
Diamond GT Windows 95 Drivers with InControl Tools 95                README.TXT


Release Notes


This is version 4.02.259 of the Diamond GT Windows 95 Drivers disk, with

InControl Tools 95 version 4.02.129.  This driver currently supports the

following Diamond display adapters:

        Stealth SE PCI


Windows 95 Installation Notes


1.  Install the VGA driver for Windows 95.

        a.  From Windows 95, select Start, select Settings, select Control

            Panel, then select Display.

        b.  Select the Settings tab.

        c.  Select Change Display Type.

        d.  Select Change... in the Adapter Type section.

        e.  Select Show all devices.

        f.  Scroll to the top of the Manufacturers window.  Select (Standard

            display types).

        g.  Select Standard Display Adapter (VGA), then select OK.

        f.  Select Close.

        h.  Select Apply.

        i.  Windows 95 will ask that the computer be restarted.  Click on Yes to

            restart the computer.

2.  From Windows 95, select Start, then select Run.

3.  Insert the Diamond GT Windows 95 Drivers diskette into your floppy drive.

4.  In the Run dialog box, type in the following:

        A:\INSTALL <enter>

    Where A is the drive letter of the floppy drive containing the Diamond GT

    Windows 95 Display Drivers / InControl Tools 95 diskette.

    The following command line switches can be used with INSTALL:

        /f              This forces a Full installation (Diamond GT 

                        display driver and InControl Tools 95).

        /m              This forces a Minimal installation (Diamond GT

                        display driver only).

        /d"drive:\path" This installs InControl Tools 95 into drive:\path. Note

                        that the quotes around the drive and path are

                        required, and that either the /f or /m must be used

                        in conjunction with this switch.

        /r              This forces a system reboot after installation.  Note

                        that either the /f or /m switches must be used in

                        conjunction with this switch.

        /nr             This prevents a system reboot after installation.

                        Note that either the /f or /m switches must be

                        used in conjunction with this switch.

        uninstall       This will completely uninstall the Diamond GT display

                        driver and InControl Tools 95.

5.  From the Diamond Setup dialog box, select Next.

6.  From the Hardware Check dialog box, select Next.

7.  A dialog box will appear containing the path where InControl Tools 95 

    will be installed.  The default path is:

        C:\Program Files\Diamond

    Select Next, or change the path as necessary.

8.  The next dialog box selects the installation type.  There are three

    installation types, Minimal, Full, and Custom.  They are defined as


         Minimal:  This will install only the Diamond GT display driver.

         Full:     This will install both the Diamond GT display driver

                   and InControl Tools 95.

         Custom:   This will allow installation of either the Diamond GT

                   display driver or InControl Tools 95.  At the minimum, 

                   the Diamond GT display driver must be installed during

                   a first-time installation.

9.  If Custom was selected in step 8, a dialog box will appear allowing

    selection of various items.  Select the items to be installed by

    clicking on them with the left mouse button.  When finished, click

    Next to continue.

10. At the Select Files to be copied dialog box, click Next to begin the

    file copy process.

11. After the files have been copied, a Finished Installing dialog box will

    appear.  Remove the installation diskette from the floppy drive, then click


12. Windows 95 will ask that the computer be restarted.  Click on Yes to

    restart the computer.

Selecting A User-Defined Monitor


If your monitor is not listed in the Windows 95 monitor list, you can define

your monitor's specifications using the Diamond Monitor Wizard.  To run the

Wizard, follow the directions below:

1.  Double click on the InControl Desktop Manager icon in the tray.

2.  From the Display Properties box, select the Settings tab.

3.  Select Change Display Type.

4.  Select Change next to the Monitor Type box.

5.  Select Show All Devices.

6.  Select (User defined monitor types).  User defined monitor(InControl Tools

    95) should be highlighted in the right side of the dialog box.

7.  Click OK.

8.  Click Wizard.  This will launch the Diamond Monitor Wizard.

Known Limitations


If these drivers are installed from "Have Disk" with the Microsoft S3 driver 

already active, the Microsoft driver will overwrite the PCI frame buffer 

address.  The system *MUST* be powered down after installing the Diamond GT 

Windows 95 display driver to remedy this issue.  Note that this issue does not

occur when installing over the Microsoft VGA driver.

When installing DirectX applications, a dialog box may appear asking if

you would like to install a certified DirectX driver.  You should select

"No", so that the Diamond GT drivers will not be overwritten.  The Diamond GT

drivers will be DirectX-certified as soon as certification begins by Microsoft.

Random failures in the VDD section of the Microsoft DCT Tests have been noted.

The tests will pass if run manually.  This issue is being investigated.

With a high-color Desktop Theme from the Microsoft Plus! Pack selected, a

single pixel in the center of the screen will be missing.  This issue is being


It is recommend that all screen savers be disabled prior to the installation

of the Diamond GT / InControl Tools 95 product set.

When the Microsoft Office v.4.3 Office Manager splash screen appears, the

splash screen will be white instead of gray.  Two gray blocks will also appear

in the upper left hand corner of Windows 95.  The gray blocks will disappear

after the splash screen goes away.  This problem is being investigated.

MechWarrior 2 for Windows 95 will give a black screen if run in 640x480 mode.

Use 320x200 mode to resolve this issue.  This problem is being investigated.

A General Protection Fault may occur by running After Dark for Windows v.3.1.

Upgrading to After Dark v.3.2 will resolve this issue.

To view the Online Internet Services, your World Wide Web browser must be

registered with the Windows 95 Registry.

Using Microsoft's The Fox and The Bear application in 640x480 16bpp, the

display will not be correct.  This problem is being investigated.

If you encounter problems when setting modes, you may want to try one of the

Standard Monitor Types in the Monitor Type dialog of the Display Properties


With some BIOSes, you may encounter problems switching between the desktop and

320x200 or 320x240 DirectDraw modes.  This problem is being investigated.  A

BIOS upgrade may address this for you.  See below for more information on


With some BIOSes, the Diamond GT driver may not correctly identify your Diamond

display adapter.  A BIOS upgrade may address this for you.  See below for more

information on BIOSes.

The following BIOSes have been tested with the Diamond GT display driver.  If

you have an older BIOS and are encountering difficulties, it is recommended

that you contact Diamond Customer Service at 408-325-7100 (option 3) to get the

current version of the BIOS for your Diamond display adapter:

                Stealth SE PCI:         BIOS 1.02

Issues Addressed


None.  Initial release.

Contacting DIAMOND


If any problems or difficulties are encountered while using this driver, please

fill out a problem report (PDR.TXT) included with this product and forward it

to Diamond Multimedia. You may send the problem report to us via any of the

methods below.

Postal Service  : Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.

                  ATTN: Technical Support

                  2880 Junction Avenue

                  San Jose, CA  95134-1922

FAX             : (408) 325-7171

BBS (to 14400)  : (408) 325-7080

BBS (to 28800)  : (408) 325-7175

CompuServe      : GO DIAMOND

America Online  : GO DIAMOND


WWW             : http://www.diamondmm.com

FTP             : ftp.diamondmm.com

Internet E-Mail : 75300.3673@compuserve.com

All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their

respective owners.


Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.                                    (c) 1993-96

(408) 325-7000                                              All Rights Reserved


$Id: readme.tx@ 1.50 1996/03/29 13:08:03 kevinw Exp $
