising with varying amounts of traffic also helps the player to better identify the strategies needed for high-speed racing in both thick and thin traffic. (This tip helps not only in "Capture the Flag," but in other Arcade and Career segments as well.) Initially, only four vehicles are available: a standard taxi cab, the Crusero Bueno (a slow "boat"), the Jones J400 pick-up truck, and the Piranha PDQ (a tiny car). My personal favorite of these four is the Jones J400, as it is easy to control, responds well to cornering, and has fairly good brakes. This version of the Jones does not have any Nitrous (turbos). At 218bhp, it is fairly powerful and can achieve impressive speeds when driving in a straight line. Overall, the Jones J400 is a good car to begin with: challenging yet relatively easy to control. While the temptation to mow down pedestrians is great (a fabulous side-effect of the game), pedestrians will slow the vehicle, albeit slightly. If driving side-by-side with a CPU opponent at breakneck speed, hitting a pedestrian may cause the vehicle to lose just enough ground for the CPU vehicle to take advantage in some way. Also, hitting a pedestrian can alter the trajectory of the vehicle, which at high speeds can be disastrous. In the first "Capture the Flag" sessions, playing with no or little trafffic may seem like a good idea, but can actually lead to failure. With no or little traffic to navigate, the CPU vehicle has just as easy a time flying down the streets and highways as does the player. This makes high-speed cornering and knowing the respective city's streets and shortcuts a top priority. The first sessions should be played with medium traffic. Amazingly, driving AGAINST traffic can be beneficial, especially if playing in rainy or foggy conditions. By driving against traffic, the headlights of other vehicles make it easier to see the traffic. In both New York and London, busses can be both a curse and a blessing. As a curse, busses are BIG, incredibly bulky, and practically immoveable. As a blessing, a bus in an intersection can be useful for making a quick turn around a corner, by ricocheting the vehicle at just the right angle. This latter maneuver takes practice, and "Capture the Flag" may not necessarily be the time to practice it; try this first in "Cruise." What appears to be the quickest route to a particular point in the city may in actuality NOT be as quick as it appears. This is especially true if that route requires a lot of tight cornering. Instead, look for a long stretch of straight or gently-curving road, especially one with few stop lights (less stopped traffic to navigate through; stopped traffic is essentially a brick wall). Alternatively, drive through a park, but avoid trees, the occasional building, fountains, ramps, and boulders. While the initial placement of flags and delivery points is always random, each occurs in only ten or so places in each city. Learning where the flags and delivery points are usually located will help in deciding whether to concede a particular delivery in hopes of being nearer to the next flag. Amazingly, the CPU-controlled vehicles can and do make mistakes!!! These vehicles will crash into buildings, other vehicles, trees, etc. In London, they will occasionally even fall into the Thames River!!! Taking full advantage of these situations can mean earning more points. The best tip of all is "clean" driving. "Clean" is purposely used here in quotes as the premise of "Capture the Flag" forces all opponents to break virtually every traffic law in existence. Nonetheless, fast reflexes, judicious use of the Nitrous (if available), immaculate cornering, and avoiding obstacles (including streetlights, trash, pedestrians, and especially brick and stone walls) can all help to reach the flags and the delivery points first. "Clean" driving also means keeping vehicle damage to a minimum, especially in vehicles with poor handling and/or low damage tolerance. Finally, "clean" driving is greatly aided by near-flawless knowledge of each city. And above all else, do not drink and drive!!! MIDNIGHT CLUB is certainly much more than just "Cruise" and "Capture the Flag." However, learning the cities in "Cruise" and honing the racing techniques playing "Capture the Flag" can greatly prepare the player for the other games and modes of MIDNIGHT CLUB. =================================================== 4.) Advanced Challenges As more vehicles are unlocked, the challenges for "Capture the Flag" can become greater based simply upon the chosen vehicle for each match. Some vehicles are slower than snails and easy to control but essentially damage- proof (such as the busses), while other vehicles are incredibly quick but hard to handle and extremely damage-prone (such as the Kuruma Fasuto GT). Carefully selecting the vehicle to use in a "capture the Flag" match can greatly affect the outcome. =================================================== 5.) Good All-around Vehicles to Use (highly subjective): *Standard Taxi (for those who are not necessarily looking for great speeds) *Jones J400, J420, and J450 (the J450 has 4 Nitrous) *Amata Crescendo (outstanding braking and accelleration, with an incredible 15 Nitrous; this is a bonus car) *London PD Police Car (learning the intricaties of using this car is VERY helpful for the "Head to Head" and "Waypoint" races; this is a bonus car) =================================================== 6.) Is Rockstar Games Reading This? Some things to consider for future incarnations of MIDNIGHT CLUB: *More cars available at the beginning of gameplay *More (or at least different) cities across the world - this would also help the marketability of the game (personally, I would like to race through Tokyo and Sydney) *Add levels of difficulty, with fewer CPU "mistakes" at higher levels *More female characters in Career mode *Add motorcycles and cyclists *List stats for cars available at beginning in game booklet *Select a particular opponent from the Career mode (Keiko, Emilio, etc.) as the CPU opponent in "Capture the Flag" =================================================== 7.) Thanks Sony: The PS2 is absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rockstar Games: This game is great :-) Entertainment Software Ratings Board: For a game which essentially promotes lawbreaking and creating collateral damage, the "Teen" rating almost seems tame =================================================== 8.) Contact Information For questions, rants, raves, etc., including the latest version of this guide, contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM =================================================== ======================================================================= Wolf Feather FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM ======================================================================= Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human, there's a remarkable number of things needed to make an individual what they are. - Major Kusinagi, _Ghost in the Shell_ ======================================================================= The Sailor Moon RPG Site: http://mypage.goplay.com/FEATHER7/ HibikiWeb: http://mypage.goplay.com/FEATHER10/ =======================================================================