Date : Wed, 27 December 2000 03:16:00 VALKYRIE PROFILE LIST v0.1 for Sony Playstation by Stinger 3:16 This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some part or whole part of this faq and put your names on it. I don't made this faq for some damn plagiarist put their names on it. I work hard on making this faq, so please don't rip-off my work. Valkyrie Profile is (c) Enix and (c) Tri-Ace. **ATTENTION** 1. For Webmaster If you want to post my faq in your site, please ask me for permission first. I guarantee that I will give you that permission. However, I have some terms that you must fulfill, which is : - You don't sell it away or give it for some kind of bonus - You don't change anything inside my faq, that's including my name as the author and my disclaimer. - You must check for any new updates from at least once in a month for a new games, or once in 2-3 months for an old games. That's all. I'm not asking much and it's not hard to do, so please do that. 2. For Reader If you want to ask me a question, don't forget to put the game's name in the subject field. I had told this in author's note, but I keep receiving some mail without subject. It's not so hard to do that, right? Oh yeah, never say this in your mail "Sorry to waste your time for reading my mail". You're NOT wasting my time. Trust me. I like reading your mail (except those a**holes that send me flames and hate mail) and helping you (if I can). One last thing, from now on I will not reply any flames and hate mail. It's only a waste of time. That's all. I hope you like my faq and can find some useful info. ================================================================================ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ================================================================================ 01. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y 02. I N T R O D U C T I O N 03. S W O R D S L I S T 04. S P E C I A L T H A N K S 05. L I S T O F T H E D A M N E D 06. I M P O R T A N T N O T E 07. A U T H O R ' S N O T E ================================================================================ 01. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y ================================================================================ VERSION 0.1 (27 December 2000) Only the Swords List is available. Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho Hell Yeah. ================================================================================ 02. I N T R O D U C T I O N ================================================================================ This faq is made only for listing everything that can be listed in the world of Valkyrie Profile. No walkthrough or hint on how to beat the bosses in this faq. If you have something in your mind that I haven't listed, please tell me and I will make it if I can. And, if you find some item that I missed, please tell me its description and where you found it. If I put that in this faq, I will give you a proper credit. Remember, this is only a Game List, not a walkthrough, so don't asking me a question about the walkthrough. You can use Steven Bruck's walkthrough. I use it too, and I can finish this game without asking a single question to him. So, if I can do that, you can too. ================================================================================ 03. S W O R D S L I S T ================================================================================ 01. Antler Sword : Sword which evokes the image of a great stag's antlers. It is coated with a special ether coating which makes it impervious to breaking. ATTACK : 00100 ATTACK TYPE : #1 ATTACK THRUST : 00030 HIT THRUST : 00032 ELEMENT : None 02. Bastard Sword : Sword which can be wielded with either one or two hands. 6% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00290 ATTACK TYPE : #1 ATTACK THRUST : 00050 HIT THRUST : 00048 ELEMENT : None 03. Beast Slayer : Sword with incredible power against beasts. It has no ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00100 HIT THRUST : 00175 ELEMENT : None 04. Broad Sword : A variety of longsword. 6% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00130 ATTACK TYPE : #3 ATTACK THRUST : 00020 HIT THRUST : 00026 ELEMENT : None 05. Colichemarde : A type of narrow-bladed rapier. ATTACK : 00150 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2 ATTACK THRUST : 00021 HIT THRUST : 00045 ELEMENT : None 06. Dainslef : Its name means god-slayer, but in fact its power lies in the opposite direction. ATTACK : 08000 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00035 HIT THRUST : 00100 ELEMENT : Holy/Death 07. Demon Sword "Levantine" : A magical blacksword said to be within the stomach of the dragon, Bloodbane. Its power increases as the life force of its wielder decreases. ATTACK : 02200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00040 HIT THRUST : 00090 ELEMENT : None 08. Dragon Slayer : Sword with incredible power against dragons. It has no ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00100 HIT THRUST : 00175 ELEMENT : None 09. Estoc : Long sword designed for a thrusting attack. 8% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00570 ATTACK TYPE : #2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00045 HIT THRUST : 00062 ELEMENT : None 10. Faim Fenn : Former sword of a legendary hero, it is richly decorated and superbly balanced masterpiece. ATTACK : 00060 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00001 HIT THRUST : 00025 ELEMENT : None 11. Flare Baselard : Sword imbued with the power of fire. 5% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00300 ATTACK TYPE : #2 ATTACK THRUST : 00060 HIT THRUST : 00052 ELEMENT : Fire/Damage +50% 12. Glare Sword : Sword which has a chance to petrify foes it strikes. ATTACK : 01200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00001 HIT THRUST : 00085 ELEMENT : Poison/Death 13. Gram : A sword unmatched by any other.But it is so powerful that the wielder will fall into darkness. ATTACK : 02000 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00044 HIT THRUST : 00092 ELEMENT : Darkness/Death 14. Holy Sword "Seraphy" : Sword imbued with the sorrow of mankind over the fate of a fallen angel. 10% chance of doubling the amount magic gems that appear. ATTACK : 00200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00045 HIT THRUST : 00075 ELEMENT : Holy/Damage +90% 15. Ice Coffin : Imbued with the power of light, this sword absorbs Ice-based magic attacks and transfer DME to its wielder. ATTACK : 00550 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00064 HIT THRUST : 00092 ELEMENT : Ice/Damage +50% 16. Icicle Sword : Sword which has a chance to freeze foes it strikes. ATTACK : 01200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00001 HIT THRUST : 00085 ELEMENT : Ice/Death 17. Jewelled Blade "Grimrist" : As its name implies, it is a gaudily fashioned, bejeweled sword whose ferocity belies its beauty. ATTACK : 00100 ATTACK TYPE : #3 ATTACK THRUST : 00001 HIT THRUST : 00030 ELEMENT : Lightning/Death 18. Lightning Edge : A sword whose razor-sharp edge is imbued with the power of lightning. It absorbs lightning-based magic attacks and transfers DME to its wielder. ATTACK : 00070 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2 ATTACK THRUST : 00062 HIT THRUST : 00040 ELEMENT : Lightning/Damage +90% 19. Magic Blade "Cromrea" : Its violet blade contains magic crystal which imbued it with unique power. Damage from Normal Attacks are reduced by 70% but damage from Special Attacks are increased by 50%. ATTACK : 01800 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00049 HIT THRUST : 00077 ELEMENT : Darkness/Damage +50% 20. Moonflax : Sword forged from a fallen meteorite. 5% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00020 HIT THRUST : 00037 ELEMENT : Holy/Damage +50% 21. Pallasch : Sword which is excellent for further slashing and stabbing. ATTACK : 00200 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00026 HIT THRUST : 00050 ELEMENT : None 22. Radiance Sword : Imbued with the power of light, this sword absorbs Holy- based magic attacks and transer DME to its wielder. ATTACK : 00170 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00064 HIT THRUST : 00064 ELEMENT : Holy/Damage +50% 23. Reiter Pallasch : Equipped with a large knuckle guard, this Pallasch affords the wielder with greater defense. ATTACK : 00400 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00016 HIT THRUST : 00082 ELEMENT : None 24. Ruin's Fate : Sword with a disturbing name. 5% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 00400 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2 ATTACK THRUST : 00026 HIT THRUST : 00060 ELEMENT : Darkness/Damage +50% 25. Scarlet Forge : This blood-red sword is imbued with the power of fire. It absorbs fire-based magic attacks and transfers DME to its wielder. ATTACK : 00230 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00062 HIT THRUST : 00067 ELEMENT : Fire/Damage +50% 26. Schweizer-Sword : A uniquely designed sword with 1/3 of the sword double- bladed, and the remainder single-bladed. ATTACK : 00620 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00040 HIT THRUST : 00070 ELEMENT : None 27. Sinclair Saber : A straight-edged saber. ATTACK : 00600 ATTACK TYPE : #1 ATTACK THRUST : 00020 HIT THRUST : 00065 ELEMENT : None 28. Slashing Sword "Farewell" : Sword whose damage increases by 5% each time a hit is made, up to a maximum of +200%. ATTACK : 00320 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00047 HIT THRUST : 00062 ELEMENT : None 29. Sword of Silvans : Long sword forged from a mysterious metal which flashes a brilliant white in combat. It has a 10% chance of petrifying undead. ATTACK : 00800 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00030 HIT THRUST : 00075 ELEMENT : Holy/Damage +50% 30. Valkyrie-Favor : Sword which carries tremendous power when in the presence of Valkyrie. ATTACK : 01600 ATTACK TYPE : #1-2-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00029 HIT THRUST : 00102 ELEMENT : None 31. Viking Sword : Great sword of the type wielded by the legendary berserkers. ATTACK : 00070 ATTACK TYPE : #3 ATTACK THRUST : 00007 HIT THRUST : 00027 ELEMENT : None 32. Walloon Sword : Equipped with a large knuckle guard, it strengthens the wielders defense. ATTACK : 00300 ATTACK TYPE : #1 ATTACK THRUST : 00012 HIT THRUST : 00040 ELEMENT : None 33. Wassail-Rapier : Slim bladed sword. 7% chance of breaking. ATTACK : 01120 ATTACK TYPE : #1-3 ATTACK THRUST : 00065 HIT THRUST : 00065 ELEMENT : None ================================================================================ 04. S P E C I A L T H A N K S ================================================================================ 1. GOD for everything 2. My family and my dogs 3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs 4. Cheat Code Central for allowing me to use their GameShark Codes. Thanks Dave. 5. Enix and Tri-Ace for making this GREAT game 6. My computer 7. You for reading my FAQ ================================================================================ 05. L I S T O F T H E D A M N E D ================================================================================ I remove all the names inside my List of the Damned except the first two. From now on I will focused this Damned List only for those damn plagiarist. 1. Name : VEGA E-mail : Website : He plagiarized my Dino Crisis walkthrough and sell it in his store.He sold it for Rp. 12.500,-. Although he has translate my walkthrough into Indonesian language, I can still recognize it. That stupid son of a ***** translate it words-by-words. The book's title is GAME GUIDE Volume 9. All the previous volume of that book is also ripping someone else's faq (especially from GameFAQs) and translate it into Indonesian. For HS, the animal that I suspect responsible for that, I got few words for you : F*** YOU BASTARD. HOW DARE YOU PLAGIARIZE MY WALKTHROUGH AND SOLD IT IN YOUR FILTHY STORE. ENJOY THAT MONEY WHILE YOU CAN. BECAUSE SOON I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET FOR BEING BORN INTO THIS WORLD. For any of the reader that want to do me any favor, please send flames, hate mail, viruses, bomb, nuclear, or anything to his address. 2. Name : Game Station E-mail : Website : Address : Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251. He plagiarized my friend's walkthrough (also from GameFAQs), so I think that this animal is worthy enough to enter my Damned List. They publish it in Game Station, October 1999, 3rd week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,- For KSH, Sir Maul, Tik Tan, Ratu Bedak, Blue Beo, and anybody that I forgot to mention, I just want to say this : SCREW YOU ALL!!!!! Someday I will visit your office carrying a BIG Shotgun, ready for blowing your f***ing brains out from your f***ing head. Reader, please send this a**hole some 'nice' stuff. 3. Name : X-Boy a.k.a Pansy-Boy a.k.a X-Gay E-mail : This son of a ***** is the webmaster of that ****ing site ( He's the world's dumbest son of a ***** that I have ever met. In their ****ing messageboard, it says that we (faq author) are the same as the plagiarist, cause all we do is just finished the game and then write it down. Ha ha ha ha ha ha, what a good reason. Now you know why I said that he's the world's dumbest son of a *****. If you said that we just finished the game and then write it down, why don't you do that by yourself, mother****er?!?!?! Why you have to ripp my faqs?!?! For Pansy-Boy, Miss Maul, and the rest of your ****ing crew : DIN PAPPA ÄR EN GRIS KNULLARE, SÅ KAN KNULLADE DIN MAMMA OCH HON FÖDDE DIG! Dein Vater ist ein Schweineficker, darum hat er deine Mutter gefickt und ich in die Welt gesetzt! Tu padre es un follador de cerdos, por eso follo a tu madre y hizo possible tu nacimiento! tu padre es un cerdo, que se cogio a tu mama y naciste tu pendejo hijo de toda tu puta madre te voy a matar y vas a sentir mi verga en la garganta hasta que te salga por el culo,,solo asi sentiras lo mismo que le hice a tu madre hijo mio bastardo. jigoku eiku no wa.. omaega saki da. te vas a ir al infierno antes que yo pendejo Bapaklu tukang ngawinin babi, maka ia kawin sama babi terus tuh babi ngelahirin elu. Dasar anak babi. My last note for Damned #1, #2, and Damned #3 All of you will surely burn in hell for what you did, so enjoy that blood money while you can.... ================================================================================ 06. I M P O R T A N T N O T E ================================================================================ Hey, faq-makers, you should read this section. I just receive an e-mail and he told me that he has asking everybody who made a walkthrough (including myself) and I'm the ONLY one that answered. Have you all forgot the manner that your father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail then said so on your faq. Don't let people disappointed. I also have the same experience. I asked someone and he didn't answered me. I don't know if he's a busy man or not, but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because you have made a great faq, and a lot of people e-mail you, it don't make you a great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude. And for myself, I guarantee that I will answer your questions, even if I can't answer it. And if I haven't answered your mail within a week , please mail me back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that. ================================================================================ 07. A U T H O R ' S N O T E ================================================================================ For those of you who want to send comments, questions, or information regarding this FAQ, don't hesitate to mail me. Feel free to e-mail me about any mistakes or additions concerning this FAQ, but don't forget to mention the game's name in the "Subject" field. If you read this FAQ not on these sites : 01) GameFAQs ( 02) Console Gamer ( 03) Absolute Playstation International ( 04) Playstation Network ( 05) Cheat Code Central ( 06) Video Games Strategies ( 07) Planet Web ( 08) Hype.Se ( 09) Game Revolution ( 10) Game Core ( 11) Xcheater ( 12) PhatGames ( 13) Spoiler Centre ( 14) The Cheat Empire ( 15) Cheat Code Central ( 16) Survival Horror ( 17) Games Blaster ( 18) Gaming Addiction ( 19) Diablo Page ( 20) Resident Evil Extreme ( 21) PsxGamer ( 22) SuperCheats ( 23) All Anime ( 24) Adrenaline Vault ( 25) Blue Crescent's Page ( 26) RPG Classics ( 27) Happy Puppy ( 28) Chi Phan's Page ( 29) Bob Santos' Page ( 30) Alternative Reality ( 31) DLH (http://DLH.Net) 32) Firesoft ( 33) Beyond Evil ( 34) Random Page of Crap ( 35) Nemesis' Page ( 36) Boschamp's Page ( 37) Lugia12's Page ( 38) Our Turf ( 39) Randar 83's Page ( 40) Total Video Games ( 41) Cheating.De ( 42) Cheat City ( 43) Fei Yuki's Page ( 44) Web Spot ( 45) Tim's Vault ( 46) Andrea Busia's Page ( 47) Think Evil ( 48) Gaming Planet ( 49) Games Angel ( 50) Crosswinds ( 51) RPG Classics ( 52) GameCastle 53) RPG Legerdemain ( 54) Webcheats ( 55) XCheater ( 56) Neoseeker ( 57) GameThrust ( 58) PC Game Revieew ( 59) DC Guide ( 60) RPG DREAMERS ( 61) RPG-Vortex ( 62) CheatPage ( 63) Wrestling Games ( 64) Resident Evil Mania ( 65) GameSpot ( 66) RPG Temple ( 67) The Horror Is Alive ( 68) PSXCodez ( 69) RPGamer ( 70) RPGClassics ( 71) Cheat Store ( 72) Games Domain ( 73) CHEATS CITY ( 74) CNET Gamecenter ( 75) WarStoke ( 76) Mark Anido's Page ( 77) Joe Chandler's ( 78) Cheatmaster's Gamecheats ( 79) Paladins of Light Guild ( 80) Tipsncheats ( 81) RPG Informer ( 82) The Gamer ( 83) Totally RE ( 84) Game United ( 85) Stoneages RE ( 86) FaQ Headquaters ( 87) GamePower ( 88) United Gamers ( 89) Fresh Baked Games ( 90) DH Gaming ( 91) ResidentFear ( 92) PlayzoneWorld ( 93) GamersWeb ( 94) BDGames ( 95) 96) Sjel's walktrough page ( Please tell me where you read it. And if you know someone who has rip-off my work, please tell me his e-mail address and where you read it, we will take care the rest. Thanks for reading my FAQ and please send in any comments, questions, or informations! This document copyright (c) 2000 Stinger 3:16